Master Thesis

I am always happy to supervise bright students for their final Thesis. I am interested in theoretical and experimental works.


I am interested in supervising theoretical work on Distributed Computing Algorithms:

  • Byzantine Agreement Algorithms for weaker variants of Consensus (read this paper);

  • Mobile Robots: a set of anonymous entities that move in the two-dimensional plane or on a curve has to solve some common goal (read this paper);

  • Mobile Agents on dynamic graphs: a set of mobile agents move on top of a dynamic graph to solve a task. Examples are: exploration, gathering,... (read this paper);

  • Programmable Matter: you have tiny entities that move on a discrete space, usually, a triangular grid to solve a task. (read this paper).


I am interested in supervising experimental work (i.e., implementing algorithms in real world):

  • Testing weaker consensus variants for blockchains

Neural networks for binary analysis

I am also interested in supervising work that is not strictly related with DistComputing. Specifically, we are looking into using statistical methods (mainly, DNN) to analyse binaries. I am working on this subject with a team of multiple peoples (both Sapienza and outside). Drop me an email if you are interested. (Our work so far, presented at Blackhat arsenal 2019)