
Wielding three types of weapons, the Hero is a powerful Successor Class whose true power is being a master of all. With balanced growth in striking, ranged and magical combat, as well as the ability to quickly switch between weapons even during the heat of battle, the Hero controls the battlefield with masterful strength and skill.

The flash of the sword, the slight change in the air is the only clue one has before the Hero's blade falls. They can appear out of thin air and rapidly switch between weapons during mid attack to overwhelm their enemies.

It is difficult to spot a Hero at times, their use of the Talis and it's marking shot make it difficult to predict their movements however the swords they carry are usually larger then they are so that is usually a good indicator.


  1. A aspiring Hero must be able to 'Monkey grip' [feat] a Brute sword and have the proper strength to use it one-handed.

  2. A aspiring Hero must have the Brute Sword, Machine Gun & Talis Weapon Proficiency

  3. A aspiring Hero must have Quick draw feat.

  4. A player creating a aspiring Hero must have completed a basic melee class to level 10, A basic ranged class to level 10 and a basic magic class to level 10 spread among their other characters. [eg: one character could be all 10 melee levels, another the 10 ranged and another the 10 magic.]

If a [player] is in possession of one of a 'Matter Board fragment' event item they can choose to 'use' it to create a character that starts as one of the four Successor classes. Requirement 2 and 4 are waived.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +4 Chakra Point Die: 1d10

The Hero's 5 character skills are:

  • Intimidate

  • Perception

  • Weapon Arts (Str)

  • [Energy] Control (Wis)

  • Primal Arts [Int]

Class: Tri-Weapon SpecialistSuccessor classes have a heavy combat focus

Skill Points at 1st character Level: ( 5 + Intelligence Modifier) x4

Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 3 + Intelligence Modifier

Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiency
Brute Sword +1Machine Guns +1Talis +1

01: Improved Quick Draw - Hero

02: Hero Ability

03: Tech Save

04: Hero Ability

05: Mag Bauble

06: Hero Ability

07: Mag Bauble

08: Hero Ability

09: Mag Bauble

10: Hero Ability

11: Mag Bauble

12: Hero Ability

13: Mag Bauble

14: Hero Ability

15: Hero Time | Hero Finish

16: Hero Ability

17: Mag Bauble

18: Hero Ability

19: Mag Bauble

20: Hero Ability

Improved Quick Draw - Hero

Heroes gain the Improved Quickdraw feat as shown below but when additional functionality

Improved Quickdraw -

Even with your weapon still sheathed, your presence is enough to threaten enemies.

Prerequisites: Quick Draw.

Benefit: You are considered to be threatening all squares within reach of your weapon even if it is sheathed, and can draw your weapon when making an attack of opportunity. When you draw your weapon in this way, you may sheath weapon without provoking attacks of opportunity after the attack is resolved.

Addons shown below

Improved Quick Draw - Hero Variant

Heroes use Improved Quick Draw better then any other class to the point of it being their specialty.

Heroes can change between their three class weapons freely, even in the middle of a string of attacks within a full attack action. But only between Brute Sword, Machine Guns and the Talis.

Tech Save

The Nei engravings that a hero places on their weapons are sensitive to elemental enchantments that they may purchace from the Esper's Mansion.

As such they may subtract 1/2 their Hero level from spells that match the elemental enchantment on their weapon. A brute sword with Fire enchantment would make fire spells cheaper or Talis with Lightning enchantment would reduce the cost of electricity spells. [minimum cost a spell must always be aleast 1 control]

General Class Abilities

Hero's Unhinged MAG

This ability can be taken multiple times and can target any mag statistic except Defense to unhinge it up to three times.

Heroes usually unhinge their Base attack bonus to get as many attacks as possible in a full round action but it can be applied to any statistic.

A mag's limit is usually 20%, This ability would increase that to 25%. If taken again on the same stat it would increase to 33% and then a third time 50%.

Will of the Hero - Alga, Belta, Tseza

Once Per Day & Once per month if an attack would incapacitate you. Automatically survive with 1 HP remaining.

  • If you buy this again its uses per month increase by +1 to a max of 3.

  • It's use per day can never change.

Sword Style Class Abilities

[Control] Bullet (Name changes due to energy type)

The hero has twisted the magic missle spell using knowledge collected by the Espers. Hero Brute swords are written with a complex matrix to use as a focus for the Nei.

During a full attack action they may sacrifice one of the attacks [and as many as they so choose] to sheath their sword on their backs [which isn't an issue due to the hero's Improved quickdraw] and proceed to focus on it. They will emit a Energy blast or each attack sacrificed in the chain to do 1d4+1 non elemental damage similar to the magic missle spell. After all damage from the bolts is talled, the hero recalls the twisted energy, regaining half the damage dealt as Control. [Rounded down]

A Hero may choose to charge a bolt to [Stage 1] this does not require any additional time or preparation but it does use 1 metamagic charge.

A stage one Control bullet does scaling damage. 1d8+1 as a default however it increases for every 5 Hero levels possessed.

1d10+2 at Level 5. 1d12+2 at Level 10. 2d6+3 at Level 15 and 3d4+3 at level 20

[Control] Bullet - Aura short charge

Requires - [Control] Bullet

Once per day per 5 Hero levels a Hero may trigger a [Control] Bullet - Short change after using Sword attack or Weapon art [Brute sword] to fire

off one [Control bullet] - Stage 1 without consuming at Metamagic charge.

A Hero's Defense is +2 higher until the start of their next turn due to the energies warping around him after using a Aura short charge.

[Control] Bullet - Overcharge

Requires - [Control] Bullet

By bracing one's elbow with the other hand and focusing even further, the hero is more then capable of generating a rather explosive surprise for those prefer quantity over quality.

A hero may choose to use a full-round action and expend a metamagic charge to Push a single [Control] Bullet into a [Control] Ball also known as a Stage 2 [Control] Bullet.

In this state it emulates the fireball spell and still converts half it's total damage into energy for the Hero.

If the hero needs to make a concentration check to maintain charge, they would use the Energy [control] skill.

TMG Style Class Abilities


The inscribed Nei matrix on a Hero's guns allow them to channel personal energy into each successful shot.

After finishing an full attack action that used any number of successful TMG strikes. You may add +1 damage to each bullet that hit a target for the equalivant cost of 1 Control.

Ammo? Power Packs? That's so last century~

Requires: Gunlink

The hero no longer needs powerpacks for energy based weapons or bullets for projectile based weaponry. [Machine guns/Pistols only]

Haughty Reload

Requires: Gunlink

The Machinegun Hero spins their weapons about in an arrogant display of dexterity.

When asked they state that it is simply a technique to regain energy but there is more to it then that. . .

Haughty Reload antagonizes the photons in the air causing them to resonate with the enemies nearby. Enemies nearby become provoked and angry from the display and this is converted into energy that the Hero absorbs from the air around them.

Benefit: You can make an Intimidate check as a standard action to provoke opponents in visual range of your display into violence against you. A successful check worsens your targets attitude by one step if they are not already hostile. If they are already hostile, it provokes them to attack you, violently if possible. This effect is not strictly compulsory, and the target does not attack heedless of all danger but takes all reasonable efforts to direct attacks at you.

Special: You suffer a −5 penalty to your Intimidate check if your target is currently threatened by an opponent but not by you, or if your target has little or no means of hurting you. Instead of attacking personally, a target can order any loyal retainers or allies to attack on its behalf.

Special2: For every target provoked successfully you gain 5 control. The hero may only use this ability once a day when taken [prior to lv5]

  • Scaling up depending on hero level progression. 5: 2/day 10: 3/day 15: 4/day and lv 20: 5/day

Talis Style Class Abilities

Marking Shot | Agile Shift

Marking Shot - A hero can use any of it's attack actions to throw a marking shot from their talis that can stop anywhere designated within 60 feet or stick to a target like a wall or enemy. At any time a hero chooses it can trigger Agile Shift and move to it's marking shot. Consuming 7 Control to do so.

The marking shot needs to be redeployed after use. This ability is considered Nei and still functions in areas that teleportation normally would not function.

Thank you, Come Again!

Requires MS|AS

Marking shot now has 2 charges when used. When agile shift consumes the first charge the Hero can choose to either leave the marking shot where it was originally anchored or it can send the Marking shot back to the location it was before activating agile shift, allowing them to quickly return if needed.

Talis Charge Keep

Requires MS|AS

If a spell you are casting is at risk of disruption you may choose to trigger Agile shift if your marker is deployed and relocate without disrupting your casting.

Hero Time | Hero Finish

Under Development.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv