Jedi Ace

A Jedi Ace feels most at home in the cockpit of a Starfighter or the helm of a starship and uses his mastery of the Force in the exhilarating art of space combat. Using his connection to the Force, the Jedi Ace can weave effortlessly through asteroid fields, dodge storms of enemy laser fire, execute death-defying combat maneuvers, and overcome entire squadrons of enemy craft as easily as he breathes.
A Jedi Ace flies his ship not for the thrill of battle, but for the connection to the Force it brings. As the Jedi Ace slowly surrenders to the Force, flying almost takes care of itself. Even in a great battle, a Jedi Ace trusts her instincts to lead her to victory. When the battle is over, the Jedi Ace feels closer to the Force than ever before.
Jedi Aces belong to the Jedi Order. They have turned their command of the Force to battles fought in space rather than on the ground.
Jedi Aces gravitate towards starfighter squadrons, where they their abilities to good use.

SpecialJedi Advanced classes add variety and flavour to the base class and the prestige class.
Your maximum Jedi Advanced class levels can equal your Base Force class levels /2 + your Jedi Prestige class level x2. (see Class list below)
At maximum Base class + Prestige class levels this would be 20/2=10 + 5x2=10 = 20. Telepath is 1:1 levels if used.
Your maximum Jedi ADV classes is equal to X where X is the number of classes on this list: Psionic Force, Soul Edge, Telepath, Jedi, Esper & One of the 3 Jedi prestige classes

To qualify to become a Jedi Ace a character must fulfill the following criteria.
4 Levels in a Psionic class listed above.-1 Levels if P5 or higher-1 Levels if Academy Student [Quick] Trait.
Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +3 Chakra Point Die: 1d6

The ______'s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Pilot (Dex),

Perception ()

Party Ability Technophile +1 Rank.

Class: _____ StuffBlurb
Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 3 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyEnviromental Suits

1: Star-Fighter Defense

2: Familiarity I

3: Mag Bauble x2

4: Starship Focus

5: Trust the Force I

6: Mag Bauble x2

7: Familiarity II

8: Starfighter Evasion

9: Mag Bauble x2

10: Trust the Force II

Starfighter Defense

At 1st level, the Jedi Ace can add her Defense bonus from her Jedi Ace levels to the Defense of any star-fighter-class vehicle she’s piloting.

Starship Focus

At 4th level, the Jedi Ace can use his ability to sense the Force to aid his flying.

After activating this ability, a successful Sense skill check (DC 15) grants the Jedi Ace a Force bonus on her Pilot checks when she is piloting a starship (or cooperating on skill check with another pilot). The bonus is equal to one-third the Jedi Ace’s Force-User level (round down) and lasts 10 rounds. Activating this ability is a full-round action.

Familiarity I & II

At 2nd level, the Jedi Ace gains a +2 competence bonus on Pilot and Repair skill checks used on a starfighter he designates as familiar. The same bonus is applied to the Jedi Ace’s attack roll when firing the starfighter’s weapons.

At 7th level, the bonus increases to +4

To designate a starfighter as familiar, the Jedi Ace must have operated the starfighter for at least three months.

A Jedi Ace can only be familiar with one starfighter at a time.

Trust the Force I & II

Once per day, a Jedi Ace of 5th level can reroll any failed attack roll made with a starship’s weapon.

The second result must be used, regardless, of whether it is better or worse than the first

At 10th level they gain additional use per day.

Starfighter/ship Evasion

At 8th level, the Jedi Ace can make a Pilot check to lessen the damage dealt by a successful hit against a starfighter-class vehicle or starship he is piloting. If the Pilot check exceeds the attack roll, the damage dealt to the pilot’s ship is halved (round fractions down, to a minimum of 1 point of damage). The Jedi Ace can make an evasion check once per round.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv