Rebreather Training Council - RTC

The mission of the RTC is to promote the safe use of rebreathers by creating industry agreed training standards and operational protocols. These standards and protocols will be updated and amended as needed to reflect the evolving state of the art and best practices available.

The RTC works closely with the Rebreather Education and Safety Association (RESA) through the Combined Rebreather Industry Standards Alignment Group (CRISAG) so that training organizations and manufacturers can cooperate for the benefit of rebreather divers globally.

RTC has Catagory C Liaison status with Working Group 1 – Diving Services of ISO TC 228. RTC is currently involved in the creation of ISO standards specifying requirements for the training of rebreather divers.


The founding member organizations were:






The RTC was formed to allow leading training agencies offering rebreather training to work together and exchange information.

The RTC published its first standard in August 2017.

Publications and documents

IMCA has developed a comprehensive body of knowledge in the form of a suite of over 250 published guidance documents, technical information notes, DVDs and safety promotional materials which are internationally recognised as authoritative and establish standards of good practice in the marine contracting industry.[3]

IMCA has published guidance documents in the following fields:


The Rebreather Training Council is a forum for training organizations offering courses for divers using rebreathers. Each member body has one vote and generally decisions are based on a two thirds majority vote.

The RTC has four officers: a President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer who are voted into office every two years. An email sent to the following address will be forwarded to each of these officers:

The RTC aims to produce standards concerning the minimum requirements to conduct courses or elements of courses involving the use of rebreathers. The RTC may also produce guidance concerning the conduct of diving operations involving rebreathers.