[Control] Medic

A [Control] Medic is a Hero that is adept at focusing his chakra for healing purposes. He knows human and Alien anatomy perfectly, making him a dangerous opponent in combat situations as well. They are however exceedingly rare among class, most heroes being only trained in first aid and a few medical techniques rather than at being a [Control] Medic
A [Control] Medic needs a perfect control over his [Control], as well as a flawless knowledge of the body.
To qualify to become a [Control] Medic, a character must fulfill all the following criteria.
Base Attack Bonus: +2
Skills: Chakra Control 7 ranks, Knowledge (earth and life science) 7 ranks, Ninjutsu 7 ranks, Treat Injury 7 ranks.
Feats: Harmony, Medical Expert.
Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +1 Chakra Point Die: 1d12

The ______'s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Balance (Dex), Chakra Control (Wis), Concentration (Con) Craft (chemical, pharmaceutical) (Int), Fuinjutsu (Int), Genjutsu (Cha), Hide (Dex), Jump (Str), Knowledge (earth and life science, current events, ninja lore, popular culture) (Int), Listen (Wis), Move Silently (Dex), Ninjutsu (Int), Profession (Wis), Read Language (None), Speak Language (None), Spot (Wis), Survival (Wis), Treat Injury (Wis), Tumble (Dex).

Class: _____ StuffBlurb
Skill Points at 1st Level: ( X + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: [X-2] + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiency

1: Medical Ability

2: Chakra Scalpel 1d4

3: Expert Healer

4: Sneak Attack +1d6


6: Chakra Scalpel Expertise

7: Medical Mastery

8: Sneak Attack +2d6

9: Chakra Scalpel 1d6

10: Empower Healing

Medical Ability

This ability of the [Control] Medic enables him to learn Medical techniques without suffering the usual penalty to the Learn check, and the increased time. In addition, the character gains a +1 bonus per two level to Learn checks when learning Medical ninjutsu, and to Perform checks to use Medical techniques (minimum 1). In addition, the [Control] Medic, when using any of the Iryou Ninjutsu: Chiyu techniques, heals the target every 5 rounds rather than every minute. The duration of the techniques change accordingly (see Iryou Ninjutsu: Chiyu - Shodan Jutsu for details).

A [Control] Medic of level 2, 4, 6 and 8 gains greater proficiency with the Chiyu techniques and is able to "discharge" the technique in one large burst of healing energy. See Iryou Ninjutsu: Chiyu - Shodan, Nidan, Sandan and Yondan Jutsu for details.

[Control] Scalpel

This ability of the [Control] Medic allows him to produce [Control] at the tip of his finger and use it as a sharp knife. The chakra scalpel can be created as a move action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, as long as the medical specialist's [Control] pool is 1 or higher. The [Control] scalpel deals slashing damage and counts as though it was chakra enhanced for the purpose of bypassing damage reduction. The [Control] scalpel deals 1d4 points of damage, increasing to 1d6 points of damage at 9th level. The character doesn't apply his Strength modifier when attacking with a [Control] scalpel, but can deal non-lethal damage without taking the standard -4 penalty to attack rolls. Attacking with a [Control] scalpel is a melee touch attack modified by the [Control] Medic's Wisdom modifier. A medical specialist with the Two-Weapon Fighting feat can create two [Control] scalpels in one action.

Expert Healer

At 3rd level, the [Control] Medic’s ability to restore hit points with a medical kit or surgery kit and a successful use of the Treat Injury skill improves. In addition to the normal hit point recovery rate (1d4 for a medical kit, 1d6 per patient’s character level for surgery), the [Control] Medic restores 1 hit point for every level he has in this advanced class.

The [Control] Medic also gains a +1 enhancement bonus to his effective skill threshold for to perform Medical ninjutsu techniques.

Sneak Attack

If he can catch an opponent when he is unable to defend himself effectively from his attack, he can strike a vital spot for extra damage. Creatures immune to critical hits and sneak attacks, or who have concealment, do not suffer extra damage.

This extra damage is 1d6 at 4th level, and it increases by 1d6 at lv 8.. If the [Control] Medic gains a bonus to sneak attack from another source, the bonuses stack.

[Control] Scalpel Expertise

When the [Control] Medic deals a sneak attack with his chakra scalpel, he may sacrifice 1 die of damage to deal either 1 point of temporary Strength or Dexterity damage as a free action. This applies to a single attack and must be declared before the attack is rolled. The ability cannot be used to deal more than 6 points of ability damage on a single target, and must be declared before making the attack roll. The ability damage lasts for 1 minute per [Control] Medic level.

Medical Mastery

When making a Treat Injury skill check, a [Control] Medic of 7th level or higher may take 10 even if stress and distractions would normally prevent him from doing so. When using the Iryou Ninjutsu: Chiyu techniques, the [Control] Medic also heals the target every round rather than every minute or 5 rounds.

Empower Healing

For a [Control] Medic, focus and control enables him to go one step farther and exceed his limit. At 10th level, the [Control] Medic may, at the expenses of an 10 control points, perform a Medical technique as though empowered by the feat of the same name. The perform requirements are automatically met with empowered healing.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv