
<Under Construction - Missing Description>Requires Race with advanced shapeshifting:
K'hara, Founder, Ameoba Goo'varen

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d4

The ______'s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Class: _____ StuffBlurb
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( X + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: [X-2] + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiency

1: Shift, Forms Known, Shift CR Maximum

2: Improved Natural Attack I, Form Knowledge +2

3: Partial Shift I

4: Form Knowledge +4

5: Bonus Feat

6: Improved Natural Attack II, Form Knowledge +6, Partial Shift II

7: Morphogenic Regeneration

8: Form Knowledge +8

9: Flash Shift, Partial Shift III

10: Improved Natural Attack III, Form Knowledge +10, Bonus Feat

Shift (Su)

A shifter gains the ability to Shift into any creature of their choice that is of any Form that they know. The chosen creature can be any size from one step of your natural size catagory, if you are a founder your limit is from Fine to Colossal instead, but must be a natural creature of that type. For example you couldn't turn into a Dimunitive Red Dragon, because they cannot be that small. You could however be a Medium Dire Rat, because they can be found that size, you just need to increase the CR appropriately for it's Hit Dice advancement

When you Shift you gain the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution ability scores of the chosen Form, or retain your own, whichever score is higher for each ability. For example if you Shift into a Brown Bear, you could take it's Strength and Constitution scores, but keep your own Dexterity.

You also gain the Movement Methods, Natural armor, Deflection bonuses, Speeds, Natural Attacks, Extraordinary Abilities, Supernatural Abilities, Spell-Like Abilities, Racial Skill Modifiers, Reach and all other Special Qualities of the chosen Form. Save DC's for Extraordinary, Supernatural, and Spell-Like Abilities of the new form change to the following:

Extraordinary Abilities (Ex): Save DC = 10 + total character Levels + Constitution Bonus
Spell-Like Abilities (Sp): Save DC = 10 + total character Levels + Charisma Bonus
Supernatural Abilities (Su): Save DC = 10 + total character Levels + Wisdom Bonus

Shifting is a Standard action that doesn't provoke attacks of opportunity. A Shift lasts for a number of minutes equal to your Shapeshifter class level x2, and consumes a number of chakra points equal to the chosen Form's CR. You can return to your normal form at any time, as a free action, and thus ending your Shift prematurely. While in a Shifted form you are restricted in speech to what is available to a normal creature of it's kind. For example, a dog cannot speak, but can bark. Any equipment worn when shifting is absorbed into your new body, granting only magical effects, not physical ones. Any weapons held are dropped, unless they can be held normally by your new form.

When in a Shifted form, you lose all racial Special Attacks, and Special Qualities, except if your Ameoba Goo'varen, you retain your Critical hit immunity due to retaining your goo-like structure even when shifted.

Forms Known

All Shapeshifters begin knowing how to Shift into any natural Humanoid Form, and any one bonus Form of their choice, chosen from the following list:

Bonus Forms— Aberrations, Animals, Dragons, Elementals, Fey, Giants, Magical Beasts, Monsterous Humanoids, Ooze, Outsiders, Plants, or Vermin.

They gain additional form types as they gain additional shifter levels, they cannot turn into creatures they have not met.

Shift CR Maximum

This determines the highest CR creature of any known form that may be Shifted into, CR maximum is equal to your total character level minus 6 or

CR 1/2 whichever is higher.

Improved Natural Attack I, II, III

Further improving your mastery over your Forms, a shifter gains the ability to strengthen Natural attacks, permanently in all Forms. You gain Improved Natural Attack, for the type of your choice, as a Bonus Feat. For example, you may take Imporved Natural Attack (Bite), (Claw), (Tentacle), or any other type you choose. Each type cannot be selected more than once.

Form Knowledge

You gain ultimate understanding of your chosen Forms. This allows you to use the Knowledge (Nature) skill to find information on them, as though you were using the appropriate Knowledge skill instead, it also grants a small bonus to the roll as seen on the chart above.

Partial Shift (Su)

Starting at 3rd level, the shifter gains the ability to only shift select parts of their body. At 6th level the shifter may shift another part of their body simultaneously, and up to three at 9th level. Each partial shift cost 2 chakra points. All natural attacks gained from Partial Shift can be combined into a full attack. They cannot partial shift while they are already in shifted form. Changing a Partial shift takes a Standard Action, while removing one is a Free Action. they must have enountered this body part before to use it on a creature they have Form for. They can shift their body in these following ways:

Morphogenic Regeneration (Su)

Damage to a Shifter does not function the same way as it would to a regular life-form, using their morphic abilities they can slowly heal over time, Shifters have Fast healing 1. Increases to +2 at character level 25, +3 at character level 50.

Flash Shift

When Shifting, you may spend an additional 15 chakra points to Full Shift as an Free action, rather than a Standard action. [5 for partial shift] You may instead choose to spend an additional 30 chakra points to full Shift as an immediate action, rather than a Standard action. [10 for partial shift]

These abilities may be done any number of times per round.

Class Only Feats

Improved Threshold
Reduce CR reduction on Shift CR maximum from -6 to -3

Threshold mastery
Reduce CR reduction on Improved Threshold from -3 to 0.

Prerequisites: Shifter class, Improved Natural Attack [Tentacle]
Special: You may take this up to one third your level times. Each time it is taken, you gain the Elasticity quality below.
Elasticity: You may stretch your limbs out 60 feet per time you take this. You take a -2 penalty to strength every 20 feet you stretch your limbs. You actively threaten out to 5 feet. You may take this multiple times to increase the length you can stretch your limbs by 60 feet and the area you threaten by 5 feet. Each time you take this you gain a +2 on grapple checks and escape artist checks to escape being grappled or bound.

Prerequisites: Feats: Mystic Attack, Improved Grapple
There is no size limit to the size you can grapple as long as you qualify to constrict the target later.
Also, on a successful Unarmed Strike or Natural Attack you can initiate a grapple against the target as a free action without provoking an attack of opportunity.

Prerequisites: Feats: Superior Mystic Attack
When you successfully grapple a target, you may make a trip attack against the opponent as a free action.
You may only make one trip attack per round. If you successfully trip the opponent, they are automatically pinned.

Prerequisites: Feats: Divine Mystic Attack
When you successfully pin a target, you deal your Unarmed Strike damage at +4 tiers higher then usual to the target ignoring Damage Reduction/Mitigation.
When you deal damage to an opponent in a grapple afterwards, you deal +2 Tiers higher then usual in damage.
Half your unarmed strike damage dealt in grapple ignores damage reduction/mitigation.
A medium sized shifter with no additional modifiers would deal 1d3 damage with an unarmed strike, but with supernal mystic attack ths damage would increase to 2d6 during a pin and unarmed attacks after the successful grapple would be 1d6.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv