Get Services of Divorce Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan For Divorce Suit

Divorce Lawyers in Lahore Pakistan – CEO of the Nazia Law Associate:

The CEO of the Nazia Law Associate is an expert divorce lawyer in Lahore for services of the divorce suit. Our divorce lawyer in Lahore Pakistan available every time for providing free advice and consultancy related to the procedure of divorce in Pakistan. Our divorce lawyers in Lahore also work with the expert family Lawyer in Lahore and they know that how to handle the case of divorce in family court. If you want to get more information about our divorce lawyers in Lahore Pakistan then call advocate Nazia Ali @ 03244207207 and visit our website directly. We are available for free advice and consultancy.

Ground of Divorce in Pakistan:

A wife can petition for divorce procedure in Pakistan based on the following grounds: Non-payment of maintenance for which judgment has been made unless the wife was aware of her husband's hardship at the time of contracting the marriage. Infirmity which prevents the achievement of the aims of marriage; The refusal of the husband to come to his wife's bed for more than four months; The sentencing of the husband to prison for more than one year (in which he leaves without maintenance).

Services of Our Law firms in Lahore / Nazia Law Associate:

1- Court marriage

2- Khula

3- Divorce

4- Talaq

5- Online & Proxy Marriage

6- Divorce Certificate

7- Family case

8- Civil cases

Divorce Procedure in Pakistan zihar:

Nazia Law Associates is competent enough to handle the proper divorce procedure in Pakistan and can also assist you religiously, so if you have any questions regarding divorce or zihar please contact us.

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D: A woman, with two children, lived with her husband. Years ago, her husband swore after an argument with her that if he touched her, he would think of her as having sex with her mother. She left him for six months, but he followed her and brought her back. There was a problem again when he accused her of not being chaste, which she denied. Once again, he has sworn on the Koran that she is lying. Please tell us if her nikah is still valid after this and is it the right divorce procedure in Pakistan?

A: Your question concerns two different cases defined in Shari 'ah as Zahoor and Lian and they need to be examined and resolved separately: The first case is of Zihur when he called his his wife to be like him his mother. But, before he touches his he wife, he has to do one of the following: free a slave [not possible these days]

Divorce Procedure for Overseas Pakistani & Family Lawyer in Lahore:

Most of the females and males ask a question is that family lawyer can handle the divorce procedure for overseas Pakistani and procedure of divorce in Pakistan in family court? family lawyer can handle the case of divorce in family court. But I prefer you to hire the professional divorce lawyer in Lahore Pakistan for handle the divorce procedure for overseas Pakistani. They will handle your case in family court as compare to the other family Lawyers in Lahore.