DIY vs Professional Garage Door Repair: What You Need to Know

Garage doors are an essential part of our homes. They protect our vehicles and provide extra security. However, like any other part of your home, garage doors can break down or need maintenance. When this happens, you might wonder whether to fix it yourself or hire a professional. Let's dive into the details and figure out what works best for you Hilliard Garage Door Repair Shop.

Understanding Garage Door Components

Before deciding whether to repair your garage door yourself or call in a pro, it's important to understand the main components of a garage door system.

The Door

The door itself can be made of various materials like wood, steel, or aluminum. Each material has its own set of advantages and disadvantages. For instance, wood looks great but needs more maintenance compared to steel.


Springs are crucial for the door’s movement. There are two types of springs: torsion springs and extension springs. Torsion springs are mounted above the door, while extension springs are found on either side. These springs hold a lot of tension and can be dangerous if mishandled.

Tracks and Rollers

The tracks guide the door as it opens and closes, and the rollers allow smooth movement along the tracks. Both need to be aligned properly to avoid any issues.

Garage Door Opener

The opener is the motorized device that controls the opening and closing of the door. It comes with remote controls and often has safety features to prevent accidents.


Cables work with the springs to lift and lower the door. They are under a lot of tension and can cause serious injury if they snap.

Common Garage Door Problems

Knowing the common issues can help you decide if you can handle the repair yourself or if you need a professional.

Noisy Door

A noisy garage door can be annoying. This might be due to loose hardware, worn-out rollers, or lack of lubrication. Tightening the bolts and applying lubricant can often solve this problem.

Door Won’t Open or Close

If your door refuses to budge, the problem could be with the garage door opener, springs, or cables. This is usually a more complex issue and might require professional help.

Uneven Door

An uneven door can be caused by a broken spring or misaligned tracks. This not only looks bad but can also be a security risk.

Slow Response Time

If your garage door takes a long time to open or close, it might be due to issues with the opener or the door itself. Checking the settings on the opener can sometimes fix this.

Door Reverses Before Closing

This could be due to a problem with the safety sensors. Cleaning the sensors and making sure they are aligned can often solve this issue.

DIY Garage Door Repair

Pros of DIY Repair

Cost Savings: One of the main reasons people choose to repair their garage doors themselves is to save money.

Convenience: You can do the repair at your own pace and time.

Learning Experience: Fixing things yourself can be a rewarding experience and teach you new skills.

Cons of DIY Repair

Safety Risks: Garage doors are heavy and have components under high tension. This makes DIY repairs potentially dangerous.

Lack of Expertise: Without proper knowledge, you might misdiagnose the problem or not fix it correctly.

Time Consuming: DIY repairs can take a lot of time, especially if you are not familiar with the process.

Simple DIY Repairs

Some repairs are simple and can be done by most homeowners.

Lubricating Moving Parts

Keeping the moving parts of your garage door lubricated can prevent many common issues. Use a silicone-based lubricant on the rollers, tracks, and hinges.

Tightening Loose Hardware

Over time, the hardware on your garage door can become loose. Regularly check and tighten the bolts and screws.

Replacing Remote Batteries

If your garage door remote stops working, try replacing the batteries before assuming there is a bigger problem.

Professional Garage Door Repair

Pros of Professional Repair

Expertise: Professionals have the knowledge and experience to diagnose and fix the problem correctly.

Safety: They know how to handle the high-tension parts of the garage door safely.

Warranty: Many professional repairs come with a warranty, giving you peace of mind.

Cons of Professional Repair

Cost: Hiring a professional can be more expensive than doing it yourself.

Scheduling: You might have to wait for an appointment, which can be inconvenient if the repair is urgent.

When to Call a Professional Certain repairs should always be left to the professionals.

Broken Springs

Springs are under a lot of tension and can cause serious injury if not handled correctly. It’s best to leave this repair to the experts.

Cable Repairs

Cables are another high-tension part of the garage door system. If they break, it’s important to call a professional to replace them.

Opener Problems

If your garage door opener is malfunctioning, it can be complicated to diagnose and fix the issue. A professional can quickly identify the problem and repair it.

Choosing the Right Professional

When you decide to call a professional, it's important to choose the right one. Here are some tips:

Check Reviews

Look for reviews online to see what others are saying about the company. Positive reviews can give you confidence in their service.

Get Quotes

Don’t just go with the first company you find. Get quotes from multiple companies to ensure you’re getting a fair price.

Ask About Warranty

A good company will stand behind their work. Ask about any warranties or guarantees they offer.


Deciding whether to tackle garage door repairs yourself or hire a professional depends on the nature of the problem and your comfort level with DIY tasks. Simple maintenance tasks can be done by most homeowners, but for more complex issues, it's best to call in the experts.

According to Hilliard Garage Door Repair Shop, keeping up with regular maintenance can prevent many common problems and extend the life of your garage door. Whether you choose to do it yourself or hire a professional, ensuring your garage door is in good working order will keep your home secure and convenient.