Divya Nagpal

MSc Machine Learning at Mila | Ex Senior Data Science Analyst at Oracle Cerner 

Computer Vision | Object Detection| NLP| Forecasting

About Me

As a graduate student at UdeM, I specialize in solving large scale business problems using Machine learning. Having worked in industry for 4 years, I bring expertise in building data-driven solutions from inception to deployment. My responsibilities included building end-to-end pipelines for data wrangling & visualization, predictive modeling, validation, and further deployment using AWS stack. I am actively seeking full time or internship positions commencing March 2024.

Professional Projects

ML for Action Detection in Movies for Haptic Effects Generation 

This project aims to leverage audio data from movies to detect and classify various low-level intentions. These predictions are further utilized in generating the motion codes that are sent to the actuators installed in the D-Box theatre seats. In order to perform sound event detection, i.e, detecting the presence and location of the low level intention, we require the audio waveforms and their annotations containing the temporal information. With the help of clustering, we have generated the pseudo labels for the annotations. Next using these clusters as class labels we set up a pipeline for the model architecture FDY-CRNN for this task. Experiments with different possible combinations for layer types: dynamic vs vanilla convolutions, network depth, optimizers, data filtering, learning rate scheduler, etc. were conducted and progressively better results were obtained.

WE-Net: An Ensemble Deep Learning model for Covid-19 Detection in Chest X-ray Images using Segmentation and Classification

Leveraged the concepts of transfer learning, DL, Computer Vision, and built Ensembled models to detect pulmonary manifestations of Covid19 from chest x-rays, thereby aiding the accurate and fast screening of the patients to reduce the workload of the radiologists. We incorporated lung segmentation using U-Net to identify the thoracic region of interest. Fine-tuning of selected ImageNet pre-trained deep learning models was done using VGG16, ResNet50, InceptionV3, Xception, and DenseNet201. Ensemble methods like hard voting, averaging, weighted averaging, and stacked generalization using CatBoost, XGBoost, and SVM as meta learners, were used to combine predictions from best-performing models.

A Comparative Study of Survival Algorithms on Electronic Insurance Claims Dataset 

Developed the “Time to Response” (TTR) models with the aim to recover maximum amounts of account receivables (A/R) in as short a time as possible, thereby reducing AR days and maximizing the hospital revenues. These survival models capture the previous response time patterns and predict the probability of getting a response for each claim filed, from the day of claim file submission. The Random Survival Forest model performance is assessed in terms of Concordance Index and Integrated Brier Score (IBS) metric.

Time Series Forecasting in Revenue Cycle Management

Developed time series forecasting models to predict revenue. The objective of this project was to provide a forecast of total monthly charges posted for all 50 billing entities (Healthcare Providers). The models developed were SARIMA, Holt Winter Exponential Series (HWES), TBATS, FB-Prophet, SARIMAX, VARMA, and VARMAX. Additionally, for evaluating the performance of the model, a walk-forward validation approach has been used along with mean absolute percentage error (MAPE) as the evaluation metric. 

Monthly Cash Forecasting for Billing Entities using Time Series

Cash Forecasting was developed for billing entities under Adventist Health (AH) for quarterly cash forecasting (predict 90-day future cash inflow), using cash data and calendar variables. Five years of data extract was used for modeling with four models (random forest, VARMAX, ARIMAX, and moving average). Additionally, Django based framework was built for EDA to analyze time series decomposition, trend and seasonality patterns, outlier detection, and lag analysis with features.

QuickML- An Automated Machine Learning and Deep Learning platform

A Cerner-specific web application that consists of automated and generalized scripts pertaining to the model development process. It allows data scientists, data analysts, and developers to build ML and DL models with high scalability, efficiency, and productivity. The product has been built using Python's Django framework with UI designed using HTML, CSS, bootstrap, Javascript, JQuery, and Ajax along with Spark database as backend. Currently, this product is being used for Pneumonia detection using Chest X-rays and Cataract detection using ophthalmic images, thus helping clinicians to prevent and treat patients timely.

Malaria detection from parasitized and uninfected cell images

Malaria is a significant burden on our healthcare system and it is the major cause of death in many developing countries. Therefore, early testing is necessary to detect malaria and save lives. The main aim of this malaria detection system is to address the challenges in the existing system and reduce the workload of a medically trained professional by automating the process of malaria detection using Deep learning and image processing. A Convolutional Neural Network model was built which achieved an accuracy of 94% and an f1-score of 0.92. Data augmentation was done to make the dataset balanced.

Education Details

 University of Montreal & Mila - Quebec AI Institute [Sep 2022 – Aug 2024]

    Master of Science - Computer Science and Machine Learning, GPA 4.0/4.3

    Relevant Coursework: Machine learning, Data Science, Advanced Projects in ML(NLP), Representation Learning, Climate change 

                                             using ML, Advanced Image Synthesis.

    Scholarship: Recipient of Bourse C Scholarship, worth CAD 9400.

 SRM University [Sep 2015 – May 2019]

    Bachelor of Science – Information Technology, GPA 4.0/4.0

    Scholarship: Received Merit Based Scholarship twice, worth CAD 5000.

Honors and Awards

Bravo Award


Received Bravo Award as part of MLOps Team, where I made contributions in building and packaging the WQP model. Additionally, I was also responsible for code optimization and was able to reduce the TAT for each model deployment by 10% coupled with better error handling. 

Night of the Town Award


Received best talk award for presentation at DataCon 2020 conference as a speaker on the topic - "Covid-19 Triage From Chest X-Ray Images Using Deep Convolution Neural Network". 

Night of the Town Award


Received excellence award for delivering end-to-end project starting from the development to the deployment of Work Queue Prioritization Project with utmost quality and dedication, and within strict deadlines. 

Merit Based Scholarship


Received performance based scholarship for securing 2nd rank for the academic year 2017-2018. 

Merit Based Scholarship


Received performance based scholarship for securing 3rd rank in my department i.e. Information Technology consisting of 800+ students. 

Certificate of Merit


Received best project/ working model award in TechKnow-2016 held at SRM University in 2016 by the Department of Physics and Nanotechnology. 


DataCon - 2021

Kansas City - US

DataCon is an associate driven conference for all business, data scientist, and data analysts working across Cerner.  My talk on the topic "A Comparative Study of Survival Algorithms on Electronic Insurance Claims Dataset" got selected in this conference and I gave the presentation on the same.

DevCon - 2021

Bangalore - India

DevCon conference is an opportunity for associates to learn, interact and discuss significant topics specific to their role with distinguished leaders. My talk on the topic: "Intelligent Work Queue Prioritization for Account Receivables follow-up in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management" got selected by the double blind review process.

DataCon - 2020

Kansas City - US

Presented at DataCon-2020 conference on the topic: "Covid-19 Triage and Visualization from Chest X-ray images using DCNN and GRAD-CAM", received best talk award for the same.

Research Paper 


Published research paper on "WE-Net: An Ensemble Deep Learning model for Covid-19 Detection in Chest X-ray Images using Segmentation and Classification". Link: WE-Net: An Ensemble Deep Learning Model for Covid-19 Detection in Chest X-ray Images Using Segmentation and Classification | SpringerLink 


Published research paper on "Time to Response Prediction for Following up on Account Receivables in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management" Link: Time to Response Prediction for Following up on Account Receivables in Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management | SpringerLink 


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