Dixit Laboratory of Systems Biology and Computational Biophysics

About us 

We are the Laboratory of Computational Systems Biology and Biophysics in the Department of Biomedical Engineering at Yale University. 

We are looking to hire exceptional postdoctoral and doctoral candidates. The deadline for application for the BME PhD program is 15th of December 2023 (click here for more information). If you are interested in joining our lab, please reach out to me at purushottam.dixit@yale.edu

Explore the site to find out more about our research!

Research overview

The Omics revolution allows us to collect high quality high dimensional data about biological systems. Our goal is to build machine learning methods that are rooted in statistical physics to analyze this data. Instead of using off the shelf statistical methods, we thrive to integrate available mechanistic information in our tool development. A lot of our work has been inspired by the principle of maximum entropy.

Science is a human endeavor

Science is practiced by individuals with diverse identities and is open and welcoming to everyone. We recognize the value in diversity, equity, and inclusion in all aspects of our research. This includes, but is not limited to differences in race, ethnicity, gender identity, gender expression, sexual orientation, age, socioeconomic status, religion, and disability. 

Science, like all human endeavors, is something that is learned. We all bring different perspectives to our common learning space and strive to provide everyone with equal access. Our group strives to foster an atmosphere of learning  that is based on inclusion, transparency, and respect for all group members.  

Lab News

November 2023: Hoda's paper on generative modeling of protein sequences is accepted in PLoS Computational Biology!

November 2023: Hoda successfully defended her PhD thesis! She is the first graduate student from our lab! Hoda will join as a ML Scientist at Generate: Biomedicines, a Biotech AI company in the Boston area. 

July 2023: The laboratory moves to Yale!

Summer 2023: Andrew is interning at Genentech in SF and Hoda is interning at Generate: Biomedicines in Boston!