Photon - Mage

Photon-Mages a strange subfaction of Techno-mages, with the rarity of shadowtech and the fact the shadows and techno-mages relations have soured they turned to a palman scientist with connections to the vorlons to solve the problem, he created a Palman/vorlon hybrid Chrysalis similar to the shadow Chrysalis. A master at Photonic Manipulation, they are capable of calling upon psionically augmented Photonic energy that they can use to devastate her foes and grant themselves incredible abilities. A Photon-mage is a generalist. They can destroy an opponent from afar or take blows for her allies as soon as they gain their Psi-shield.
Required Attributes: Intelligence 18+
Must be Psi-rating P1+
Skill Ranks: Repair 8 Ranks, Knowledge(technology) 8 ranks, Telepathy 4 ranks
Special: Experimental Photonic Tele-cyber Matrix
Required Influence: Palman Rank 2 & Vorlon Rank 1

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +1 Chakra Point Die: 1d8

The ______'s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Bluff (Cha), Computer Use (Int), Diplomacy(Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (any) (Int), Perception (Wis), Pilot (Dex), Sense Motive (Wis), Sleight of Hand (Dex), Linguistics (none), and Repair (Int). Psionic Skills Include: Telepathy, Autohypnosis and Empathy if the Talent tree is acquired.

Class: _____ StuffBlurb
Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 6 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiency

Only Photon-mages can use Techniques with the Photonic Descriptor
Photon-mages may use Illusion Descriptor abilities and construct them by merging tech energy with psionic energy, Holographic Illusions will function in anti tech zones, while a pure tech illusion would dissipate..
Weapon Proficiency:
Melee Weapons - Simple Group, plus choose one:
Melee Weapons - Martial group
One Handed Ranged - A/P or E Weapons
Two Handed Ranged - A/P or E Weapons
Armor Proficiency:
Armor - light armor

1: Photon Matrix I, Photonic Tools, Photonic Attack I

2: Mage Trait I, Psi - Shield

3: Photonic Attack II

4: Photon Matrix II

5: Mage Trait II, Bonus Feat: Yang Arts: Order Chakra

6: Photonic Attack III, FTL Network

7: Photon Matrix III

8: Mage Trait III

9: Photonic Attack IV

10: White Pinnance

Photon Matrix (Su)

A Photon-mage is possesses an object capable of conjuring holographic illusions. Although it generally appears on her wrist as a palman data interface, the Photon Matrix may appear as a mask or other object, the palman creator had a habit of making them appear as other things like a ancient pocketwatch, this device is a simple focal point for abilities and can be replaced given time or by returning to the creator, bio-organic implants made from vorlon and palman technology are integrated into their bodies (after the Becoming (4th level or after, See technomage class)

• His spine possesses microfilaments that reach very close to the skin, giving his back the appearance of possessing an intricate, random tattoo in a bluish-grey colour. Those who know of this feature can use it to positively identify any Photon-Mage, unless of course the mage is using a means to conceal his true identity.

• His vision is sharper, and his hearing more acute giving him a +4 inherent bonus to all Perception checks pertaining to vision and sound.

• His eyes can also see into the infra-red spectrum. Out to a range of 60 feet, he can detect the presence of heat sources, even in total darkness. The nature of these heat sources cannot be specifically identified, however.

• He possesses other sensors that can detect changes in heart rate and voice stress, giving him a +4 inherent bonus to Sense Motive checks.

• He has a built-in ‘messaging system’ that allows him to send and receive messages to any other Techno-Mage whom he knows.

The Photon Matrix grants the Photon-mage immediate access to many of her class features. She can also record voices, images or take notes and store them in her Photon Matrix as a move action.

As a move action she can play back any vocal records as a ghost sound, except the source of the noise is alway her Photon Matrix. She can also playback visual records as a silent image, except the image is always slightly hovering above her Photon Matrix and is projected on a holographic screen. She can otherwise access all the information stored on her Photon Matrix as a free action.

Only one Photon Matrix ability may be active at any time, although she can switch between them as an immediate action.

At 4th and 7th,the Photon-mage may use +1 Photon Matrix abilities at the same time.

Photonic Tools

The Matrix acts like a living adapting machine that can scan and create tools for any repair job, Photon-Mages never need to worry about technological incompatibilities with alien technology and never needs to worry about carrying a repair kit or misplacing tools, the Matrix can also create tools for most other situations and are considered masterwork versions of those tools.

Psi Shield (Su)

As a full-action, the character can activate a Tele-cyber shield around themselves. This shield provides Total Cover while active. Melee attacks and thrown weapons bypass the shield, however. The shield can last one minute or absorb up to ten attacks in this manner before needing to recharge (which takes one minute). (the physical appearance of this shield varies from mage to mage.)

Photonic Attack

Photon Blast (Su)

A Photon-mage is capable of projecting a blast of strange semi-real 'holographic' energy, capable of travelling through solid matter with or without affecting it.

As an attack action, a Photon-mage may make a ranged touch attack within Medium range.

If it hits, it deals 1d6 Photonic damage per Photon-mage level. The Photon blast can travel through solid matter with ease, and thus ignore all cover, except if said cover is granted by a force effect.

The blast can ignore any creatures or objects, and effectively fires through them, leaving no damage (thus firing through a tree to hit an enemy behind it or directly through an ally to hit the ogre grappling him). This blast cannot be fired through force effects.

Photon Beam (Su)
Requires: Photon Blast

As a standard action, a Photon-mage can fire a beam of pure Photonic energy. The beam form a 10 ft. wide, 100 ft. long radius of pure destruction, any creature caught in the beam take 1d10 damage/level (no save). Because of it nature, the Photon-mage may decide to exclude creatures and objects from being damaged, the beam ignores any cover or concealment unless it is granted by a force-effect.

Photon Buster-Lance (Su)
Requires: Photon Beam

A Photon-mage's greatest bane was force based barriers that prevented photonic attacks from penetrating them

The Photon Buster-Lance is a large lance-like projectile of quasi-matter, the holo-lance possess a basic A.I allowing it make last seconds adjustments to course.

As a standard action, the Photon-mage makes a ranged touch attack against a target within long range.

Since the Lance has access to the limited AI in the Photon matrix, should the lance it miss you may reroll the attack roll once as the Buster-lance adjusts its course. The lance deal 1d12 damage/Pho.Manipulator level and may break force effects if it deal 5 damage/caster level to it.

Like other holographic attacks, a Buster-lance ignore cover and concealment and may ignore any numbers of creature, objects and effects (such as allies or a wall) phasing right through them.

Photonic Grenade (Su)
A Photon-mage is capable of producing a single holo grenade, a strange orb of energy capable of releasing great energy as it explode.

Conjuring and throwing a holo grenade is a attack action (although you may opt not to throw it). You may set a detonation time between contact (explode as soon as it hits anything solid) to 3 rounds.

Throwing the grenade requires a ranged touch attack against a target square or creature within Close range. If it hits, the holo grenade either explodes or 'sticks' to its target or landing square. A holo grenade can be removed with a Strength check with a DC of 10 +

Photon-mage level & Int mod. When a grenade explodes it deals 1d8 damage/Pho.manipulator level to all creature within 5 feet (Reflex save for half, DC is Intelligence based).

Photon Mine (Su)

Requires Photonic Grenade

A 6th level Photon-mage know how to create photonic-mines, she can conjure 1 holo-mines/ level within short range in unoccupied squares. The holo-mines are small sized and are overing about 5 ft. above the ground. The mine slowly drift away from the Photon-mage at a rate of 5 ft. per level. When a mine is dealt damages or come in contact with something harder than heavy fog, it explode in an orb of pure energy, dealing 5d4 damages to every creatures and object within 10 feet (possibly causing more mines to explode) without saves of any kind.

A Photon-mage can direct every mines with a move action, moving each mines in a 10 ft. line in the direction she choose. A mine only has a limited lifespan and explode automatically after 5 rounds. A you can make the mines vanish or detonate them all with a standard action.

Photon Negator (Su)
Requires: Photon Mine

A Photon-mage may use a powerful holographic shock to rip apart matter atoms by atoms.

The Photon-mage must succeed a ranged touch attack within medium range, if it hit the target take 2d6 damages/Pho.Manipulator level and 1 point of constitution drain for each time damage is dealt this way.

A successful fortitude save halves the damages and negate the constitution drain.

Due to it holographic nature, Photon Negator ignores all cover and destroys force Barriers/effects as a disintegrate spell.

Mage Trait Choices

Mostly Harmless Scour

Instead of allowing a technomage to self-damage to remove chaos points, a photon mage can use its Photon matrix to act as a psionic filter, gently scrubbing the Chaos accumulation away, roll 1d6, that many Chaos points are removed, for every point removed the Photon-mage loses 4 Chakra, if Chakra is depleted this ability will consume the Photon-mage's hit points to pay for the cost, The Techno-mages implants need to reboot for 1 round after this property, they cannot cast Technomancy or Chaos jutsu until the reboot is complete. This ability can be taken up to three times increase the dice by 1 each time and reduce chakra damage by 1 each time.

(2x 2d6 -3 chakra / 3x 3d6 -2 Chakra)


Photon-mages who take this Trait can begin to learn Jutsu carrying the Technomancy Descriptor, this Trait can be taken multiple times, increases the Technique ranks that can be learned

Lv 1 - Ranks 1-5
Lv 2 - Ranks 6-10
Lv 3 - All Technomancy jutsu can be learned.

Enhanced Shield

Lv 1 Telekinetic Shield: When Psi-shield is inactive your emitters will generate a thin telekinetic barrier to reduce damage
Benefit: Shield becomes Damage reduction 2/- that will be added on top of any physical armor, when in inactive state.

lv 2 Photon Shield - when in inactive state a Photonic layer will interweave with Telekinetic energy, you now have Shield points equal to your Intelligence modifier + class level., when this shield fails it will reboot in 1d4+1 rounds, during this downtime you will regain your DR 2/- to your hitpoints.

FTL Network

Requires Technomagery Rank 1 or more (link to Technomage class for ability information)

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv