
The Priests of Algol

Overview:Priests and priestesses have existed since the earliest of times and in the simplest societies, most likely as a result of agricultural surplus and consequent social stratification. The necessity to read sacred texts and keep temple or church records helped foster literacy in many early societies. Priests exist in many religions today.
They are generally regarded as having positive contact with the deity or deities of the religion to which they subscribe, often interpreting the meaning of events and performing the rituals of the religion.
There is no common definition of the duties of priesthood between faiths; but generally, it includes mediating the relationship between one's congregation, worshippers, and other members of the religious body, and its deity or deities, and administering religious rituals and rites. These often include blessing worshipers with prayers of joy at marriages, after birth, and at consecrations, teaching the wisdom and dogma of the faith at any regular worship service, and mediating and easing the experience of grief and death at funerals - maintaining a spiritual connection to the afterlife in faiths where such a concept exists.
Naming ConventionSpecialists in the use of metaphysical abilities "Techer" is a generic Palman term addressing the practitioners of many different philosophies and religions from a variety of races. while each culture may ascribe a special name or title to such practitioners (such as Luxan Orican or Delvian Pa'u) they are collectively and individually considered members of the Techer class.
Through great discipline, faith or mental facility Techers can manipulate powers that affect the world around them.From healing a minor wound to the destruction of an opponent's mind, Techers have a variety of powers at their disposal. Despite the potential of such awesome abilities, each Techer must adhere to the tenets of his or her discipline, behavior which violates their religion or philosophy may be punished by loss of rank and power by whatever entity(ies) governs that domain.
Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +2 Chakra Point Die: 1d12

The Priest's 4 character skills are

Energy control (Wis),

Ritual Arts (Int),

Knowledge (Int),

Primal Arts (Int)

Skill Points at 1st Level: (4 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiency
Gain Wand +1Gain Orbs +1Gain Body armor +1Gain Mantles +1Gain Holtzman Units [SAR] or Weapon Choice +1 or Gain Elemental Initiator +1
Starting Meseta: 14,000

1: Reverser Field, Sacraments

2: Control Converter

3: First Domain

4: Nei Power: Null

5: Extend Assist

6: Second Domain

7: Power Slot

8: Wide Support

9: Power Slot

10: Power Aptitude

11: Algolian Rebirth

12: Third Domain

13: Power Aptitude

14: Power Slot

15: Long-Time Assist

16: Power Aptitude

17: Power Slot

18: Territory Burst

19: Power Slot

20: Party Assist

Reverser Field [Core]

Active Skill. Reverser field Increases it's potential per every 3 character levels.
For a limited time, generate a field around yourself that revives players from Incapacitation and restores a certain percentage of their maximum HP.

HP amount Recovery Cooldown Duration Field size

I 05% 100 Rounds 1 Round 10 Feet

II 10% 1 Round 15 Feet

III 15% 1 Round 15 Feet

IV 20% 1 Round 20 Feet

V 25% 2 Rounds 20 Feet

VI 30% 2 Rounds 25 Feet

VII 35% 2 Rounds 25 Feet

VIII 40% 2 Rounds 30 Feet

IX 45% 2 Rounds 30 Feet

X 50% 3 Rounds 35 Feet

XI 55% 3 Rounds 35 Feet

XII 60% 3 Rounds 40 Feet

XIII 65% 3 Rounds 40 Feet

XIV 70% 3 Rounds 45 Feet

XV 75% 4 Rounds 45 Feet

XVI 80% 4 Rounds 50 Feet

XVII 85% 4 Rounds 50 Feet

XVIII 90% 4 Rounds 55 Feet

XIX 95% 4 Rounds 55 Feet

XX 100% 5 Rounds 60 Feet

  • An esper ring by the same name 'Reverser Ring' reduces cooldown by half.


Any priest has been ordained to the priesthood,

and thus may perform the sacraments of baptism, penance, marriage, the Eucharist and extreme unction.

Only priests ordained as Imperial bishops may also perform the sacraments of confirmation and ordination.

Control Coverter

Control Converter Increases it's potential per every two Techer levels. Level I at Techer lv 2 and Maxing out at Level X at Techer 20

Sacrifice Hitpoints on activation, Increase Control Regeneration.

Sacrifice HP amount Duration Cooldown Control Recovery

I 02% 5 Rounds 21 Rounds +1 per turn

II 04% 20 Rounds +2 per turn

III 06% 19 Rounds +2 per turn

IV 08% 18 Rounds +2 per turn

V 10% 17 Rounds +3 per turn

VI 12% 16 Rounds +3 per turn

VII 14% 15 Rounds +4 per turn

VIII 16% 14 Rounds +4 per turn

IX 18% 13 Rounds +4 per turn

X 20% 12 Rounds +5 per turn

  • Unlike "Limit Break", "Control Converter" does not count as a abnormal Status.


As per d20 clerics. Add proper description later

Power Slots

Priests gain Power slots every few levels for Nei powers, they may choose a Priest power or general power from the list.

Priests may not select powers which are forbidden to their class and it is recommended that the selected powers match their particular ethos

Extend Assist

Extends the Maximum possible duration of Shift and Deban from 60 seconds [10 rounds] to 180 seconds [30 rounds]

Wide Support

Increase the area of effect of the Primary support spells - Shift, Deban, Heals and Status effect cures

Range increases by about 1.2x

Also increases Range vertically

Power Aptitude

At 10th,13th and 15th levels a priest may choose a power in which he shows natural ability

The Priest gains +5 Modifier when making a check with the power (does not stack, must be 3 separate powers)

Algolian Rebirth

When a Techer Revives a person from Incapacitation they automatically reapply Shift and Deban to the target.

This includes Item and spell/ability revival methods.

  • Duration is always 180s

Long-time Assist

When Shift and Deban are cast they emit 'tics' every round for a few rounds. Each tic adds to the maximum duration the buff has. This ability increases the value of each tic.

Increase the effect limit granted per tick of Shifta and Deband. A regular Shifta / Deband Tick is 2 rounds. With this Skill each tick is 6 rounds

Territory Burst

Increases the area of effect of support techniques in general.

Notes:Range increases by about 1.5xBoosted Techniques: Healing spells, Status effect removal spells, Shift, Deban. Others may be added to this list later.Boosted Skills: Status Effect Ignition

Party Assist

Casting Shift or Deban applies its effect to all individuals in the current party regardless of how far away they are.

Starting Meseta: 1250