Mystic Dancer

With their aggressive steps, these dancers are able to weave forbidden magicks upon their enemies, producing results rivaling those of even the most powerful sorcerous cants.
The popularity of this profession reached its peak during the Great War, when dancers were common additions to allied army units fighting on the front lines.
Role: A dancer inspires her allies, and often presses forward to fight enemies in melee. Outside of combat, she's useful as an entertainer, less versatile but more durable than a bard.
To qualify to become a Mystic Dancer, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Learned 4 or more Dances in the Mystic Entertainer class.
Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +3 Chakra Point Die: 1d6

The dancer’s 4 character skills are

Acrobatics (Dex) Escape Artist (Dex)

Entertain (Cha) Stealth (Dex)

Class: _____ StuffBlurb
Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 4 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiency+1 Dual style weapon to any one [Twin daggers, Spellblades, Twin Machineguns, Jet Boots, Wired lances]

1: Fleet Step | Battle Dance I

2: Step of the Vexing Snake

3: Mag Bauble x2 | Battle Dance II

4: Floating Step

5: Battle Dance III / Mag Bauble x2

6: Fan Step

7: Battle Dance IV / Mag Bauble x2

8: Fury Step

9: Step of the Springing Tiger / Battle Dance V

10: Battle Dancer / Mag Bauble x2

Fleet Step(Su)

Fleet (Su):
While performing a battle dance, a dancer gains a +10 enhancement bonus to her land speed. This bonus increases by 5 feet for every four dancer levels gained after 1st level, to a maximum of +30 feet at 17th level.

Step of the Vexing Snake (Su)

At 2nd level, while performing a battle dance, a dancer can dodge her opponent's blows with her sudden, unpredictable maneuvers. She can use the Acrobatics skill to tumble at her normal speed without penalty.

Floating Step (Su)

The dancer moves with such grace and speed that she can dance across water. A 4th level dancer, while performing a battle dance, can cross the surface of a liquid, such as water or magma, without taking damage or sinking below the surface. If she ends her movement on such a liquid, she takes damage and sinks as normal. The dancer must begin her movement on a stable, firm surface.

Fan Step (Su)

At 5th level, once per day, as a full-round action, a dancer can perform the fan dance which reduces all damage to all allies within 30 ft. by 3 points per four dancer levels for 1 round.

Fury Step(Su)

At 7th level, a dancer can attack more than once as she moves while performing a battle dance. She can combine a full-attack action with a single move, taking the attacks at any point during her movement, but must move at least 5 feet between each attack. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.

Step of the Springing Tiger (Su)

At 8th level, a dancer, while performing a battle dance, can spring upon an opponent with the ferocity of a tiger. When charging, she can attempt a DC 40 Acrobatics check. If she succeeds, she may make a full attack rather than a standard attack as part of her charge.

Battle Dancer (Su)

At 10th level, the dancer can unleash a whirlwind of blows while performing a battle dance. As a full-round action, she can take a single move action and unleash a single attack at her highest bonus against each target within her reach during any point of her move, up to a maximum number of attacks equal to the dancer’s character level. This movement provokes attacks of opportunity as normal.