Section 13 Field Agent


  • Wound Point Mod: +3

  • Control Point Die: 1d10


  • General Choice +1

Skill Modifiers

  • Ettiquette Party Ability +1

  • Survival Party Ability +1

When the Microsol Corporation was reorganized by the Imperium due to corruption concerns its corporate 'clean-up' resources were converted into a more productive element for the Imperium. S13 was created - An intelligence bureau working behind the scenes, the S13s specialize in a myriad of clandestine operations from reconnaissance, espionage, black ops to kidnapping, sabotage, and even assassinations. For an Intelligence bureau they have an eclectic membership from Imperial Agents and Mentats to street performers, trained martial artists and gunslingers.

However as myriad as they are in background, all S13s are well-dressed professionals who get the job done. What matters to an S13 first and foremost is the bottom line and any concerns such as friends and family are secondary. Becoming an S13 means becoming one for life, the only way out is in a body-bag.

It is currently unknown who the current S13 Leader is as they always keep their identity a secret, even to their own members.

Requirements to Enter Section 13 Field Agent Advanced class:

  • 10 Levels in any Basic or Successor class.

  • Levels in Entertainer, Agent, Mentat, Fighter, Gunner, Kundala Reduce this requirement.

Special: Taking levels in this class causes the character to join the S13 Faction.

Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

1: Professional I , Studied Combat

2: Bonus Feat, Mag Bauble x2

3: Professional II , Studied Strike 2d6

4: Professional III, Bonus Talent

5: Professional IV, Studied Strike 3d6, Mag Bauble x2

6: Professional V, Studied Strike 4d6

7: Bonus Feat, Mag Bauble x2

8: Professional VI, Studied Strike 5d6

9: Bonus Talent, Studied Strike 6d6

10: Professional VII, Studied Strike 7d6, Mag Bauble x2

Professional Standing

A S13 is always dressed to business and ready to answer the call of his superior. Above all else is the resolution of the task at hand even if he finds it distasteful. It’s the sort of work that involves getting your hands dirty. As he progresses in this prestige class, so too does his standing in the eyes of both senior and fellow agents. Maintaining a decent relationship with coworkers is also pretty important. Never know when you’ll need a hand or two.

At 1st level, the S13 receives a tailor made suit consisting of a dark single breasted jacket with notched lapels, a matching necktie and pair of trousers, a white collared shirt, and a pair of well-made shoes.

A S13 must be dressed in his suit to gain the benefits of his class features. Armor cannot be worn over these cloths.

The outfit itself is made of a special material that makes it as durable as durable as light armor.

From 2nd level and every level after, the suit may be taken in to the Research Tower - Intelligence Department in Kyouringakure's Crystal District to be upgraded,

gaining an additional +1. The S13 is proficient in this outfit regardless of Feats.

S13 Suit: Type (Light), Armor Damage Reduction 2/-. The suit also adds a +2 circumstance bonus to Dexterity.

Though the suit must be worn without any other armor piece it can be worn as suits the S13’s personal style (opened shirt, unbuttoned jacket, no neck tie). The S13 can also equip most accessories.

In addition to the wardrobe, the S13 is issued a special ID granting him access to Intelligence facilities and a Encrypted Comms with the numbers of his superior and other S13. The S13 is required to report to his superior on a weekly basis either over the Comms or in person. Failure to do so may lead to the S13 being listed as MIA.

On a regular basis, his superior will issue him assignments to fulfill. Assignments can range from mere skill checks to side story quests to mission involving the main campaign. While on an assignment, the S13 has a +1 morale bonus (that increases by 1 for every level thereafter) on all Knowledge, Sense Motive, Perception, and Appraise skill checks related to his task. Refusing or failing an assignment results in the loss of Class Abilities for 1d4 days.

Based on his standing with the agency, the S13 will have access to the following resources:

Once a day, he may contact another S13 over his Comms to add +10 to a Knowledge skill check, even one he’s untrained in.

At 3rd level he may use his Comms once a week to request the delivery of supplies such as ammo, potions, tools, and a land vehicle of medium size or smaller from the HQ. He may also request a fellow agent to accompany him on assignments.

5th level, he may use his Comms once a week to call a squad of 1d4+1 Kyouringakure Ninjas to aid in his assignments.

At 7th level, the S13 can request to gain Temporary access to an aerial transport vehicle of medium size or smaller.

At 9th level, his standing in the agency grants him near-equal status to his superior; the S13 may pass on certain assignments without taking penalties to his class abilities. He can enlist another agent in addition to the one he can request at 3rd level for an assignment. He may also request an additional squad of Ninja once a week. Being listed as MIA in addition to other circumstances at the GM’s discretion may render these options unavailable to him.

For role playing purposes, Professional Standing can drastically affect the S13 and his party over the course of the campaign. With the right skill checks and exercise of authority, he can defy orders that conflict his or the party’s goals. However, if his loyalty to the Palman Imperium and/or the S13 agency is ever deemed compromised, he may find himself being hunted down by his former associates (see Going Rogue).

Studied Combat (Ex)

A S13 is trained to analyze hostiles in his combat situation in ordered to gain an edge. Starting at 1st level, the S13 can spend a move action to study one enemy, gaining an insight bonus equal to his Intelligence modifier on all attack rolls, damage rolls, and combat maneuver checks made against that enemy. The additional damage is precision and does not multiply with critical hits, it also cannot be applied against enemies that are immune to critical hits.

This insight bonus lasts for a number of rounds equal to the S13’s intelligence modifier (minimum of 1) or until he uses studied strike on that enemy.

Once it ends, the S13 cannot study that same enemy again for 24 hours unless he spends 5 Chakra. He may only study one enemy at a time.

Studied Strike (Ex)

A S13 is trained to analyze hostiles in his combat situation in ordered to gain an edge. Starting at 2nd level, the S13 can choose to make an attack against a studied enemy within his threat range at his highest base attack bonus. On a successful hit, he adds 2d6 to his damage rolls in addition to his insight bonus. Every level past 2nd, the bonus damage dice for studied strike increases by 1d6 up to a maximum of 5d6 at 5th level. This bonus damage is precision-based and does not multiply on critical hit and cannot be applied to enemies that are immune to critical hits. Performing this action ends his studied combat against that enemy.

Going Rogue

Should the S13 decide to leave the agency, he will be considered going rogue and marked for death. Under certain conditions, should he fail to report long enough, fail too many Assignments, or act in ways against S13’s interests, a termination notice will be placed on him, forcing him to go rogue to survive.

Upon going rogue, his Professional Standing will be changed to Renegade Standing. His ID will no longer grant him access to Imperial Intelligence facilities. He will be unable to further upgrade his suit, he can no longer contact fellow S13s via Comms for knowledge checks, and unable to contact Kyouringakure Ninja for aid and resources. The S13 can still utilize his other class features as rogue agent and can still progress in this prestige class; however, he will be hunted down by S13 for the rest of his life. The higher his renegade standing, the more extreme S13s measures will be pursuing him.

Instead of receiving and insight bonus from Assignments, the Rogue Agent will receive a +1 morale bonus on all Perception, Stealth, Sense Motive, Knowledge skill checks related to surviving against S13.

Depending on his relationship with the other Agents before going rogue, they may either attempt to help him covertly (i.e. tipping him off over the Comms to potential attacks, falsifying data, or helping him fake his death), or they will assist in taking him out. How the S13 can resolve this conflict is up to the Player and the GM.