Radical proposals often serve as lightning rods, absorbing conflict and allowing opposing groups to find common ground. (Think of the civil rights movement, where Martin Luther King seemed more moderate against the backdrop of Malcolm X.) Informed by evidence that groups actually make better decisions when their leaders are chosen at random rather than selected, I proposed a lottery. My hope was to stimulate thought and discourse about more effective\u2014and feasible\u2014ways to fix our system.

Another factor that influenced my decision: most people I knew seemed to have already chosen a side between academia and industry. Most of the professors I knew were firmly in the academic system (though also dabbling in industry on the side), while most of the people I knew in industry had never seriously considered academia as a career.

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On April 1, 1943, in a mundane task of paperwork approval that was kept secret, the United States established a research laboratory in the mountains of New Mexico. In the paperwork it was referred to as Project Y, and administered by the University of California. Project Y was the designation for the top-secret design and production of the atomic bombs for the Manhattan Project. General Leslie Groves, director of the Manhattan Project chose Robert Oppenheimer, a theoretical physicist, to lead Project Y, which is today better known as Los Alamos.

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"I don't think I had much say in the matter. The universe chose me and by age 11 I had an answer for that annoying question adults ask children. By age 11, I said I was going to be an astrophysicist," said Tyson in an interview with CBS Local's DJ Sixsmith. "It's been that long and I've been thinking about communicating it since I was 15. That was when I gave my first public talk. It was to adults at City College. They paid me to give the talk. I was already six years in on my life's interest."

Chose (pronounced: /oz/, French for "thing") is a term used in common law tradition to refer to rights in property, specifically a combined bundle of rights.[1] A chose is the enforcement right which a party possesses in an object. The use of chose extends from the English use of French within the courts.[2] In English and commonwealth law, all personal things fall into one of two categories, either choses in action or choses in possession.[3] English law uses chose to refer to a bundle of rights, traditionally relating to property which may be utilised in certain circumstances. Thus, a chose in action refers to a bundle of personal rights which can only be enforced or claimed by a chose-holder bringing an action through the court to enforce the action. In English law, this category is enormously wide.[4] This is contrasted with a chose in possession which is a bundle of rights which can be enforced or acquired by taking physical possession of the object. This may be, for example, a legal mortgage.[5] Both choses in possession and choses in action represent separate proprietary interests. What differs between each is the method in which each chose may be enforced. This is dependent on the possessory nature of the reference object.[6]

Alternative, historical uses includes a chose local, a thing annexed to a place, such as a mill; and a chose transitory, something movable that can be carried from place to place.[citation needed]

A chose in action or thing in action, also known as a chose in suspense,[7][8] is a right to sue. It has been made trite law, since Torkington v Magee, that chose in action is a legal expression used to describe all personal rights of property which can only be claimed or enforced by action. It is therefore a categorisation of interests in assets, the enforcement of which cannot be secured without the use of a court.[4] It is an intangible property right recognised and protected by the law, that has no existence apart from the recognition given by the law, and that confers no present possession of a tangible object.[9] Since incorporeal assets such as claims for repayment of debts, or assigned rights in contracts cannot be subject to possession, they cannot be categorised as choses in possession.[10] In certain circumstances, the chose in action creates a separate proprietary right, independent from the property in which it may reference.[11] This new property can be subject to charges or can be assigned. For example, a right to enforce and receive payment for a debt, obtain money by way of damages for breach of contract, or receive recompense for a wrong is a chose in action. Two consequences result from this. Firstly, they are claims which cannot be executed by the chose-holder without the enforcement of legal proceedings. Second, these examples may be themselves assigned, novated, or otherwise used by the chose-holder[12] if the economic value of the asset is the right to sue. Historically, documents which represented a title to a chose in action of a particular kind, such as bonds or other documentary intangibles, were themselves choses in possession because, similar to promissory notes, they were negotiable and thus could be physically seised. That is to say, they were transferred solely by delivery of the document itself. Today, most bonds and other financial instruments have been dematerialised and are issued as a single global note. The consequence of this is that most financial instruments are now choses in action held by the beneficial party against the broker holding assets in a securities depository such CREST, where investors own interlocking interests in trusts, rather than the actual issued note.[13] The development of dematerialised securities brings some objects which are termed as chose in action today full circle, such as bonds or bill of lading which the court first developed as choses in action, and which, without the use of a negotiable instrument no longer operate as choses in possession. Currently, claims which are treated as being "locked up" inside the paper include pledges, negotiable instruments, and custodial bailment.

Choses in action are particularly crucial to the assignment of interests in law, and thus play a crucial role in the operation and coordination of the financial markets. Certain rights, such as a claim to rescission of a mortgage, are rights of action, but not choses in action or part of one that can be assigned.[14] Because the category is often broadly construed, there have been numerous attempts to expand the category to allow new intangible assets to fall within the chose in action.

The chose can either be legal or equitable. Before the Judicature Acts, which fused the courts of equity and common law into one jurisdiction, where the chose could be recovered only by an action at law as a debt (whether arising from contract or tort), it was termed a legal chose in action; where the chose was recoverable only by a suit in equity, as a legacy or money held upon a trust, it was termed an equitable chose in action. Before the Judicature Acts, a legal chose in action was not assignable, i.e., the assignee could not sue at law in his own name. To this rule there were two exceptions:[17]

Before this point, the courts of equity could not enforce a legal chose in action and vice versa. The consequence was that, with these and certain statutory exceptions (e.g., actions on policies of insurance), an action on an assigned chose in action must have been brought at law in the name of the assignor, though the sum recovered belonged in equity to the assignee. All choses in action being in equity assignable, except those altogether incapable of being assigned, in equity the assignee might have sued in his own name, making the assignor a party as co-plaintiff or as defendant. The Judicature Acts made the distinction between legal and equitable choses in action of no importance. The Judicature Act 1873, s. 25 (6), enacted that the legal right to a debt or other legal chose in action could be passed by absolute assignment in writing under the hand of the assignor.[17] This was later updated by the Law of Property Act 1925 s. 136 which outlined that for an assignment to be valid:[18]

These requirements are significant because without notice, it prevents the assignee from suing on the debt. Until the debtor has given notice, set-offs continue to arise between the assignor and the debtor, the debtor does not know to pay anyone other than the assignor; and the assignee may lose priority to subsequent assignees who do provide notice.[19] The difference between present and future choses in action has been likened to the difference between a tree and its fruit.

A chose in possession refers to a bundle of rights and remedies (which in England are inextricably linked)[20] of an object of tangible personal property that can be physically possessed by the owner and can be transferred by delivery. Relation, or rather, capacity of control and apparent dominion is required as the foundation of the alleged chose in possession. This is impossible with incorporeal rights. Possession and possession-based techniques are of little relevance to modern financial markets, but still play a substantial role in commercial and retail lending.[21] Therefore a chose in possession denotes not only the right to enjoy or possess a thing, but also the actual or constructive enjoyment of it. The possession may be absolute or qualified. It is absolute when the person is fully and completely the proprietor or owner of the thing; it is qualified when he "has not an exclusive right, or not a permanent right, but a right that may sometimes subsist and at other times not subsist", as in the case of animals ferae naturae ("of a feral nature", or wild). A chose in possession is freely transferable by delivery. Previous to the Married Women's Property Act of 1882, a wife's choses in possession became vested in her husband immediately upon her marriage, while her choses in action did not belong to her husband until he had converted them to possession. However, this difference is now practically obsolete.[17] ff782bc1db

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