divHRI Workshop 2023

Researching Diversity and Inclusion in Human-Robot Interaction:

Methodological, technical and ethical considerations 

August 31th, 2023 

Welcome to the first edition of the divHRI Workshop - Researching Diversity and Inclusion in Human-Robot Interaction: Methodological, technical and ethical considerations 

This workshop is held in conjunction with the IEEE International Conference on Robot and Human Interactive Communication (RO-MAN 2023) and will be held in hybrid form.

Statement of Objectives

This workshop deals with methodological aspects of the investigation of diversity in human-robot interaction. Especially for application fields in public spaces, the target audience in human-robot interaction varies and robots meet people with a wide range of diversity features. In order to create a human-centered interaction, these features need to be taken into account, as a) robots must be able to interact with any user independent of their individual characteristics and b) it is desirable that the robot can adapt to specific needs in dependence of these individual characteristics. However, there are still various challenges in detecting (cf. algorithmic biases), interacting, and responding to various audiences that need to be addressed in future research considering ethical, technical, and methodological aspects. With this workshop, we like to discuss state-of-the-art challenges, possible solutions, and best practices. 

Important dates