
Shaman are spiritual guides and practitioners, not of the divine, but of the very elements. Unlike some other mystics, shaman commune with forces that are not strictly benevolent. The elements are chaotic, and left to their own devices, they rage against one another in unending primal fury. It is the call of the shaman to bring balance to this chaos. Acting as moderators among lightning, earth, fire, water, and air, shaman summon totems that focus the elements to support the shaman’s allies or punish those who threaten them.

These masters of the elements can also call upon elemental forces directly, unleashing torrents of lava and bolts of lightning against foes. The elements can create, destroy, support, and hinder.

The experienced shaman balances the vast spectrum of these primordial forces into an array of diverse abilities, making shaman versatile heroes and valued members of any group.

Alignment Restriction:

Path of Mercy, Path of Autonomy, Path of Equity, Path of Harmony, Path of Supremacy

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +3 Chakra Point Die: 1d10

The Shaman's 4 character skills are

Knowledge (Int)

[Energy] Control (Wis),

Ritual Arts (Int),

Primal Arts(Int).

Class: Magic

Magic focused class with slight leaning into Melee aspects

Magic classes tend to have unique abilities of a magical nature and High Control pools.

Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 4 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyPolearms +1Militia Proficiency +1Body Shield +1Mantles +1Body Armor +6Character Restriction: Cannot use Metal armor or shields.[Studded leather for example is still fair game as it is 'mostly' leather.]
Starting Meseta: 14,000

1: Totem Summoning

2: Power Slot

3: Element Specialization

4: Shaman Feat

5: Core: Elemental Surge

6: Power Slot

7: Totemic Recall

8: Elemental Fury

9: Shaman Feat

10: Call The Elements

11: Power Slot

12: Shaman Feat

13: Limitless Fury

14: Shaman Feat

15: Bind Elemental

16: Power Slot

17: Shaman Feat

18: Elemental Focus

19: Shaman Feat

20: Ancestral Spirit Ritual

Totem Summoning [Su]

All Shamans are able to summon totems, small, translucent figurines of spiritual significance to that particular Shaman. Calling a totem into being is a swift action, and the totem appears adjacent to the Shaman.

A totem is not truly real, and does not impede movement in any way. A Shaman may only have one totem of each element called at one time; summoning a new totem of the same element immediately destroys the previous totem.

Totems have 1 HP and AC 10. A totem reduced to 0 hp or lower vanishes instantly. Totems do not take damage from area of effect attacks, unless that AOE is of the magical element that the totem is weak against (see nature transformations) Totems are treated as objects for the purpose of determining which effects can affect them, but are metaphysical incarnations, and as such have no weight, and cannot be moved from the location in which they are summoned.

Shamans can only Summon totems of the Elements they have Affinity with, gaining new totems when they gain a new element with character progression.

Element Specialization

At Third level, the Shaman may chose one element he wishes to Specialize in. He may choose from any of his elemental affinities. He gains a +2 bonus to his Primal arts or [Energy] Control checks and +1 enhancement bonus to his effective skill threshold with techniques with the appropriate descriptor.

Valid choices include: Light, Darkness from [Energy control] and any Elemental choices from Primal arts.

Elemental Surge

Once per day, the Shaman can perform a technique from his chosen element as a quickened action, provided the technique's perform time is no longer than 1 full-round action. The perform requirements of the technique are automatically met, and performing the technique does not provoke an attack of opportunity. This enables the Shaman to take other actions, even performing a second technique, in the same round as he performed a quickened technique. The Shaman can only gain one quickened action per round, no matter the type, though when combined with Double cast, one could use three spells in one turn.

The shaman gains an additional use every 5 shaman levels. Maxing out at four times per day at level 20.

Totemic Recall

As a free action, a Shaman of 7th level or higher may return all of his summoned totems to the earth, instantly destroying them and granting him 25% of the total mana cost to summon them.

Elemental Fury

At 8th level, the Shaman may use his specialized element with greater efficiency.
He deals an additional point of damage per die with any technique from his chosen Element.

Call of the Elements (Su)

As a swift action, a Shaman of 10th level or higher may summon one totem of each element.

Using Call of the Elements costs an amount of mana equal to the total combined cost of the summoned totems.

Limitless Fury

By 13th level, the Shaman is able to increase the range of his specialized element.
He may use any technique of his element and increase its range by 1.5 times.
Techniques with a "Touch," "Personal," or "Melee" range are unaffected

Bind Elemental

As a standard action, a Shaman of 15th level or higher may subject an elemental within 30 feet to his will, forcing it to take no actions for up to a minute. If the elemental fails a Will save, DC (10+1/2 HD+Wis modifier), it is dazed for one minute, or until the Shaman or one of his allies launches an attack at the elemental. Even if the elemental possesses immunity to dazing, it is not immune to the dazing of Bind Elemental.

Using Bind Elemental consumes 9 mana.

Elemental Focus

At 18th level, the Shaman becomes so focused in his specialized element that he develops a natural affinity for it.

He gains a +1 bonus to his saving throws Difficulty Class with his chosen element.

Ancestral Spirit Ritual [Su]

A Shaman of 20th level gains the ability to restore the dead to life. By casting this ability for ten consecutive rounds, the Shaman may resurrect a creature that has been dead for as long as one year per class level. This ability can restore creatures whose bodies have been totally destroyed, provided that the Shaman can unambiguously identify the deceased in some fashion.

Upon completion of this ability, the creature is immediately restored to full hit points, with no loss of level (or Constitution, in the case of a 1st level character) or prepared spells.

You can resurrect someone killed by a death effect or someone who has been turned into an undead creature and then destroyed. You can resurrect elementals and outsiders, but not constructs or undead creatures. You cannot resurrect a creature who has died of old age, or whose soul is unwilling to be resurrected.

Using Ancestral Spirit consumes 72 mana.

Starting Meseta: 1250

Shaman Feat List [Was cut/pasted from the old website and may need to be reviewed.]

Totemic Wrath:

All allies within 60 feet of one of the Shaman's Fire totems deal 10% more damage with spells, spell-like abilities, and supernatural abilities.

Earth's Grasp: Whenever the Shaman places his Earthbind Totem, all enemies within its range that fail a Reflex save, DC (10+1/2 HD+Wis modifier) are snared in place as the totem shoots out a web of entangling vines, Immobilizing all affected targets for one round, at which point the vines disappear.

Earthen Power:

Whenever the Shaman's Earthbind Totem pulses, it also removes any movement slowing effect from allies within its range. It does not, however, remove effects that completely negate an ally's ability to move, such as the Immobilized or Stunned condition.

Totemic Reach:

The range of all totem effects increases by 50%.

Ancestral Swiftness:

The Shaman may use his Ghost Wolf ability as a swift action, and gains a 15 foot enhancement bonus to his movement speed while in the Ghost Wolf form.


Increases the effectiveness of all of the Shaman's healing class abilities by 10%, and reduces the activation time of the Shaman's Healing Wave and Greater Healing Wave to a standard action. Additionally, whenever the Shaman uses a healing class ability on an ally, he has a 5% chance to gain a critical effect from the healing, increasing the total amount healed by 50%.

Totemic Focus:

The mana cost of the Shaman's totems is reduced by 50%

Soothing Rains:

Increases the amount healed by the Shaman's Healing Stream Totem by 50%, and his Healing Rain ability by 30%.

Ancestral Healing:

Whenever the Shaman performs a critical healing effect, the target of that heal takes 10% less damage from all sources for 3 rounds.

Improved Cleanse Spirit:

The Shaman's Cleanse Spirit now also removes one poison or disease effect from his target.

Cleansing Waters:

Reduces the mana cost of Cleanse Spirit by 40%. Whenever the Shaman removes a negative effect with Cleanse Spirit, the affected ally receives healing equal to the Shaman's Healing Wave ability.

Ancestral Awakening:

Whenever the Shaman performs a critical healing effect with a single-target ability, he summons an Ancestral Spirit, which heals the lowest health ally within 60 feet of the Shaman for 30% of the amount healed.

Riptide (Sp):

As a swift action, the Shaman may place a healing current inside an ally's body. Riptide instantly heals for 1d3 per Shaman level, and heals for an additional 1 point per Shaman level at the start of each of the Shaman's next three turns. If the Shaman uses his Chain Heal ability with the recipient of Riptide as the primary target, Riptide's periodic healing effect is removed, and the total healing of the Chain Heal is increased by 25%.

Riptide consumes 10 mana when used.

Riptide may be used every two rounds.

Totemic Focus: The mana cost of the Shaman's totems is reduced by 50%.

Tidal Focus: Reduces the mana cost of all healing Shaman abilities by 10%.

Spark of Life: increases the Shaman's healing done by 5%, and increases healing received by 15%.

Shaman Class Feats:

Craft Totem [Item Creation]

You can create permanent totems.

Prerequisite: Caster level 3rd.

Benefit: You can create a permanent wooden totem of any totem spell you know. Crafting a totem takes 1 day for each 1,000 gp in its base price. When you create a totem, you set the caster level, which must be sufficient to cast the spell in question and no higher than your own caster level. The base price of a totem is (its spell level x its caster level x 75 gp). To craft a totem, you must spend 1/25 of this base price in experience points and use up raw materials costing 1/2 of this base price.

When you craft a totem, you make any choices that you would normally make when casting the spell. Any totem that stores a spell with a costly material component or an experience point cost also carries a commensurate cost. In addition to the costs derived from the base price, you must also expend the material component or pay the experience points when creating the totem.

A totem is a small wooden object, usually painted with fearsome shamanic or voodoo designs. The magic in the totem is inert until someone plants it in the ground (a standard action that provokes attacks of opportunity). At that point, the totem’s magic activates, just as if you had cast the spell. The magical effect stops when the spell’s duration expires. The totem can be used only once.

Double Totem [Totemic]

You can combine two totems into one.

Prerequisite: At least 3 other totemic feats, ability to cast at least one totem spell.

Benefit: You can cast two totem spells into a single totem. The result is a single totem that provides the abilities and effects of both spells. The resulting totem has the physical statistics of the higher-level totem, with no additional hit points, hardness, or other abilities.

Creating the double totem takes as much time as casting the spell with the longest casting time. If the double totem is destroyed, both effects end. This feat cannot be combined with Totemic Protection (see below).

Enduring Totems [Totemic]

Your totems last longer.

Prerequisite: Extend Spell, ability to cast at least one totem spell.

Benefit: Totems you create last double the listed duration.

Evasive Totems [Totemic]

Your totems can twist, jump and dodge in place.

Prerequisite: Ability to cast at least one totem spell.

Benefit: Totems you create have a +2 dodge bonus to AC and are permitted to make Reflex saving throws at your base Reflex bonus. Furthermore, if the totem succeeds at a Reflex save against a spell or spell-like effect that permits such a save, it takes no damage, as if it possesses the evasion ability.

Normal: Totems have a base AC of 7. As immobile objects, they cannot make Reflex saves.

Special: This feat can be selected multiple times. Each time, the dodge bonus to totem AC increases by +2, and the totem receives a +2 bonus on Reflex saves. If you take this feat twice, totems you create have improved evasion, which means that they take no

damage from an attack that allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage if they make their Reflex saves, and only half damage if they fail.