
Diplomats are critical to the relationships between worlds and governments, cities and empires or between various corporations in the business world. Diplomats are called upon to mediate political differences, develop treaties and bolster the confidences of allies and enemies alike
These officials in posts collect and report information that could affect national interests, often with advice about how the home-country government should respond. Then, once any policy response has been decided in the home country's capital, posts bear major responsibility for implementing it. Diplomats have the job of conveying, in the most persuasive way possible, the views of the home government to the governments to which they are accredited and, in doing so, of trying to convince those governments to act in ways that suit home-country interests. In this way, diplomats are part of the beginning and the end of each loop in the continuous process through which foreign policy develops.
The home country will usually send instructions to a diplomatic post on what foreign policy goals to pursue, but decisions on tactics – who needs to be influenced, what will best persuade them, who are potential allies and adversaries, and how it can be done - are for the diplomats overseas to make.
In this operation, the intelligence, integrity, cultural understanding and energy of individual diplomats become critical. If competent, they will have developed relationships grounded in trust and mutual understanding with influential members of the country in which they are accredited. They will have worked hard to understand the motives, thought patterns and culture of the other side.
In Addition to the formal functions as a dignitary, diplomats also find employment with large corporations where they aid in finalizing large contracts, negotiating with unionized labor and numerous other tasks that require a clear head and a keen mind. characters with diplomatic skills also find work among police forces as hostage negotiators or psychological analysts.

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d8

The Diplomat's 7 character skills are

Ritual Arts (Int),

Bluff (Cha),

Intimidate (Cha),

Knowledge (any) (Int),

Linguistics (Int),

Manipulative Arts [CHA]

Sense Motive (Wis).

Diplomat has one party skill as well:

Etiquette [+1 Rank +1 Slot]

Class: Civilian Heavily skill-focused with special skill-based mechanicsCivilian classes tend to have higher skill points and choices at the cost of having a lower Control or Wound point pool.
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( 8 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiencyMilitia Proficiency +1Tomes +1General Choice +1Body Armor +1Choose 1: Holtzman Units [SAR], Elemental Initiator +1 or Weapon Choice +1
Starting Meseta: 18,000

1: Party Ability: Diplomat +1

2: Mag Bauble

3: Core: Encouragement

4: Skill Emphasis I

5: Oration

6: Talent Slot

7: Diplomatic Immunity

8: Mag Bauble

9: Skill Emphasis II

10: Restricted Access: Low

11: Diplomatic Pouch

12: Mag Bauble

13: Select Attache

14: Skill Emphasis III

15: Restricted Access: Medium

16: Talent Slot

17: Strength of Character

18: Mag Bauble

19: Skill Emphasis IV

20: Restricted Access: High

Core Ability: Encouragement

When any of the diplomat's teammates or allies within verbal or visual contact Uses an ability to increase a dice roll(like a warrior's Accurate or a commando's Precise), Spend 5 Control and roll a d20 to increase the die result by a number equal to the chart below.

Dice # Increase

1-5 +1

6-10 +3

11-15 +4

16-20 +6

Skill Emphasis

At 4th level and every 5 levels thereafter, the diplomat gains skill emphasis as a bonus feat, can be applied to any of the character's class skills.


at 4th level Allowing him or her to speak with such intensity and eloquence that everyone who can hear him must make a will save DC 12 + charisma Modifier of the diplomat or stop and listen for one full minute, if those within hearing were involved in combat or performing an urgent task they gain a +5 Modifier to the save, if they fail the save by 5 or more they must listen for 10 full minutes or until the oration ends, whichever comes first, anyone who failed their save will feel strongly about the subject for a period of 1 hour or until someone else discrets it with reliable data, whichever comes first, Diplomats get a bonus to Oratory's DC every few levels.

Diplomatic Immunity

Starting at 7th level, if the Diplomat has been posted as an Ambassador and is arrested for a crime, she can make a Diplomacy check to invoke her diplomatic credentials and not suffer the usual legal penalty or punishment. The severity of the crime determines the DC of the Diplomacy check, and how authorities react if the Diplomat succeeds. See Table: Diplomatic Immunity for Diplomacy check DCs based on the severity of the crime.

If one of the Diplomat's Attaches (see the select Attache class feature, below) is arrested for a crime and unable to secure her own release, the Diplomat may intercede on the attache's behalf. One may aid the other's Diplomacy check.

An Diplomat who routinely invokes the privilege of diplomatic immunity-either on her own behalf or to protect her selected consuls-is likely to be recalled or terminated by those she has sworn to represent.

Diplomatic immunity Crime Table

Crime Severity

Class 5

Class 4

Class 3

Class 2

Class 1


Disturbing the peace, public intoxication, noninjurious traffic violation

Possession of controlled substance, injurious traffic violation, operating business without a license, operating a vehicle or starship without a license, assault without a deadly weapon

Attempted bribery of a public official, robbery or grand theft, aiding and abetting a known felon, assault with a deadly weapon, possession of a concealed weapon

Murder or manslaughter, fraud, smuggling, assault against a public official, trafficking in controlled substances

Conspiracy against the government, the murder of a public official, sabotage of public utilities

DC Effect of Successful Diplomacy Check

20 -2 penalty on subsequent Diplomacy checks in that area

25 -5 penalty on subsequent Diplomacy checks in that area

31 -10 penalty on subsequent Diplomacy checks in that area

38 Deportation within 2d6 hours

46 Detention, pending diplomatic action by the character's government

Restricted Access

At 10th level, the Diplomat gains clearance to access restricted files or classified information from any source that recognizes her faction, organization, nation, world, or stellar empire.

Restricted Acess - Low: She gains a +2 bonus on Computer Use checks made to defeat computer security, and to Diplomacy when using the gathering information function of the skill.

Medium - Increased to 4

High - Increased to 8

Diplomatic Pouch

At 11th level, the Diplomat receives the ability to carry a special sealed diplomatic pouch, which is usually about the size of a briefcase or similar item. By intergalactic convention, this container may not be opened by anyone except another member of the same ambassadorial staff. Diplomats normally use these pouches to hold sensitive information and important data files, but they can also be used to smuggle weapons or other restricted materials into secure locations. Since it is normally expected that such illegal things will not be carried, this is something that should not be flaunted. International or interstellar incidents are not something an Diplomat would like to deal with or create.

Select Attache

At 13th level, the Diplomat holding the position of Ambassador may appoint a number of individuals equal to her Diplomat level divided by 4 bonus as "consuls" or "attaches." These appointed individuals gain all the benefits of the diplomatic immunity, and restricted access class features (described above). The Diplomat may revoke these privileges at any time and appoint replacement as she sees fit. It takes 1d4 hours for a Diplomat with Ambassadorial status to invoke or revoke a attache's privileges.

Strength of Character

Beginning at 17th level, a diplomat may expend 5 control in order to gain a +4 to charisma based skill checks, this ability affects Oratory.

Starting Meseta: 1500