
There are events that occur in a universe in which a dark reflection plays out elsewhere -- With matter moving to storage and planar travel on the rise there is always a chance that one will peer into the looking glass, only to see oneself staring back. Yomi believe in 'knowing the mind of the opponent'; having fought their mirror selves they have learned that some situations require a change of tactics. The act of fighting oneself seems to imprint one another's core concept onto each other, allowing them to briefly alter themselves into a Reflection of their Light or Dark mirror. Some even report encountering the 'third edge' though what that might be is unknown.Yomi usually serve as high-ranking officers in the Imperium due to their rarity - usually as military tacticians. Extensive knowledge of magic and martial theory grants them a view of the battlefield unmatched by the average general.

"Understanding is a three-edged sword:
Your side, their side and the truth."

  • Engage your mirror self [Boss variant] in combat and survive.
  • Must be of Good or Evil alignment [Alignment changes during ability use]
  • Access to at least 1 advanced element as part of the character's core identity
  • 3 basic elements have a special status in this system. Known as the 2 cornerstones and the familiar Affinity.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +3    Chakra Point Die: 1d4

The Yomi's class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Primal Arts [INT], Energy Control [WIS]

Skill Points At Each Level:  2 + Intelligence Modifier

1: Stare into the looking glass | +3 Mag Bauble

2: Logical Energy Consumption | +3 Mag Bauble

3: Swift Energy Weaving  | +3 Mag Bauble

4: Talent Slot - Magic  | +3 Mag Bauble

5: Sublimation  | +3 Mag Bauble

Weapon/Spell/Armor/Unique proficiency:Highly Skilled - Increase base skill points per level by 2.Artifact Collector - Gain 3 MAG baubles per level.Talented I - This class has a talent slot, restricted to magic-themed talents. [At level 4]

Stare into the looking glass

Starting at 1st level, as a free action, a Yomi can Switch between modes at the cost of 1 HP or 1 Sanity. 

These modes are based on their Identity and the Identity of their Mirror.

Mode A: Lightside Mode - Light magic use + boost

Mode B: Darkside Mode - Dark magic use + boost

Mode C: Twilight Mode - [Light + dark both usable but no bonus, Twilight spells receive bonus] Must discover the 'third edge'


MAG: Yomi are capable of pushing their MAGs further in the domain of Energy and Willpower - from a 20 to a 25% limit. [1 step]

Logical Energy Consumption

Penury [Lightside] - At 2nd level, 3 times per day, as a move action, a Yomi may reduce the CP cost of her next Mode A spell by 50%. 

Parsimony [Darkside] - At 2nd level, 3 times per day, as a move action, a Yomi may reduce the CP cost of her next Mode B spell by 50%. 

Bourgeois [Twilight] - At 2nd level, 3 times per day, as a move action, a Yomi may reduce the CP cost of her next Mode C spell by 50%. 

Swift Energy Weaving

Celerity [Lightside] - At 3rd level, once per day, a Yomi may cast a Mode A spell up to 1/2 character level as a swift action. 

Alacrity [Darkside] - At 3rd level, once per day, a Yomi may cast a Mode B spell up to 1/2 character level as a swift action. 

Manifest [Twilight] - At 3rd level, once per day, a Yomi may cast a Mode C spell up to 1/2 character level as a swift action. 


Sublimation (Nei):

At 5th level, 3 times per day, as a swift action, a Yomi may activate this ability which lasts 2 rounds per Yomi level. 

Each round, the Yomi is drained of 5 HP and gains 4 CP. 

Once activated, it cannot be stopped and either runs its course, or the caster falls unconscious, which cancels this ability.

Cornerstones: Two basic elements purchased are cornerstones - they will always work in whichever mode they are in and they are the secondary components to the switching between Light and Dark sides.

For example: Matt Snow and his alternate self Matt Ashen are on the Ice | Lava dynamic

Matt buys Water - this is his affinity and it turns off when he isn't in Lightside. it is replaced with Fire in Darkside

He buys Earth and Wind. These are the cornerstones 

This leaves one element remaining - Lightning which is linked to the Third edge if discovered later.

It is the element that would turn on in a neutral state to fill in for Water or Fire.

Based on this - his third edge [advanced] would likely be Explosion

Because of the unique magic system revolving around this class, it is extremely easy to Mess up spell access for class eligibility.  While any staff member may assist you in leveling up the Yomi class, you should confer with the lead designer when making your character to make sure your Energy access is set properly at the beginning.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian   [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each.  to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among  [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1  ||| 2 + Int per level after [0]  6 + Int at level 1  ||| 4 + Int per level after [2] 

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige uses 4 Class design points

1 Class ability per level [5 total] If one is replaced with a talent slot. Add +1 Class design point, This is referred as talented

Skill base is always just INT mod, unless highly skilled - costs 2, sets base to 2.


Artifact Collector - Mag baubles per level increase from 2 to 3.

Martial | Magic Focus - Mag baubles per level drop from 2 to 1.
Gain 2 Class design points used in HP, CP or Proficiencies or extra class abilities.

Cannot be used with Highly Skilled {Prestige}