
The voices awoke just before your powers did; a soft murmur in the night, a whisper in your bones and a buzz in your soul that exploded into a roar the first time energy poured from your fingertips.Since that moment, they’ve always been with you.
At first, you were frightened. No, more than that, you were terrified. You dreaded the waking hours, when the whispers would come unbidden, sharing secrets, offering advice and drowning out the outside world with rambling reminiscences of ancient glory and ignominious, lonely death. The nights were worse. When the dreams came, and they always did, your identity drowned in a sea of memory and fantasy. You saw through eyes which perceived colour as notes on a musical scale, all sharps and flats and booming echoes. You dispersed your essence through storm clouds and rivulets of water streaming down a dragon’s back and you felt the thrill of inhaling burning soul smoke as it, screaming, soaked into your skin.
You sought out Holy Priests and Esper wizards and consulted with soothsayers, physicians and philosophers, searching for a cause and, more importantly, a cure. Some said it was madness, others possession; you endured treatment after treatment, choked down bubbling, acrid potions, ate bitter roots and quested for lost talismans of holy power, all to no avail. At last, you conceded defeat, the voices, memories and phantom sensations remained.
As you grew in power, the phantoms changed, no longer tormenting your conscious mind or overwhelming your dreams with ragged, alien visions. Instead, they whispered to you of potential, of unrealised glory, of the freedom to be found in embracing the legacy of your ancestors, eventually you consulted the shamans who explained to you what was happening, they told you to focus on the voices of your ancestors... And you listened.
The Sorcerer blessed with the ability to communicate with the spirits of his magical forefathers. As he grows in power and understanding, he gains the ability to access his ancestor’s memories and abilities.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d12

The Sorcerer's 6 character skills are

Bluff (Cha),

Intimidate (Cha),

[Energy] Control (Wis),

Ritual Arts (Int),

Manipulative Arts (Wis),

Primal Arts (Int)

Class: MagicUnlock unique powers due to your ancestryMagic classes tend to have unique abilities of a magical nature and High Control pools.
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 6+ Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyMilitia Proficiency +1Wand +1Rod +1Tomes +1Mantles +1
Starting Meseta: 14,000

1: Core: Old Soul, Mag Bauble

2: Feat: Power Surge

3: Skill Mastery

4: Mag Bauble

5: Reduced Cost

6: Bonus Talent

7: Ancestral Memory

8: Mag Bauble

9: Power Slot

10: Tinkering

11:Ancient Blood

12: Mag Bauble

13: Power Slot

14: Bonus Talent

15: Beneath My Skin, We Are Legion

16: Mag Bauble

17: Primordial Energy

18: W/S/A Proficiency

19: Power Slot

20: Re-ignite

Old Soul [Core Ability]

You are blessed with a deeper then usual spiritual connection to the ancient ancestor from whom you inherited your powers.

In fact, your soul is a direct reincarnation of his spirit. His reborn soul comforts you, advises you and strengthens your will

+1 to will saves and: Once per day you may as a full round action requiring your total concentration benefit from the wisdom on your ancient soul regaining 1d4 Chakra per Sorcerer level max 20d4 at level 20. This is the Core ability of the Sorcerer.

Power Surge [Feat]

A Sorcerer relies on his ability to inflict tremendous harm with each and every spell he casts, so it is vital that he be able to overwhelm his enemies’ arcane defences. At 2nd level, they gain Power Surge as a bonus feat, even if he does not meet the normal prerequisites.

Skill Mastery

At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter a Sorcerer may select one of his class skills when making a skill check with one of the chosen skills, the Sorcerer may take a 10 even under circumstances which would normally prevent him from doing so, Also the Maximum Rank of the skill increases by +1.

Reduced Cost

Reduce the Control cost of all Techniques by their Charisma Modifier.
(to a minimum of 2), Does not function with Primordial Energy Modified Techniques.

Ancestral Memory [Ex]

The Sorcerer is a repository for all the endless experiences of his ancestors. Within his soul are catalogued hundreds of thousands of precious memories, some only dimly remembered flashes, like crumbling pages of an ancient tome, others vibrant and pristine as a newly woven tapestry. Beginning at 4th level, a sorcerer can, after a brief but exhausting moment of meditation, access all these memories, giving him an insight into historical events that even the greatest sage can only envy.

The Sorcerer can, after a full round of uninterrupted meditation, use his ancestor’s memories to attempt to answer questions of history or legend, as though he were a bard using bardic knowledge. The Sorcerer adds a bonus equal to his sorcerer level + his Charisma bonus to the check. The Games Master determines the DC of the check. If the character succeeds at the skill check, his mind is temporarily subsumed beneath that of the ancestor who’s memory he is recalling; for one round, his features twist to resemble those of his ancestor and the knowledge he seeks is spoken aloud in its voice. At the end of the round, the character is returned to control of his body, with full recollection of both what occurred and the knowledge he was seeking.

The inward journey required to sift through all the jumbled memories floating through his soul is very taxing; each time the character uses this ability he must attempt a Will save against DC 20. If the check is successful, he suffers no adverse effect but if the check is failed, he suffers 2 points of temporary Charisma damage, as his personality and strength of will is exhausted.

Tinkering [Ex]

Sorcerers often look to ancient devices, old tomes, and strange magical items in order to learn more about their bloodlines. As a result of this curiosity and thanks to an innate knack at deciphering the strange and weird, a they gain Disable Device as a class skill. I

n addition,, a seeker adds half his sorcerer level on Perception checks made to locate traps and on all Disable Device skill checks (minimum +1). They can use Disable Device to disarm magical traps. If the seeker also possesses levels in rogue or another class that provides the trapfinding ability, those levels stack with his sorcerer levels for determining his overall bonus on these skill checks.

Ancient Blood [Su]

When the Sorcerer reaches this level of ability, both his body and spirit undergo a subtle but fundamental change. The exact nature of the change depends on the character’s magical ancestry. Characters with templates have locked heritage appropriate for their ancestors. Those with multiple templates gain all applicable changes. At 8th level, the character undergoes the appropriate changes listed below:


The character’s maximum age is tripled and old age no longer carries its sting; though he progresses through age categories as appropriate for his race and though he shows the cosmetic effects of ageing as normal, he no longer suffers the penalties to his physical statistics associated with ageing.

The sorcerer gains immunity to the effects of the dragon’s frightful presence ability.


The character gains a +1 per two class levels saving throw bonus against Disease.

In addition, he gains +1 Resistance per two class level to spells of the elemental descriptor which corresponds to his ancestor’s type.

Evil Outsider:

The character gains +1 per two class levels to resistance to shadow magic and the ability to, three times per day for 10 minutes per class level, communicate Spiritually with any creature within 50-ft which has a language.

Good Outsider:

The character gains +1 per two class levels to resistance to light magic. In addition, he gains the ability to communicate verbally with any creature, which has a language, as though permanently under the effects of a tongues spell.

Beneath My Skin, We Are Legion [Su]

Since the Sorcerer carries not just his forefather’s legacy but a portion of their souls as well, he is never alone. Able to draw both comfort and strength from their presence, the Sorcerer possesses an almost indomitable will. Should his own mind be seized by magic or addled by chemicals, his ancestors can temporarily take control of his body, guiding him to safety or simply unleashing a torrent of spells.

Beginning at 15th level, the sorcerer can, once a day per five class levels, turn the remnant minds of his ancestors into a potent shield against mental invasion. Doing so gains the sorcerer a bonus to all Will saves against mind affecting spells and spell like effects equal to his Charisma bonus. Unlike normal bonuses, the Sorcerer can decide to add this bonus after he attempts his Will save, as he is so in tune with the spirits inside his soul that calling on their aid is a reflexive action. The effort to summon up and focus their disparate wills does, however, leave the sorcerer’s mind addled and sluggish; each time he uses this ability, he suffers 2 points of temporary damage to his Intelligence.

More impressively, and more importantly, the ghosts which haunt the sorcerer’s soul can temporarily take control of his body in the event of his own mental incapacitation. They can do this once a day as a free action, for a number of rounds equal to the sorcerer’s class level. The assumption of control happens automatically and involuntarily in the event of the character failing a save against a feeblemind, insanity or charm person spell or other, similar spells or spell-like effects which negate or take control of the character’s mind. Alternately, the character can voluntarily, as a free action, give up control of his body in the event that he is under the influence of a hold person or fear spell. The Sorcerer's soul can also be repressed if they are under the effects of other, similar mind affecting spells, spell-like effects or abilities which leave him in at least partial control of his conscious mind. In either case, when the ancestor’s take control, the character is no longer considered to be under the effect of the spell, or spells, which triggered the change. The effects of the spell or spell-like affect are only temporarily negated, however, returning as soon as the sorcerer’s mind resumes control, unless the ancestor mind has taken steps to dispel or otherwise remove the effect, or the spell’s duration has expired. Should the spell or spell-like ability have a continuous effect, such as in the case of a dragon’s fear aura, the ancestral mind must immediately attempt to save against the affect.

For all intents and purposes, the ancestral mind is considered to be identical to the Sorcerer’s own personality, with identical alignment, mental attributes and access to his spells, class abilities, skills and other knowledge.

Primordial Energy [Ex]

At 17th level and after the sorcerer’s magic taps into a source that is to the elements as the elements are to the universe; the foundation of all that ever was, is or will be. As a result, when a sorcerer e casts a spell with a specific elemental descriptor, like fireball, the expression of his power is not chained to that element. Rather, the spell is a purer form of energy that transcends mortal conception and it becomes Nei that confounds all types of elemental resistance, A Sorcerer can transform a Elemental spell into Nei damage a number of times a day equal to their Charisma Modifier.

Re-Ignite [Ex]

Sometimes, all that’s needed to win the battle is a sustained barrage of concentrated firepower.

At 20th level, the Sorcerer gains access to his most potent ability. He can excite the lingering remnants of the last spell he cast, causing it to reignite.

An Sorcerer can only reignite spells that meet all the following conditions. First, only spells which cause direct damage (such as fireball, lightning bolt and meteor swarm), either in a flat amount or based on level, can be reignited and only if they have a Spread effect, or an area descriptor of Burst, Cone, Cylinder, or Spread. Further, the Sorcerer can only reignite a spell he cast in the previous round and only if he has not travelled outside its standard casting range.

Because a reignited spell is using the remnants of arcane energy left by the original spell, it’s power is considerably reduced. Damage is rolled as normal, then reduced by half, therefore, on a successful save the victim suffers only one quarter normal damage.

A reignited spell manifests in precisely the same area as the original spell effect and filling the same dimensions, meaning that a spell which travels a predetermined path before exploding, like fireball, can be blocked or prematurely detonated by barriers or living things which cross the original spell’s path. Those caught within the radius of the reignited spell are allowed a saving throw as normal and if they have spell resistance, it applies against the reignited spell as normal.

Reigniting a spell is a move equivalent action that does not require the Sorcerer to use any components, allowing them to cast a new spell in the same round that he reignites a previous one. To reignite a spell, they must spend chakra equal to half the spell's original cost. In the case of a spell altered by metamagic feats, he has a choice; he can forego the metamagic benefits and cast the spell at it’s normal spell level, or he can cast it at the higher level, in which case it benefits from the metamagic bonuses as normal. In the case of a spell altered by more than one metamagic effect, he can choose to forego the application of one effect while leaving the others. For example, when reigniting an Enlarged, Maximised fireball, he could choose to forego the Maximisation in order to lower the spell cost.

Causing a spell to reignite is a test of not just willpower, but of force of personality, with the Sorcerer pitting his indomitable will against the living essence of magic itself. Each time the sorcerer attempts to reignite a spell, he must attempt a Will save against a DC of 15 + the level of the spell. With a successful save, the spell reignites, but if the save is failed, the spell not only sputters out, but the Sorcerer suffers 2 points of temporary Wisdom and Charisma damage. In any case, the Sorcerer can reignite a maximum of 1 + Charisma bonus spells per day.

Starting Meseta: 1250