
Plebs are needed. . .

Plebeians are members of the general citizenry and Primary workforce of the galaxy,

they represent the majority of people in the Imperium, as opposed to the patrician class

which only represent a small fraction of the population; the wealthy nobles within the Imperium.

In ancient times both on palma and in ancient rome on earth the plebeians were originally excluded from the Senate and from all public offices except military tribune,

and they were forbidden to marry patricians.

They have a wide variety of skills, reflected in their customizable skill list and while not

as combat-ready as the other classes, Plebeians might actually be better choice for some people as a useable character class, especially for those characters who wish to specialize in just a few specific skills.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d4

The Plebeian's 10 character skills are: Profession [10]

[A Level one Pleb's Maximum ranks In profession is 13]

Class: CivilianWhen a dishwasher becomes an adventurer.

Civilian classes tend to have higher skill points and choices

at the cost of having a lower Control or Wound point pool.

Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 10 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: [10] + Intelligence Modifier
Special: Highly Skilled
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyMilitia Proficiency +1Weapon Choice +1Body armor +1
Starting Meseta: 18,000

1: Core: Plebs are Needed

2: Civilian Experience

3: Civilian Experience

4: Civilian Experience

5: Civilian Experience

6: Civilian Experience

7: Civilian Experience

8: Civilian Experience

9: Civilian Experience

10: Civilian Experience

11: Civilian Experience

12: Civilian Experience

13: Civilian Experience

14: Civilian Experience

15: Civilian Experience

16: Civilian Experience

17: Civilian Experience

18: Civilian Experience

19: Civilian Experience

20: Civilian Experience x2

Plebs are Needed [Core Ability]

The Core ability of a Plebeian is 4 Civilian Experience abilities at level one, multi-classing into Civilian only provides 1 at first level.

Civilian Experience

Plebeians have widely varied experiences in their lives. At each level, a Plebeian may choose one of the following abilities. If an ability can be taken multiple times, the further effects will be listed in its entry, but any specific ability cannot be taken more than once every 2 levels unless otherwise stated with an (Unlimited) indicator.

Eg. if you take Enhanced fortitude at level 1, you cannot improve it at level 3.

Level 20 - Congrats for becoming the ultimate pleb, Gain an additional Civilian experience for completing the class.

Expanded Education

Any time a Civilian gains a civilian Experience they can spend 10 Skill points to get a second one.

While this can be used multiple times at First level if you possess the Plebeian Core ability, it is not recommended to use all three times due to extreme skillpoint cost.

Physical training

Physical Training:[4,Unlimited,Retroactive]

The first time this ability is taken, Wound Point Bonus becomes +1

The second time this ability is taken, Wound Point Bonus becomes +2,

The third time this ability is taken, Wound Point Bonus becomes +3,

The Fourth time this ability is taken, the Plebeian gains a Limit increase to MAG Life Limit increasing from 20% to 25%.

Mental training

Mental Training: [4,Unlimited,Retroactive]

The first time this ability is taken, Control Point Die becomes 1d6

The second time this ability is taken, Control Point Die becomes 1d8

The third time this ability is taken, Control Point Die becomes 1d10

The fourth time this ability is taken, Control Point Die becomes 1d12

Weapon Familiarity

Weapons Familiarity: [Repetitive]

The first time this ability is taken, he gains proficiency with a weapon group.

The second time it is taken, the Plebeian Gains a +1 misc. Modifier to hit.

The third time it is taken, the Plebeian gains proficiency with a weapon group that is not the same as the one taken the first time.

The forth time it is taken,

the Plebeian gains A Limit increase to MAG Attack Limit increasing from 20% to 25%..

Every time taken beyond, the Civilian gains proficiency with a weapon group of his choice.

Defense Familarity

Defense Familiarity: [4]

The first time this ability is taken, he gains +1 Body armor or Shield Proficiency point.

The second time it is taken, the Plebeian Gains a +1 misc. Modifier to Defense.

The third time it is taken, the Plebeian gains +1 Body armor or Shield Proficiency point.

The fourth time it is taken, the Plebeian gains a Limit increase to MAG Defense Limit increasing from 20% to 25%.

Mystical Training

Mystical Training: [10,Unlimited]

The first time this ability is taken, he gains +1 Elemental Talent Initiator.

The second time it is taken, the Plebeian Gains a +1 Technique slot.

The third time it is taken, the Plebeian gains +1+1 Elemental Talent Initiator.

The fourth time it is taken, the Plebeian Gains a +1 Technique slot.

The fifth time it is taken, the Plebeian Gains +1 Mantle Proficiency

The sixth time this ability is taken, he gains +1 Elemental Talent Initiator.

The seventh time it is taken, the Plebeian Gains a +1 Technique slot.

The Eighth time it is taken, the Plebeian gains +1+1 Elemental Talent Initiator.

The Ninth time it is taken, the Plebeian Gains a +1 Technique slot.

The Tenth time it is taken,

the Plebeian gains a Limit increase to MAG Energy Limit increasing from 20% to 25%.

Enhanced . . .

Enhanced Fortitude: [2]

The first time this ability is taken, +1 to Fortitude checks.

If taken a second time,A Limit increase to MAG Fortitude save increasing from 20% to 25%.

Enhanced Reflexes: [2]

The first time this ability is taken, +1 to Reflex checks.

If taken a second time,A Limit increase to MAG Reflex save increasing from 20% to 25%.

Enhanced Willpower: [2]

The first time this ability is taken, +1 to Will checks.

If taken a second time,A Limit increase to MAG Will save increasing from 20% to 25%.

First Aid: [Repetitive]

When this ability is taken, the Plebeian gains Field Dressings as a bonus feat.

If he already has the Field Dressings feat, he gains a 1d6 bonus to the number of temporary hit points granted when he uses it.

Each time thereafter that this ability is taken,

he increases his Field Dressings ability by an additional 1d6.

Professional Training: [Unlimited]

When the Plebeian chooses this ability, he may select any 3 skills of his choice to count as class skills for him.

If you Choose Linguistics and add language training later you will get refunded the one pick choice.

Advanced Training [Unlimited,Repetitive]

When this ability is chosen, the Plebeian gains Skill Focus in a single skill of his choice as a bonus feat.

Broadened Background: [1]

When this ability is taken, the Plebeian gains an additional character trait slot.

Language Training: [1]

When this ability is taken, the Plebeian learns two additional languages.

*Linguistics Becomes a class skill for all classes the character possesses.

Endurance: [1]

When this ability is taken, the Plebeian gains Endurance as a bonus feat.

Track: [1]

When this ability is taken, the Plebeian may add half his class levels to his survival checks to follow or identify tracks.

Starting Meseta: 1500