Agri-Portal: A Crop Management System


Project Abstract

Review Slides.pdf

Project Review Slides

Project Report.pdf

Project Report

· Duration/Period: 2020-21

· Project: Agri-Portal, A Crop Management System.

· Objective:

  • Enhancing crop suggestions to the farmers.

  • Creating individual accounts for farmers.

  • Adding new areas with its location and soil details.

  • Searching suitable crops for that particular area.

· Tools or techniques used: MySQL, NodeJS, JavaScript, Java, HTML, CSS.

· Outcome: Assists farmers with maximum profits. Immense exposure to frontend and Backend tools.

Recommendation System for Cold Start Problem [ML Project]

Project Abstract.pdf

Project Abstract

Project ipnb.pdf

Project IPNB Report

Project Review.pdf

Project Review Slides

· Duration/Period: 2021-22

· Project: A Product Recommendation System: That Alleviates The Effect Of Cold Start Problem By Incorporating User Written Reviews

· Objective:

  • Cleaning the given data chunk.

  • Analyzing the market of the products with cold start.

  • Recommending the suitable products to the users.

· Tools or techniques used: Google Collaboratory , Machine Learning Python Modules (Including Graphs, NLP modules)

· Outcome: The sales of the cold start products increase with the recommendations to the users about them