Call for Contributions

Call for Contributions - divHRI 2023 Workshop@RO-MAN 2023 - Researching Diversity and Inclusion in Human-Robot Interaction: Methodological, technical and ethical considerations 

This workshop deals with methodological aspects of the investigation of diversity in human-robot interaction. Especially for application fields in public spaces, the target audience in human-robot interaction varies and robots meet people with a wide range of diversity features. In order to create a human-centered interaction, these features need to be taken into account, as a) robots must be able to interact with any user independent of their individual characteristics and b) it is desirable that the robot can adapt to specific needs in dependence of these individual characteristics. However, there are still various challenges in detecting (cf. algorithmic biases), interacting, and responding to various audiences that need to be addressed in future research considering ethical, technical, and methodological aspects. With this workshop, we like to discuss state-of-the-art challenges, possible solutions, and best practices. 

The organizers will contribute short overview talks in the beginning to frame and inspire the discussion. We welcome prospective participants to submit extended abstracts (up to 4 pages). Manuscripts should conform to the RO-MAN 2023 guidelines. Submissions will be checked for alignment to the workshop’s themes and goals.

Topics of interest include but are not limited to the following questions: 

In case we receive more submissions than we can showcase, we will perform a light review of the contributions. The selected contributors will be invited to participate in round table sessions or spotlight presentations on the day of the workshop. The extended abstracts of the accepted papers will appear on the workshop website. Please submit your manuscript via the following button.