
Combat Technicians are Trained to apply their knowledge of mechanics and electronics in order to operate maintain or repair highly complex equipment, these specialists can get the best results from technical equipment, testing it for operational flaws and getting it up and running after a catastrophic failure.
Techs possess an analytic mind and a sixth sense for equipment problems. They serve as engineers, repairmen, researchers, programmers, equipment operators and technical consultants. In a War-torn universe of high technology and destructive supernatural forces, techs are a critical resource - a ship or sophisticated facility without a tech has a dim future indeed.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d8

The Tech's 5 character skills are

Demolitions (Int),

Disable Device (Dex),

Ritual Arts(Int),

Knowledge (Int),


Tech has one party skill as well:

Techie [+1 Rank +1 Slot]

Class: Civilian Repairs and invents technological devices.Civilian classes tend to have higher skill points and choices at the cost of having a lower Control or Wound point pool.
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 6 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence Modifier
Special: Highly Skilled
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyBrute Force +1Bows or Machine Guns +1Body Armor +1Holtzman Units [SAR] or Weapon choice +1Environmental Suits
Starting Meseta: 18,000

1: Mastertech

2: Tech Secret I

3: Core: Deranged Vigor

4: Mag Bauble

5:Tech Secret II

6: Technician Skill Focus

7: Mag Bauble

8: Tech Secret III

9: Bonus Feat

10: Time is of the Essence

11: Tech Secret IV

12: Mag Bauble

13: Bonus Talent

14: Tech Secret V

15: With my eyes closed

16: Breath Control

17: Tech Secret VI

18: W/S/A Proficiency

19: Mag Bauble

20: Space Cowboy


Techs are noted for their technological prowess, and, at level 1 and every four levels thereafter they gain the ability to make Mastertech items, at up to a +5 bonus at level 17. They may make these as though they were making normal items.

Tech Secrets

Beginning at level 2 and every 3 levels after the Tech can take one of the following feats from this List

Deranged Vigor [Core Ability]

Living on caffeine and axle grease, the Tech's knowledge becomes integral to his fighting skills.

The Tech applies his Intelligence modifier to his will save and his attack bonuses. *This is the tech's Core ability.

Technician Skill Focus

Beginning at 6th level, the tech may expend 5 control to gain a +4 modifier to a skill check when using any of the Technician's class skills.

Time is of the Essence

Beginning at 10th level, A tech learns to reduce repair times through his knowledge of shortcuts. the tech is able to make one time-reducing repair check for every 5 levels he has attained as a tech(max 4 at LV 20). For each Time reducing repair check, the time required to make repairs is reduced by 20%, if none of the checks are successful, the repair time is increased by 20%.

With my eyes closed

If the tech is familiar with a system, meaning that he's repaired it at least once before, he gains a bonus equal to half his level rounded up anytime he repairs or operates that system or one just like it. When a Tech has lived on a ship or installation for some time (one month or more) and functioned as a tech at the location, it is assumed that he has repaired each system at least once so he gains the bonus on all repair or operation checks.

Breath Control

The Technician's extensive experience working in a vac suit have taught him the importance of controlling his breathing when working with a limited life support system. The life support endurance of a space suit worn by the Technician is increased by 50%.

Space Cowboy

At the 20th level, the Technician gains the ability to reroll a Pilot, Repair, or Use Computer checks once per day.

If he is in a zero gravity environment, he may also choose to reroll a single attack roll instead.

He must take the result of the second check, even if it is worse then the first.

Starting Meseta: 1500