PowerPoint Packages

Here are pre-made PowerPoint sets to help assist you with integrating these chemists more easily in your lecture. I find if I put them at the beginning of the semester, it makes it easier for me to spend 2-5 minutes at the beginning of each class discussing these chemist's amazing accomplishments! Contact kate.ries@metrostate.edu if you run into issues accessing files.

Analytical Chemistry Set

Analytical Chemistry Diversity PP Sep 15 2022.pptx

Direct Link: https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1Z53ElcOnrI2zfgFuV1fy6yfr4UFdkmQQ/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=102869765066772290892&rtpof=true&sd=true

Special Thanks to Charles (Chuck) Lucy of University of Alberta for creating these powerpoints and making them available to share. (Contact: charles.lucy@ualberta.ca)