Archon of Asha

Fucking Description Here

Knowledge (Religion) 6 Ranks
Aspiring characters attempting to take one of the necropolis classes must Seek out the Necropolis of Asha and spend time with the Residents to enter this class.
Base attack bonus: +5
Ability to Cast 3th level Ninjutsu & Ability to Cast 3th level Chakra Control.
Must Possess Winged Flight from another Source, Non winged flight does not meet this class requirement.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d4

The ______'s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Class: _____ StuffBlurb
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( X + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: [X-2] + Intelligence Modifier
Exotic Armor Proficiency : Shadow-Weave

1: Skeletal Minion, Wing Buffet

2: Asha Uses All

3: Power over Undead, Extoplasmic Miasma

4: Voice of the Grave

5: Soulreaver

6: White Necromancy

7: Ectoplasmic Explosion

8: Life-Sense

9: Bonus General Feat

10: Ectoplasmic Vampirism

Skeletal Minion

A 1st-level Archon of Asha using this variant can create a undead minion (a humanoid Squire skeleton).

Obtaining this minion takes 24 hours and uses up magical materials that cost 10000 ECUs

This creature is a loyal servant that follows the Archon of Asha's commands and accompanies her on adventures if desired. If the skeletal minion is destroyed, the Archon of Ashasuffers no ill effects and may replace it by performing a ceremony identical to the one that allowed her to obtain her first servant.

At 1st level, the skeleton is completely typical, but it gains power as the Archon of Ashagains levels. The skeleton has a number of Hit Dice equal to the Archon of Asha's class level x2. Add the Archon of Asha's class level to the skeleton's natural Defense bonus. Add one-half of the Archon of Asha's class level to the skeleton's Strength and Dexterity scores.

A Skeletal minion is a form of familiar.

Wing Buffet

An Archon of Asha learns to use its wings to batter foes, granting it two wing buffet attacks. These attacks are secondary attacks. The wing buffets deal 1d4 points of damage(small) (1d6 if Medium 1d8 if Large).

Asha Uses All (Passive Ability)

The Archon of Asha gains Chakra whenever a Friend or Foe crosses the threshold between this world and the next.

Whenever a Creature enters Negative Life within 125 feet of the Archon of Asha, they gain +1 Chakra per Archon of Asha Level.

Power Over Undead (Su)

Beginning at 3rd level, a Archon of Asha receives Turn Undead as a bonus feat.

He is treated as having the channel energy class ability, but only for purposes of using this feat.

A Archon of Asha can channel energy a number of times per day equal to 1 + her Charisma modifier, but only to use the Turn Undead feat. She can take other feats to add to this ability, such as Extra Channel and Improved Channel, but not feats that alter this ability, such as Alignment Channel, Elemental Channel, or Selective Channeling. The DC to save against this feat is 10 + her Archon of Asha level + her Charisma modifier. When she channels energy, all undead are potentially affected, even Forsaken Allies with the exception of her Skeletal minion, however this does not protect the minion from turning attempts from other sources. At 10th level, undead cannot add their channel resistance to the save against this ability.

Ectoplasmic Miasma (Ex)

Starting at 3rd level, if a Archon of Asha is adjacent to a creature at the beginning of its turn, the creature must succeed at a Fortitude save with a DC of 10 + 1/2 the Archon of Ashas level + Charisma modifier or become sickened for 1 round. A creature of the animal, fey, or plant type that fails its save is nauseated for 1 round and sickened for 1 minute thereafter. If the creature makes its save, it is immune to this effect for 24 hours.

Voice of the Grave (Su)

At 4th level, an Archon of Ashacan speak with dead, as the spell, for a number of rounds per day equal to her Archon of Asha level x2. These rounds need not be consecutive.


The Archon of Asha can as a swift action consume 2 Chakra to mark a creature with Soulreaver for 1d4+1 turns. If the creature dies under the effect of Soulreaver, then the Archon of Asha gets 1 Hitpoints and 1 Chakra per archon level. The Chakra requirement to resurrect the target is doubled.

White Necromancy (Su)

Beginning at 6th level, any necromancy spell that creates undead loses the evil descriptor when cast by a Archon of Asha

Such spells no longer cost Double Mana rule of that level (as noted under evil necromancy spells). Mindless undead resulting from white necromancy are of neutral alignment. The alignment of intelligent undead exactly matches the Archon of Asha’s alignment.

The Archon of Asha gains no specific control over undead created using white necromancy, although she may ask the undead to provide some service or to otherwise assist her. To make such a request, the Archon of Asha must make a special Diplomacy check, rolling 1d20 + Archon of Asha levels x2) + her Charisma modifier.

Mindless undead created through white necromancy initially are indifferent toward the Archon of Asha, and a flat DC 15 Diplomacy check is required when requesting their assistance. Intelligent undead initially are friendly toward the Archon of Asha, and a flat DC 15 + the creature’s Charisma modifier is required when requesting their assistance.

An Archon of Asha must treat any undead created through white necromancy with honor and respect at all times. In most cases, an Archon of Ashashould agree to release the undead once the requested service or task has been completed. Intelligent undead created through white necromancy might agree to follow the Archon of Asha for a prolonged period of time as long as the Archon of Asha pays the Chakra summoning cost to maintain them. In such cases, the undead would certainly expect to be treated as an honored and respected companion, and might even occasionally make requests of its own.

An Archon of Asha who fails to properly respect any undead he creates suffers a -10 to Diplomacy and similar skill checks when making new requests of that undead, subject to the GM’s discretion, Archon of Asha can still create undead the 'evil way' however this is usually reserved for murders and other criminals as a form of punishment by necromancer society.

Ectoplasmic Explosion (Su)

An Archon of Asha gains this ability at level 7.

Using this ability causes a blast of Ectoplasmic energies hurtling at a string of opponents.This attack deals 1d10 points of Ectoplasmic damage to any creature, friend or foe, caught in the 90-foot-line area of effect, plus an additional 1d10 per Archon of Asha levels (to a maximum of 10d10 at level 10) and inflicts the confuse status. A Reflex save (DC = 10 + the Archon of Asha’s level + Charisma modifier) for half damage and to negate the status effect. This ability costs 5 Chakra points per die of damage.

Life Sense (Su)

At 8th level, a Archon of Asha gains blindsight to a range of Constitution Modifier x 10 ft. for a number of rounds per day equal to his Archon of Asha level x2, but it detects only living creatures and undead creatures.

This sight also tells him whether a creature is living or undead. Constructs and other creatures neither living nor undead cannot be seen with this ability.

These rounds need not be consecutive.

Ectoplasmic Vampirism

Whenever an Archon or allied individual makes a melee attack, they gain 1d(damage) Hitpoints,

Hitpoints gained cannot exceed the total damage dealt.

Restricted Class Feat:

Asha Uses All, And so does <character name>

Double the Area of Effect for Asha uses all from 125 to 250 Feet

Double the Chakra gain from Asha Uses all.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv