
The exam consists in a written test containing few exercises and questions, including the design of a distributed algorithm. 

The exam is in a closed-book format. You cannot read your personal, notes, the textbook, or the slides.  You cannot use electronic devices.

Exam structure:

The exam is composed of a first part with multiple choices questions and open questions.  This part is new and it is introduced in the year 2021/2022 

The second part is composed  by one ore more  exercises

The third part requires the design of a distributed algorithm. An example of exam is below:

Simulated Exam.

Previous years exams. This is a collection of exams from previous editions. Note that the structure will be slightly different. 

Text with solution.  Video discussion of the solution where common mistakes are discussed: link


Primo Appello (First Session) - The exam is the 09/01/2023 the room is  aula alfa (Via Salaria)  Aula Magna RM111 Edificio C.  The exam starts at 14:00.

Secondo Appello (Second Session) - The exam is the 19/02/2023 the room is on infostud. The exam starts at 14:00.