Lab news

November 2023: Hoda's paper on generative modeling of protein sequences is accepted in PLoS Computational Biology!

November 2023: Hoda successfully defended her PhD thesis! She is the first graduate student from our lab! 

July 2023: The laboratory moves to Yale!

Summer 2023: Andrew is interning at Genentech in SF and Hoda is interning at Generate Biomedicines in Boston! 

March 2021: Hoda, Andrew, and Mayar presented their research at the APS march meeting

November 2021: Postdoc Kamal Bhandari joins the lab from Kansas State University. Our lab's research is featured on the university's website (link here)

October, 2021: We attended our first in person conference, the GRC on Stochastic Physics in Biology. Hoda, Purushottam, Andrew, and Mayar presented posters!

October, 2021: Undergraduate Harys Dalvi joins the lab

September, 2021: The news of our award was featured on the department's website

August, 2021: Undergraduate Bridgette Gifford joins the lab

August 27th, 2021: The lab was awarded the MIRA award by NIGMS

August 2021: Undergraduate Lukas Herron joins UMD College Park for graduate school. Bridgette Gifford joins the lab

April 5th, 2021: Mayar was selected to give a small talk at the graduate student showcase at the UF genetics institute. Link here.