Author Mentorship Program

The Author Mentorship Program will match less experienced authors with more senior researchers who will provide feedback on the workshop submission, as well as broad career mentorship. The program aims to help improve the quality of the submitted work and foster future collaboration and mentorship.

Application and eligibility

The deadline for mentors and mentees to fill in the corresponding application form is Sep 22. The mentees will be paired up with mentors by Sep 25.


  • Eligibility: author of a submission to the workshop, with 0-1 previous accepted papers in ML conference proceedings.

  • Eligible authors can partake as a mentee regardless of whether the submission is accepted to the workshop.

  • Submission form:


  • Eligibility for mentors: previous industry/research experience, equivalent to 2+ accepted papers in ML conference proceedings

  • Submission form:


Mentees. Mentees are expected to initiate contact with the assigned mentor. Mentees who wish to get feedback on their submission prior to the workshop deadline (Oct 8) should share their submission with the mentor by Sep 26th. Mentees are still expected to incorporate feedback and submit their manuscript by the Oct 8 deadline. If mentees would like general feedback independent of the workshop review process, they may share their paper with mentors by Oct 22.

Mentors. If mentees wish to get feedback prior to the submission deadline, mentors are expected to provide it no later than Oct 3. Otherwise, mentors will provide feedback by Nov 30. If desired by the mentee, mentors should schedule a 1-1 chat prior to the workshop.

Both. We strongly encourage mentors and mentees to have at least 1-2 virtual chats.

  • We encourage a short initial chat to discuss the high-levels of the submission and relevant related work. Prior to the meeting, mentees should highlight the types of feedback they desire, e.g., exposition, framing, technical results.

  • We also encourage a subsequent call where the mentor provides feedback on the submission. We encourage conversations on a broad range of topics relating to a career in ML.

Additional guidelines will be provided to the mentors and mentees after the pairing up has been completed. If you have any questions, please contact Hongseok Namkoong at

Credit: This program was inspired by a similar mentorship program at the ML4H workshop.