
I am interested in HCI Research, specifically in the fields of AI for Social Good, ICT for Development. My past work has qualitatively explored Future of Work, Algorithmic Fairness of Education/Job Platforms and examined the inequitable computing scenario in India. 

I am most recently excited in examining systems to support AI for Social Good efforts in low-resource settings (data, human resources). 

Reviewer: CHI ('19 -'23), CSCW (19 -'23), CHIWORK, NeurIPS Workshops (2021) 

Below is a list of my recent publications: (Google Scholar link

Public Health Calls for/with AI: An Ethnographic Perspective (🏆 Honorable Mention )

Azra Ismail*, Divy Thakkar*, Neha Madhiwalla, Neha Kumar

CSCW 2023 

Increasing Impact of Mobile Health Programs: SAHELI for Maternal and Child Care (🏆Best Innovative Application Award Paper)

Shresth Verma, Gargi Singh, Aditya Mate, Paritosh verma, Sruti Gorantala, Neha Madhiwala, Aparna hegde, Divy Thakkar, Manish Jain, Milind Tambe, Aparna Taneja 

IAAI 2023 

When is ML Data Good? Datafication in Public Health in India 

Divy Thakkar*, Azra Ismail*, Alex Hanna, Pratyush Kumar, Nithya Sambasivan, Neha Kumar 

CHI 2022 

Facilitating human-wildlife cohabitation through conflict prediction

Susobhan Ghosh, Pradeep Varakantham, Aniket Bhatkhande, Tamanna Ahmad, Anish Andheria, Wenjun, Aparna Taneja, Divy Thakkar, Milind Tambe

Thirty-Third Annual Conference on Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence (IAAI-21)

Measuring Data Collection Quality for Community Healthcare

Ramesha Karunasena, Mohammad Sarparajul Ambiya, Arunesh Sinha, Ruchit Nagar, Saachi Dalal, Divy Thakkar, Milind Tambe

ACM conference on Equity and Access in Algorithms, Mechanisms, and Optimization (EAAMO ’21) 

Beyond the portal: reimagining the post-pandemic future of work

Divy Thakkar, Neha Kumar, Nithya Sambasivan

ACM interactions 27(6) (November 2020) 

Missed calls, Automated Calls and Health Support: Using AI to improve maternal health outcomes by increasing program engagement

Siddharth Nishtala, Harshavardhan Kamarthi, Divy Thakkar, Dhyanesh Narayanan, Anirudh Grama, Ramesh Padmanabhan, Neha Madhiwalla, Suresh Chaudhary, Balaraman Ravindra, Milind Tambe

AI for Social Good Workshop 2020, Harvard University 

Towards an AI-powered Future that Works for Vocational Workers

Divy Thakkar, Neha Kumar, and Nithya Sambasivan

CHI 2020 

The Unexpected Entry and Exodus of Indian Women in CS and HCI

Thakkar, D.*, Sambasivan, N.*, Yardi, P., Sudarshan, P., and Toyama, K.

CHI 2018. [Google blog post | Indian scientist role model videos 

I am interested in working with students and faculty to explore these problems. Reach out at divy[underscore]d17[at]iift[dot]edu for research collaborations