
A blend of martial prowess and mystical energy, a kundala embarks on a physical and mental journey toward perfection and enlightenment. Their training combines physical discipline and a spiritual quest for understanding of the universe through mastery of their minds and bodies.

Kundalas often adventure seeking enlightenment. The world is an imperfect place and only through observing and understanding it can one overcome it. A few kundalas travel to spread their wisdom and teachings to others, often seeking to broaden minds and tolerances.

Kundalas are rarely devout worshipers of any particular god. Despite their lawful nature, Kundala are turned off by the overly masochistic doctrine of Cevelis, the lady of denial — they admire her teachings of restraint and self-discipline, but disagree heartily with her attitudes toward sex.

Kundalas travel, observe, and experience the world first-hand, exposing themselves to its challenges. The few kundalas who wish to settle in an area seek to teach at a existing establishment or form a training Dojo if one is not available and make it known that all who seek wisdom are welcome.

Kundala are considered True Seekers. Which is a person who has dedicated their life to the perfection of one's soul and the salvation of their race, no matter in what form their cause may take or indeed what race the True Seeker belongs to. Among the Imperium and even outside of it with races such as the vulcans and minbari such a person is considered honored and holy and are treated with the utmost respect and reverence. Their needs are taken care of, and it is considered an honor to aid any true seeker in their quest

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +1 Control Point Die: 1d10
SpecialKundala require strict self-discipline to pursue their studies and must be of lawful alignment.
Path of Integrity (Lawful Good) Path of Harmony (Lawful Neutral) Path of Ascendency (Lawful Evil)Path of Equity (True neutral)
Class: CivilianBlend of all three archtypes, slight magic leaningCivilian classes tend to have higher skill points and choices at the cost of having a lower Control or Wound point pool.

The kundala’s 6 character skills are:

Acrobatics (Dex),

Climb (Str),

EnergyControl (Wis),

Swim (Str),

Weapon Arts (Str),

Perception (Wis).

Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 6 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyMilitia Proficiency +1Brute Force +1Elemental Initiator +1Gain Body armor +1Mantles +1
Starting Meseta: 18,000

1: FoB, Improved Unarm. Strike

2: Core: Unyielding

3: Body Control

4: Unassuming

5: Karma Conduit I

6: Tantric Arts Training

7: Diamond Body

8: Bonus Feat

9: Power Slot: Bolt of Fury

10: Karma Conduit II

11: Blessing of the Wise

12: Bonus Feat

13: Purity of Body

14: Power Slot

15: Karma Conduit III

16: Bonus Feat

17: Wholeness of Body

18: W/S/A Proficiency +1

19: Power Slot

20: Karma Conduit IV

Flurry of Blows [Ex]

When unarmored or wearing only light armor, a kundala may strike with a flurry of blows at the expense of accuracy. When doing so, he may make one extra attack in a round at his highest base attack bonus, but this attack takes a -2 penalty, as does each other attack made that round. The resulting modified base attack bonuses are shown in the Flurry of Blows Attack Bonus column above. This penalty applies for 1 round, so it also affects attacks of opportunity the kundala might make before his next action. When a kundala reaches 5th level, the penalty lessens to -1, and at 9th level, it disappears. A kundala must use a full attack action to strike with a flurry of blows.

When using a flurry of blows, a kundala's extra attack must be made with an unarmed strike, one's hands can be filled with kundala appropriate weaponry and the full attack can be made with such weaponry. Kundala's using Kundala weapons in such styles tend to rely on a quick elbow or knee during a string of attacks.

Flurry of blows consumes 2 control per successful hit, Kundala of fifth level can pay this chakra cost with hit-points if they do not have enough chakra remaining.

Each hit from a Kundala's Flurry of Blows channeled Ki deals 1 Twilight damage that cannot be reduced be it from Kundala appropriate weapon or unarmed strikes.

Core: Unyielding

You can withstand tremendous physical punishment.
Once per combat, you may take 1 full action to spend 5 Control Points, immediately recovering a number of hit-points equal to Xd6
X= Con modifier.
You may take this action even when you’re helpless or dying

Body Control [Ex]

A kundala of 4th level or higher gains a +2 bonus on saving throws against spells and effects from the school of Transmutation, since his studies and introspection give him insights into and better control over his body.


The supernatural air around the Kundala make them seem less threatening then they really are.
Kundala reduce the amount of hate points they generate with Unarmed strikes and brute force weapon arts by half.
This ability only functions if the character is considered a 'Civilian' Out of the three class archtypes of Might, Magic and Civilization; that the Civilization archtype is in dominance.

Karma Conduit

At 5th level, a kundala further masters his physique and gains the ability to use his body to conduct ray spells and energy beams through and away from the party. Once per day for a number of rounds equal to 1 + the character’s Wisdom modifier.

At 10th level, a kundala can perform Control Conduit twice a day, increasing to three times per day at 15th level and four times per day at 20th.

Deflect Energy.

When you take Directed magical or technological damage [Ray attack], you can use your reaction to deflect it.

When you do so, the damage you take is reduced by 1d10 + your Wisdom modifier (minimum reduction of 1) and you emit a duplicate of the Ray attack that struck you, dealing the same damage minus the damage you reduced when first struck.

A Kundala may use subsitution technique to switch places with allies to make full use of this abilitie's multi-turn duration.

Tantric Arts Training

Some of the sexual arts magics are restricted to Bards/Mystic dancer advanced classes or to Disciple of Aphrodite/Sacred Prostitute advanced classes, when a kundala recieves this ability they choose one group or the other, and are considered as such for class restrictions for learning them.

Diamond Body [SU]

At 7th level, a kundala is in such firm control of his own metabolism that he gains Half his Kundala level as a bonus to saving throws against poisons of all kinds.

Blessing of the Wise [Su]

At 11th level, a kundala gains a bonus equal to his Wisdom bonus (if any) on all saving throws.

Purity of Body [Ex]

At 13th level, a kundala gains control over his body’s immune system.

He gains a bonus equal to half his kundala level to all diseases except for supernatural and magical diseases. (such as mummy rot and lycanthropy).

Wholeness of Body [Ex]

At 17th level and higher, a kundala can heal, his own wounds.

He can heal a number of hits points equal to twice his current kundala level each day, and he can spread this healing out among several uses.

This is not counted as healing when the medical system is tallying for Overheal mechanics.

Starting Meseta: 1500