White Padawan

Grey Teidowan

Black Acolyte

Overview:"Maintained, Balance must be, or doomed to repeat history we will...."
A Jedi was a Force-sensitive individual, most often a member of the Jedi Order, who studied, served, and used the mystical energies of the Force; usually. The weapon of a Jedi was the Nanopulse weapon based off a Longsword they called a Lightsaber, its blade made of pure Plasma.
The current Jedi Order evolved from the Je'daii Order which was an ancient organization unified by its belief and observance of the Force on the planet Tython, in the Triangulum galaxy's Deep Core. Focusing on maintaining a balance in the Force, a state at which Tython was itself hospitable, the Je'daii saw the Force as two aspects of a whole; the Ashla and the Bogan. They saw this duality in the Force represented in the night sky of Tython in the form of two natural satellites; one bathed in light, another shrouded in darkness.
Special:Requirements: Force-sensitive or Psionic Entity Deity: None Cannot Multiclass -> Esper Guardian / Defender Required Allegiance: Psi-Core

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +2 Control Point Die: 1d8

The Jedi's 6 character skills are

Bluff (Cha),

Intimidate (Cha),

Manipulative Arts (Wis),

Primal Arts (Int),

Autohypnosis (Wis),

{Energy} Control (Wis),

Class: MagicPlasma sword-wielding space wizards.Magic classes usually have access to unique magical talents.They may be a blend of civilian skill and or physical prowess.
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 6 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyMelee Weapon Choice +1Militia Proficiency +1Gain Body armor +1Mantles +1Exotic Weapon Proficiency: Nanopulse Technology
Starting Meseta: 14,000

1: Force Training I, Quirk check

2: Core: Doublespeak

3: Nanopulse Training I

4: "I Stand. . ."

5: Mag Bauble

6: Nanopulse Reflection I

7: Force Training II

8: Mag Bauble

9: Knight/Assassin/Koawan

10: Nanopulse Training II

11: Mag Bauble

12: Nanopulse Reflection II

13: Force Training III

14: Talent Slot

15: Mag Bauble

16: Nanopulse Training III

17: Mag Bauble

18: Master/Lord/Maenowan

19: Mag Bauble

20: Nanopulse Reflection III

Force Training

Jedi gains a bonus Force feat at 1st, 7th, and 14th level. This bonus Force feat is selected from the following list.

Alter, Control, Sense Once one of these feats is selected, its associated Force skills become class skills for the character.

Core: Doublespeak

As a free action, you may spend 5 Control points to improve or worsen a target’s disposition toward you and each of your allies by 1 grade for the duration of the current scene. This ability may not target any one character more than once per scene, nor improve any target’s disposition toward your or any of your allies to better than Supportive, This is the Jedi Core Ability.

Force-Based Nanopulse Combat Training

Benefit: Passive - Nanopulse Damage Increase

As a Jedi gains levels, the amount of damage he can deal with his lightsaber or other nanopulse weapon increases.

Each time the Jedi improves his Nanopulse training, the weapon’s damage increases by +1d8. (+1 die)

Benefit: Active - Nanopulse Deflection

A Jedi learns to deflect blaster bolts and other projectiles with his lightsaber, thereby providing a dodge bonus to Defense against such attacks. You must be carrying an active lightsaber to use this special ability.

Deflecting an attack is a reaction that costs the Jedi a move action in his next round. The Jedi must indicate he is using Deflect (Defense) when an opponent declares an attack against him, but before any attack rolls are made. When used in this fashion, the Jedi gains the dodge bonus against all ranged attacks directed at him in the round.

For example, if Sen Udo-Mal uses his activated lightsaber to deflect any number of blaster attacks in round three of combat, in round four Sen Udo-mal loses a move action to account for the effort expended to deflect the attacks in round three.

Each time the Jedi gains Force-Based Nanopulse Combat Training, it provides a +1 dodge bonus to Defense when he uses his lightsaber to block ranged attacks. Nanopulse Deflection can be used in conjunction with total defense for even greater protection, providing the dodge bonus for deflecting the attack and the +4 dodge bonus granted by using total defense. In this case, Nanopulse Deflection isn't a reaction; it’s an attack action used in a round when the Jedi expects to come under heavy fire.

"I Stand. . ."

...For order and Stability

Requirement: Good Alignment Path

Manipulative Arts: Misc. Modifier +6

[Energy] Control: Misc. Modifier +6

Evolves into Jedi Knight At level 9

Evolves into Jedi Master at Level 18

...Between the darkness and the light

Requirement: Neutral Alignment Path

Manipulative Arts: Misc. Modifier +6

Primal Arts: Misc. Modifier +6

Evolves into Grey Koawan At level 9

Evolves into Grey Maenowan at Level 18

...To Promote Evolution and Change

Requirement: Evil Alignment Path

Primal Arts: Misc. Modifier +6

[Energy] Control: Misc. Modifier +6

Evolves into Dark Assassin At level 9

Evolves into Dark Lord at Level 18

Force-Based Nanopulse Reflection

A Jedi learns to deflect blaster bolts with his lightsaber to redirect the attack towards a target within one range increment of the Jedi’s position. (The type of blaster determines the range increment.) You must be carrying an activated lightsaber to use this special ability.

Deflecting and redirecting an attack is a reaction that cost the Jedi a move action in his next round. The Jedi must indicate that his is using his Deflect (Attack) when an opponent declares an attack against him but before any attack rolls are made. Deflect (Defense) and Deflect (Attack) can be used together in the same round (though the Jedi can decide not to use the defense if he wants a better chance of redirecting the incoming attack).

The Jedi can deflect and redirect a number of attacks equal to one-half his Jedi level, rounded up. The redirected attack must miss the Jedi by 5 or less; any attack that hits the Jedi or misses by 6 or more points can’t be redirected.

If the Jedi can redirect the attack, the Jedi immediately rolls an attack roll using his lightsaber attack bonus and applying a – 4 penalty as described below. If this roll is high enough to hit the target, the redirected attack deals damage to the target (the type of blaster determines the damage dealt by a redirected attack).

Each time the Jedi gains Deflect (Attack), the penalty associated with the redirected attack is lessened by 1.

It should be noted that this only works on Energy pulses. Constant energy beams like a phaser cannot be Deflected or reflected, though it can be blocked but that prevents them from doing much else.

Graduation - Knight/Assassin/Koawan

Gain Psi-core Rank/Title:

Jedi Knight(White) Jedi Assassin(Black) Jedi Koawan (Grey)

Gain a Bonus Feat and Choose one of the three paths below:

Unlock ability to multiclass into Jedi Advanced classes.

Consular Path

Medical Jedi

At 9th level Graduating down the Consular path removes the associated -12 Learn Penalty for Medical Jutsu. Gain +2 to Medical learn & Use checks at level 14, increase to +4 at level 18.(if you already possess the removal of penalty due to multiclassing this bonus is doubled)

Officer Path

Enhanced Reflection/Deflection

At 9th level Graduating down the Guardian path allows the Jedi to extend his defensive and offensive deflection skills to protect others within 5 feet of the Jedi’s position. You must be carrying an active lightsaber to use this special ability.

Now the Jedi can provide a dodge bonus to anyone within 5 feet of his position, and he can deflect and redirect ranged attacks made against anyone within 5 Feet of his position. All the rules associated with Deflection and Reflection apply; the only difference is that now the Jedi can extend this ability to help those nearby.

Sentinel Path

Analyze Target

At 9th level Graduating down the Sentinel path allows the Jedi to understand his target (or targets) so well that he gains a +2 competence bonus to attack rolls against any one individual. To receive this benefit, the Jedi Sentinel must interact with the target for a period of 5 rounds or out of combat-- spy on the target for a period of a day. The Jedi Sentinel applies the same bonus to Bluff, Listen, Search, Sense Motive, and Spot checks when using these skills in opposition to the target. The competence bonus increase to +4 at 14th level and +6 at 18th level.

The Jedi Sentinel can transfer this bonus to a new target only when the previous target is slain or otherwise neutralized.

Jedi Eligibility - Master/Lord/Maenowan

Jedi Master/Lord/Maenowan - Prestige Class unlock

Bonus Feat -

At Level 18 the Jedi gets to choose a standard feat.

Unlock ability to multiclass into Jedi Prestige classes.

Starting Meseta: 1250

Quirk Check - Padawan Quirks

When making a Jedi Padawan Roll 1d100

001 - 040-> Clouded Connection 041 - 060-> No Quirk 061 - 100-> Raw Power

Raw Power (Special Quality)

This Padawan has a strong raw aptitude with a specific Force Skill of their choice, but has not yet learned to control that power. Uses of the skill that focus on the raw power of the skill come particularly easily to the Padawan, but fine manipulation of the skill remains elusive.

Penalty: When using the selected Force skill for something that would require refined control, the Padawan suffers a –3 penalty. Also, at the GM’s discretion, the GM should ask the player to make a will save (DC: 15). Upon a failed will save, the Force skill activates of its own volition.

Bonus: When using the selected Force skill for something that focuses on just the raw power, the Padawan suffers a +5 bonus.

Special: The Padawan should lose this SQ during the process of going through their trials to become a Jedi Knight. The Padawan is unable to become a Jedi Knight until this SQ is removed. While they can continue to increase in Jedi Levels, the Jedi Knight SQ is not received until this SQ is successfully removed. Removal requires the character to undergo some kind of epiphany or gain some special insight as well as make a will save DC 18 three times in a row consecutively. When the insight

is gained and will saves are allowed to be made is at the GM’s discretion. The loss of this SQ still confers a +2 skill bonus that remains for the specific force skill.

Clouded Connection (Special Quality)

This Padawan has a problem that weakens their connection to the force significantly. The Padawan may be clouded by doubt, distracted, low self-esteem, depressed, or commonly in any other number of states or mind-sets that would distract them from allowing the force to flow fully. However, there are moments, usually critical moments, when their mind clears and the Force flows through them much more strongly than normal.


Any force skill usage gets a -3 penalty to the roll.


Once per day at level One (two at lv 3, three at lv 5 and four times at level 7), the Padawan always gets the maximum die roll, and the -3 penalty is negated when using this boon.

Special: The Padawan should lose this SQ during the process of going through their trials to become a Jedi Knight. The Padawan is unable to become a Jedi Knight until this SQ is removed. While they can continue to increase in Jedi Levels, the Jedi Knight SQ is not received until this SQ is successfully removed. Removal requires the character to undergo some kind of epiphany or gain some special insight as well as make a will save DC 18 three times in a row consecutively. When the insight

and rolls are allowed to be made is at the GM’s discretion.The loss of this SQ still confers one usage of the Maximize Force Boon.