
Dragoons are noble warriors, fierce fighters, and knights who don't always follow the rules. They are often found leading elite units into battle or leaping over the heads of lesser soldiers into the fray. Dragoons are known for their astronomical jumping abilities mysteriously taking out enemies from the sky before even being seen. Dragoons also develop a special bond with dragons and master all abilities in the heaviest of armors, allowing them to execute maneuvers in battle other warriors can only dream of.
Role:Dragoons tend to be on the front-lines, jumping into the midst of battle. Their mastery of their acrobatics skill is a wonder to all as they soar above, slamming into their opponents with their polearms.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +5 Chakra Point Die: 1d6

The dragoon’s 5 character skills are:

Acrobatics (Dex)

Climb (Str)

Perception (Wis)

Swim (Str)

Weapon arts [Str]

Class: MightUnique combat mechanics. High wound bonus.Might classes tend to have higher Wound point pools and proficiency points but tend to suffer when it comes to skill points or Control.
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 5 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 3 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyMilitia Proficiency +1Polearms +2Body armor +1
Starting Meseta: 14,000

1: Pole Fighting

2: Core: Hardy Landing, Jump!

3: Deadly Lancer +1d6

4: Medium Armor Proficiency

5: Armor Training

6: Deadly Lancer +2d6

7: Springing Charge

8: Mag Bauble

9: Deadly Lancer +3d6

10: Heavy Armor Proficiency

11: Mighty Charge

12: Deadly Lancer +4d6

13: Mag Bauble

14: Tail Sweep I

15: Deadly Lancer +5d6

16: Mag Bauble

17: Combat Feat

18: Deadly Lancer +6d6

19: W/S/A Proficiency

20: Leaping Charge

Pole Fighting

Pole Fighting (Ex):

At 1st level, as an immediate action, a dragoon can shorten the grip on his spear, lance, or polearm with reach and use it against adjacent targets. This action results in a –4 penalty on attack rolls with that weapon until he spends another immediate action to return to the normal grip. The penalty is reduced by –1 for every five levels beyond.

Hardy Landing [Core Ability]

At 2st level, the dragoon becomes skilled at diving through the air after a high jump and absorbing the impact of the long fall.

When using this ability, the dragoon takes damage as if the fall were shorter than it actually is, Calculated by 5 feet per character level.

This is the Dragoon's Core ability, you may only possess one core ability.


A dragoon trains for years in the ability to leap astounding and nearly supernatural distances, emulating the dragon’s ability to fly. The dragoon adds his dragoon levels to all Acrobatic skill checks for jumping. A dragoon’s ability to jump with his Acrobatic checks is treated as though he got a running start and has the Run feat, regardless of whether or not he gets a running start. A dragoon’s maximum height is not affected by his size and his jump is not affected by maximum movement speed, allowing very strong, very powerful dragoons to eventually leap higher than their own height and further than his own movement speed. In addition, the dragoon may jump as part of a charge action.

Beginning at 6th level, the DC multiplier for a high jump is reduced by 1, making it a multiplier of 3 rather than 4. This reduction improves by 1 every seven levels; multiplier of 2 at 12th level, and multiplier of 1 at 18th level. A dragoon using this ability does not provoke an attack of opportunity unless they pass through a square that is threatened by a flying creature that he is not attacking directly. If a dragoon is hit in this manner, they fall to the ground prone in the square in front of the creature.

Deady Lancer

At 1st level, the dragoon has learned the technique of the falling from the sky upon their opponents to inflict more damage. Whenever the dragoon jumps at least15 feet from his opponent (vertical or horizontal) and strikes his foe using a spear, lance, or polearm, the dragoon deals an additional +1d6 points of damage. This extra damage is 1d6 when first gained, and it increases by 1d6 with each improvement. If the attack is also a critical hit, the extra damage is not also multiplied. For every 15 feet the dragoon jumps beyond the first 15 feet, the dragoons deals an extra 1d6 points of damage.

Armor Training [EX]

At 5th level, a dragoon learns to be more maneuverable while wearing armor. Whenever he is wearing armor, he reduces the armor check penalty by 1 (to a minimum of 0) and increases the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed by his armor by 1. Every few levels (10th, 15th, and 20th), these bonuses increase by +1 each time, to a maximum –4 reduction of the armor check penalty and a +4 increase of the maximum Dexterity bonus allowed. In addition, a dragoon can also move at his normal speed while wearing medium armor. At 15th level, a dragoon can move at his normal speed while wearing heavy armor.

Springing Charge [EX]

At 7th level, when the dragoon jumps a distance of 15 or more feet using a charge action, he may move after the attack, but the dragoon’s total distance that he can move cannot be greater than his speed. The dragoon does not provoke any attacks of opportunity from the target of his attack. A dragoon cannot use this ability to attack a foe that is adjacent to him at the start of his turn

Mighty Charge [EX]

Mighty Charge (Ex): At 11th level, a dragoon learns to make devastating charge attacks while jumping. Double the threat range of any spears, lances, or polearms wielded during a charge while jumping. This increase does not stack with other effects that increase the threat range of the weapon. In addition, the dragoon can make a free bull rush, disarm, sunder, or trip combat maneuver if his charge attack is successful. This free combat maneuver does not provoke an attack of opportunity.

Tail Sweep [EX]

Tail Sweep (Ex):

At 14th level or higher, a dragoon is able to use his weapon in the same way a dragon uses its tail. A dragoon may make a tail sweep action as a full round action. To do so, he chooses 3 consecutive squares he threatens and rolls damage normally for the weapon in use. Each character, friend or foe, in the affected area, rolls a Reflex save (DC 10 + half of dragoon’s level + Strength modifier) or fall prone. This attack is effective against enemies the same size or smaller than the dragoon. If the attack strikes any enemy larger than the dragoon, the attack does damage as normal, but becomes immune to the knockdown effect.

At 18th level, the dragoon affects all squares he threatens with tail sweep.

Leaping Charge [EX]

At 20th level, the dragoon has fully mastered charging the enemy from the skies. When jumping a distance of 10 or more feet using a charge action, the dragoon deals double the normal amount of damage. In addition, if the dragoon confirms a critical hit on a charge attack, the target is stunned for 1d4 rounds. A Fortitude save reduces this to staggered for 1d4 rounds. The DC is equal to 20 + his Strength modifier.

Starting Meseta: 1000