
Scavengers turn society's wreckage and discarded trash into useful tools or items for trade, and if they're lucky, their endeavors might even yield one or two objects of special value.
They effortlessly navigate and strip clean the most treacherous places, and their playgrounds are abandoned space stations, gutted buildings, and smoking battlefields.
Despised by almost every culture, scavengers nonetheless serve an important role. Like animals, which strip the carcass to its skeleton, scavengers strip the hulls of Derelict ships and the remains of abandoned communities. they have turned scrounging into an artform. If someone needs an item, chances are a scavenger knows where to find it.
Scavengers are Highly Adaptable, quick to Learn and cagey; most are out to make a quick Profit, turning one person's abandoned refuse into another's treasure. While not a proud Profession, Scavengers seldom have any choice in their Career path, and are making the best of a bad situation.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +2 Chakra Point Die: 1d6

The Scavenger's 6 character skills are:


Climb (Str),

Disable Device (Dex),

Escape Artist (Dex),

Perception (Wis),

Sleight of Hand(Dex),

Scavenger has one party skill as well:

Techie [+1 Rank +1 Slot]

Class: Civilian Recycling specialistCivilian classes tend to have higher skill points and choices at the cost of having a lower Control or Wound point pool.
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 7 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 5 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyWired +1Bows or Assault +1Body Armor +1Militia Proficiency +1Environmental Suits
Starting Meseta: 18,000

1: Scavenging Finesse I

2: Core: Tech Familiarity

3: Skill Mastery

4: Mag Bauble

5: Flee

6: Mastertech

7: Tech Secret I

8: Careful Search

9: Tech Secret II

10: Natural Born Liar

11: Mag Bauble

12: Tech Secret III

13: Scavenging Finesse II

14: Tech Secret IV

15: Rummage

16: Bonus Talent

17: Tech Secret V

18: Mag Bauble

19: Tech Secret VI

20: Scavenging Master

Scavenging Finesse

See Scavenging page for more details on the scavenging system

Scavenging Finesse I - All characters have a -4 penalty to scavenging. This ability removes that penalty

Scavenging Finesse II - Gain a +4 bonus to scavenging

Scavenging Master - Gain an additional +4 Bonus to Scavenging.

Technology Familiarity [Core Ability]

Scavengers have Traveled far and seen technology created by an array of different races, with such a depth of experience a scavenger can usually figure out what a device is and how to use it. A scavenger may make a Knowledge check (DC 15) using his level as his Skill rank, in order to establish familiarity with most items. for ancient devices or highly advanced technology the DC may increase by up to a max of +20 if the check succeeds the scavenger knows what it is supposed to do, and how it should be used, if the check fails he's just as confused as everyone else. *This is the core ability of the scavenger

If the scavenger is familiar with a device but does not meet any specific requirements to use the device he can attempt to explain enough to another character to remove any skill check modifier for unfamiliar technology when that character makes a check to use the device for the first time.

Skill Mastery

At 3rd level and every 3 levels thereafter (6th,9th, etc) a scavenger may select one of his class skills when making a skill check with one of the chosen skills, the scavenger may take a 10 even under circumstances which would normally prevent him from doing so, Also the Maximum Rank of the skill increases by +1.


At 5th level, you can grant all allies within 30’ (including yourself) an increase to their base land speed or swim speed of +30’, similar to an expeditious retreat spell; this increase is treated as an enhancement bonus; there is no effect on other modes of movement, such as burrow, climb, or fly speeds; as with any speed increase, this ability affects jumping distances; this can only be used to escape from the current encounter, & the entire party must travel in the same direction; this is a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity; against a group of opponents with an ECL higher than your party’s average level + 1, this ability will not work; this ability does not consume any CP to use, If you also possess Flee from the Corsair class increase speed from 30 to 45' and the ECL limit to +2.


Scavengers are noted for their technological prowess, and, at level 6 and every six levels thereafter they gain the ability to make Mastertech items, at up to a +3 bonus at level 18. They may make these as though they were making normal items.

Tech Secrets

At the following levels, 7,9,12,14,17,19. The Scavenger can take one of the following feats from this list.

Careful Search | Rummage

Careful Search

The Scavenger may take 10 on Perception checks, even when she would not normally be allowed to.
In addition, she gains a +1 bonus on Perception checks to search an area.


Once per day, the Scavenger can treat a Perception check to search an area as though she rolled a natural 20.

Natural Born Liar

Natural Born Liar

With all the illegal dealings of the trade, a scavenger becomes adept at falsehoods.

At 10th level, when a scavenger successfully deceives a creature with a Bluff, that person takes a –X penalty on Sense Motive checks to oppose the Scavenger’s Bluff checks for the next 24 hours.
This penalty is -2 at 10th level, increasing to -3 at 15th and -4 at 20th level in Scavenger.

This ability does not stack with itself.

Starting Meseta: 1500