

The software running on the Raspberry Pi (companion computer) Is the BlueOS software provided by blue robotics. Because the hardware I'm using is not supported in the classic version I've had to use the beta version of their software. It is very near completion, and I've worked with the developers to address specific issues I've had with the previously unsupported hardware that I'm using.

The purpose of the companion computer is to relay video from the HD camera to the top-side computer and to relay commands to the auto pilot controller to control the sub via MAV-link.

You'll need a Raspberry Pi model 3B or newer to install the companion software. You can find the installation directions here.


QGC is the interface you'll use on the top-side computer to view the live video feed from the camera along with telemetry and send commands to the sub from your controller.

You can download the software here.

Alternatively, you can use Mission Planner, but QGC is better suited for use with a submarine.

ArduSub firmware

The autopilot "flight" controller runs a version of Ardupilot known as ArduSub. You can find out more about Ardupilot and how to install firmware to you particular flight controller here.