Seperti hampir semua aplikasi Google, Google PLAY memiliki desain antarmuka sempurna yang menawarkan akses cepat ke berbagai kategori dan bagian. Di bagian bawah layar, Anda akan menemukan pintasan ke Game, Aplikasi, dan Buku. Bagian Game, yang terbuka secara default saat Anda membuka aplikasi, akan menampilkan rilis Android terbaru, game yang akan dirilis, dan yang paling populer. Di bagian Aplikasi, Anda akan melihat pengaturan serupa yang didedikasikan hanya untuk aplikasi seperti WhatsApp, Netflix, atau Bluesky. Terakhir, Anda akan menemukan katalog besar eBook Google di tab Buku, yang semuanya hanya berjarak satu ketukan. Selain buku, Anda juga akan menemukan banyak koleksi buku audio, yang dapat dibeli dan diunduh dengan mudah.

Dalam halaman khusus untuk setiap game atau aplikasi Google PLAY, Anda akan menemukan banyak informasi. Anda akan segera dapat melihat perkiraan jumlah unduhan, serta rekomendasi usia dan peringkat rata-rata yang diberikan oleh pengguna. Biasanya Anda juga dapat melihat tangkapan layar, beberapa video aplikasi atau game, dan penjelasan mendetail. Namun, penting untuk dicatat bahwa konten ini disediakan langsung oleh pengembang aplikasi tanpa kendali editorial apa pun. Yang terakhir tetapi tak kalah penting, di halaman unduh aplikasi atau game apa pun, Anda akan dapat melihat izin yang diminta, ukuran unduhan, dan versi minimum sistem operasi yang diperlukan.

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Anda dapat mengupdate aplikasi Android dan aplikasi Play Store satu per satu, semuanya, atau secara otomatis. Dengan mengupdate aplikasi ke versi terbaru, Anda dapat mengakses fitur terbaru dan meningkatkan keamanan serta stabilitas aplikasi.

Please note, to play Blu-ray discs, your PS3 console needs a renewed Blu-ray player encryption key. Please update your PS3 console's system software to the latest version to renew the Blu-ray player encryption key.

Using the Acceleration Service library (play-services-tflite-acceleration),you can run ML performance benchmarks on device and automatically determinethe best way to accelerate the ML workload. For more information, refer totheAcceleration Service documentation.

Updated versions of thegoogle-services pluginfor Android (v4.3.12) and thestrict-version-matcher pluginfor Android (v1.2.4) are now available. For more information, see theFirebase Android SDK Release Notes.

The play-services-appindex library is now generally available. Thislibrary is a replacement for the firebase-appindexing library andsupports use cases for sharing structured documents as Indexablesand UserActions with Google Assistant.

The latest updates to play-services-base and play-services-tasks resolvethe issue that can lead toruntime NPEs (NullPointerException) when handlingTask results in Kotlin code. If you're using any ofthe library versions listed in the December 09, 2021release, you can avoid the runtime NPEs by explicitlydepending on v18.0.1 of play-services-base and play-services-tasks. Addthe following to the dependencies section of your build.gradle:

The latest updates to the play-services-base, play-services-basement, andplay-services-tasks libraries include the strict nullability annotationchanges described above, as well as these additional changes:

The developer preview release of the play-services-appset library is nowavailable. This library is designed to support use cases such as analytics orfraud prevention in a way that respects user privacy.

Added the following declaration to the AndroidManifest.xml to supportPackage visibility filteringon Android 11 (API level 30) and above. After updating, you can remove thefollowing line from your own AndroidManifest.xml:

Updated versions of thegoogle-services pluginfor Android (v4.3.4) and thestrict-version-matcher pluginfor Android (v1.2.2) are now available. For more information, see theFirebase Android SDK Release Notes.

Issue - We have received reports that the v21.1.0 release of theFirebase Android SDK for Cloud Firestore can trigger an uncaught exception.Consequently, this issue also affects the Firebase BoM v22.2.0 release. Makesure to update to the next version of the Cloud Firestore SDK or Firebase BoMto get the fix.

This release fixes the compatibility issue with release described inthe July 02, 2019 release note. The workaround of using thepre-Jetpack is nolonger necessary.**17.0.0** release should notbe used.

Update: As of July 29, 2019, the has been decommissioned.To continue use of the Places SDK for Android, updateto a supported version of the Places SDK for Android. Supported versions arelisted in release notes.

The Firebase Bill of Materials (BoM) is now available as an experimentalfeature. Using the Bill of Materials (BoM) Gradle feature with Firebase, youcan set the version of the Firebase platform as a whole. To add SDKs to yourapp using the Firebase BoM, visitAdd Firebase to your Android Project.

Some of the libraries in the October 2, 2018 releasecontained an issue in their POM dependencies. This most likely manifests as dexmerge issues when some dependency version is updated (even when using thestrict-version-matcher-plugin).To resolve, update to the Recommended Minimum Version as follows:

The following libraries have no code changes, only POM dependency updates.The new releases were incremented by a patch version, except when the librarywas below version 16.0.0. Libraries below 16.0.0 were incremented to 16.0.0 inaccordance with the May 23rd note:

Starting with the 15.0.0 release of Google Play services and Firebase,inter-library dependencies were defined using versionrangesin the POMs. This affected the build reproducibility of projects using theselibraries. As an example, Gradle's dependencyresolutionwill attempt to use the highest available concrete version in a repository,causing uplift of a dependency version without any changes to the projectitself.

The use of version ranges was a mistake and has been corrected; Google Playservices and Firebase dependencies will no longer use version ranges. However,existing, published library POM files already contain ranges. Thus, all futurelibrary updates will need to start outside the dependency ranges of previouslypublished libraries.

A new version of the Gradle plugin is nowavailable. Please update as only this latest version works with Google Playservices 15.0.0 and beyond. This is the last version of the plugin to supportAndroid Studio 2.x. Starting with the next version, the plugin will supportAndroid Studio 3.x only.

Google Play services 10.2.x is the first release that no longer includesfull support for Android version 2.3.x (Gingerbread). Apps developed usingSDK release 10.2.x and later require a minimum Android API level of 14 andcannot be installed on devices running an API level below 14. To learnmore about your options, including building multiple APKs to extend yourapp's support for Android Gingerbread, see theAndroid Developers Blog.

This release fixes a missing minSdkVersion value in play-services-location.aar that caused unintended WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, and READ_PHONE_STATE permissions to be merged into app manifests.

Google Play services 10.0.x is the final release that includes full support for Android version 2.3.x (Gingerbread). Apps developed using future SDK releases after 10.0.x will not be able to connect to Google Play services on Android Gingerbread devices. To learn more about your options, including building multiple APKs to extend your app's support for Android Gingerbread, see the Android Developers Blog.

Google Play services updated to 9.6.1This release fixes a missing minSdkVersion value inplay-services-location.aar that caused unintendedWRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE, and READ_PHONE_STATEpermissions to be merged into app manifests.

Google Play services updated to 9.0.2The Google Play services version 9.0.2 release is now available. Thisrelease fixes aknown issuewith Firebase Authentication where the FirebaseAuthApi is not available onsome devices. A FirebaseApiNotAvailableException error occurs when thosedevices attempt to use Authentication APIs.

If your app uses AdMob and also uses ProGuard post-processing, your app won't beable to serve ads to devices without the Google Play services APK unless youadjust your ProGuard configuration or update your app to use the Google Playservices version 9.0.1 SDK. To ensure that ads are served to thesedevices after your app is updated to use the Google Play Services 9.0.0 SDK, addthe followingkeep optionto your ProGuard configuration file: ff782bc1db

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