Psionic Force

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- Someone might wanna add me some day.

Requirement: Psionic Entity 1 or higher.
Special: Cannot pass level 11 without Telekinesis capability.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d12

The Psionic Force's Eight Character skills are:

Energy control (Wis),

Ritual Arts (Int),

Knowledge (Int),

Manipulative Arts (Wis),

Primal Arts (Int),

Weapon Arts (Str).

Autohypnosis (Wis).

Sense Motive (Wis)

Class: Psionic MageRelies on Psionics and using orbs to remotely cast spellsMagic classes usually have access to unique magical talents.They may be a blend of civilian skill and or physical prowess.

A human in Guardian archon mode | Jason Ironheart - Babylon 5

Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 8 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyOrbs +2Body armor +1
Starting Meseta: 14,000

1: Khala'Tauri - Δ [Delta]

2: Forced Technique Feat

3: Khala'Tauri - Θ [Theta]

4:Mag Bauble

5: Khala'Tauri - A [Alpha]

6: Bonus Metamagic

7: Mag Bauble

8: Khala'Tauri - B [Beta]

9: Shroudstorm

10: Khala'Tauri - Γ [Gamma]

11: Mag Bauble

12: Core Ability: Archon Mode

13: Khala'Tauri - Ε [Epsilon]

14: Bonus Metamagic

15: Mag Bauble

16: Khala'Tauri - Σ [Sigma]

17: Bonus Talent

18: Mag Bauble

19: Khala'Tauri - Ζ [Zeta]

20: Psi Battery

Khala'Tauri - Δ [Delta]

Khala'Tauri - Δ [Delta wave connection] 0.5 - 4 Hz - Connected to the Khala in deep, often dreamless sleep.

Reduce rest cycles by 1.

Example: 8-hour requirement is reduced to 7 for all sleep functions.

It should be noted that a race with a reduced sleeping cycle of 6 hours would drop to 5.

Khala'Tauri - Γ [Gamma]

Khala'Tauri - Γ [Gamma wave connection] - 32 - 64 Hz

- Intense focus causes Intense connectivity, Psionic abilities find their use eased significantly

- Reduce Costs for casting Psionic Abilities by 1 minimum 1.

Khala'Tauri - Θ [Theta]

Khala'Tauri - Θ [Theta wave connection] 4-8 hz - Reduced consciousness - Deep Meditation, Dreams, Light Sleep,REM sleep.

Reduce rest cycles by an additional 1.

Example: 8-hour requirement is reduced to 6 for all sleep functions.

It should be noted that a race with a reduced sleeping cycle of 6 hours would drop to 4.

This state is condusive to healing. Whenever the Psionic Force would gain 1 or 2 HP from medical resting it is increased to 2 or 3 respectively.

If they are healed beyond this, Theta wave healing trance cannot assist further.

Khala'Tauri - Ε [Epsilon]

Khala'Tauri - Ε [Epsilon] - 64 - 88 Hz

Wavelength Epsilon Improves on Theta's passive healing during bedrest, allowing it to come forward during the day:

Harmonize with Khala'Tauri

Usable once per day [per CON modifier] and lasting a number of rounds equal to your CHA modifier. The Psionic Force gains Fast healing based on the chart below.

PSI rating 1 to 5 = Fast healing 1

PSI rating 6 - 10= Fast healing 2

PSI rating 11-15 = Fast healing 3

PSI rating 16+ = Fast healing 4

Khala'Tauri - A [Alpha]

Khala'Tauri - A [Alpha wave connection] - 8–12 Hz - Limited passive information begins in sleep and wake states.

Psionic Archive / Psionic Access - Those connected to the Khala'Tauri have access to the knowledge of others.

If someone with Alpha wave connection possesses 8 ranks in a skill they are classified as that Skill's 'Psionic Archive' and broadcast a +1 to anyone else with Alpha wave connection. If they possess 16 ranks they broadcast a +2. 24 for +3 etc. This includes Psionic and Magical Skills.

A full list of Archivers is shown below [Insert list]

Khala'Tauri - Σ [Sigma]

Khala'Tauri - Σ [Sigma] 88 - 112 Hz

Gamma's Intense focus when reinforced by Sigma allows for further reduction in energy costs.

- Reduce Costs for casting Psionic Abilities by 1 minimum 1.

Khala'Tauri - B [Beta]

Khala'Tauri - B [Beta wave connection] - 12 -32 Hz - Combat Awareness is increased.

All Khala-linked within 50 miles of a Psimatrix [or connected Pylon] are in constant communication. If one is aware of a particular danger, they all are.

If one in a group is not flat-footed, none of them are. No user of the Khala in a group is considered flanked unless all of them are.

Khala'Tauri - Ζ [Zeta]

Khala'Tauri - Ζ [Zeta] 112 - 140 Hz

Synergize with Khala'Tauri

Usable once per day [per INT modifier] and lasting a number of rounds equal to your WIS modifier. The Psionic Force gains Fast Control based on the chart below.

PSI rating 1 to 6= Fast control 1

PSI rating 7 - 12 = Fast control 2

PSI rating 13-18 = Fast control 3

PSI rating 19+ = Fast control 4

Forced Technique Feat

Psionic Forces gain the Forced Technqiue metamagic feat.
If they already possess said feat, they may add another Psionic feat or metamagic feat instead. If they are a telepath they can also choose Telepath feat for this choice.


The shroudstorm, also known by the simple moniker 'psistorm' or 'telekinetic storm' is commonly thought to be a storm of telepathic or telekinetic energy created by and maintained by the 'caster' of the ability. This however is false. The shroudstorm is how it sounds to those perceptive enough to fill in the gaps.

Psionic pressure is applied to an area by altering the laws of physics in that area. Basically a user of shroudstorm applies their metacontrol charges to an area instead of a spell they are casting. They change the universal law in regards to distance between this universe and 'the shroud' a psionic realm just slightly 'above' our own space. As a result the high energy of that plane tumbles down into the lower energy plane underneath it. Psionic bolts resembling lightning come crashing down from a vortex above the ground.

Casting Time 1 standard action

Components V, S

Area: [20 feet + Yx10] feet radius burst centered on yourself or your deployed orb

Duration: Y-1 Rounds

Saving Throw: Fortitude partial (see text);
Psi Resistance: yes

Any creature caught in the spell’s radius takes 1d[X] points of damage per psionic force level (maximum 20d[X]) and is dazed and stunned for 1 round. A successful Fortitude save reduces the damage by half and negates the dazed and stunned effects. Those who remain in the area of effect take an additional YdX damage per round after.

The shroud storm damages objects in the area. If the damage caused to an interposing barrier shatters or breaks through it, the storm continues beyond the barrier if the spell’s area permits; otherwise, it stops at the barrier just as any other spell effect does.

The shroud does not discriminate however and everyone is at risk of damage within the shroudstorm. The caster can choose to use control at a cost of 6 per die of damage to shield himself or others. This is protective sub-ability is affected by Psionic casting discounts but not generalized ones. You can designate any number of creatures to be immune to the spell’s effect, though you must be capable of targeting those creatures.

Psi Rating X Y

  • 1 d4 1

  • 2 d4 1

  • 3 d4 2

  • 4 d6 2

  • 5 d6 2

  • 6 d6 3

  • 7 d8 3

  • 8 d8 4

  • 9 d8 4

  • 10 d10 4

  • 11 d10 5

  • 12 d10 5

  • 13+ d12 6

Core Ability: Archon Mode

Palman Knowledge in the hands of other races always ends with a dangerous result and the protoss aren't an exception.

Archon mode is the perfect example of this effect. Psionic Forces can briefly become an Archon, It is a solo endeavor however and not permanent unlike the original technique.

There are 4 Archon choices, This ties in with the instructor of the faction similar to the Prelate class. Once chosen it cannot be changed.
[This is a faction choice. If you take Prelate later you have already locked in your faction for Psionic Class training]

Archon [Khalai standard]

Dark Archon [Nerazim Variant]

Anger Archon [Tal'darim Variant]

Guardian Archon [Palman variant]

Psi Battery

At 20th level the Psionic Force gains an additional 50 Control Points from mastery of Energy Conservation.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv