Bene Gesserit Sisterhood Adept

“A process cannot be understood by stopping it.
Understanding must move with the flow of the process, must join it and flow with it.”
The Bene Gesserit Sisterhood is one of the most powerful factions in the Imperium. Their membership is exclusively women—raised from youth with strict temperance to their character, stamina, physical prowess, and mental strength. Extreme tests and training exercises push the capabilities of these girls to their limit, creatures often called "witches" for their seemingly magical and persuasive abilities.The essence of the Bene Gesserit training philosophy seems to be that, if one can control oneself, or “know thyself,” ultimately one can control the universe. Its first axiom is “My mind controls my reality.” The training itself is based on a series of progressive exercises, lasting approximately ten years, which give the student power to control herself mentally, physically, and psychologically, and to control others.
This control is used not to withdraw to an internal fantasy world but rather to observe and understand reality with detached objectivity. Thus, the prana-bindu training, begun if possible during the child’s first year of life, assures the candidate that mastery of herself is mastery of illusion, both of her own and of other people’s.
The Sisterhood has acquired a reputation as keen analysts, expert “seers,” and fearsome fighters. The “weirding ways” seen by outsiders are actually the results of a long process of self-discipline which developed the ability to analyze and synthesize information not only in an environment of peace but also under stress
Wisdom is important for the Bene Gesserit because of the emphasis they put on Prana-Bindu skills. But, as many Bene Gesserit skills are based on Dexterity, it can be equally useful in Defense and Initiative.
Requirements to Enter Bene Gesserit Sister Advanced class:
Gender: Female only Pre-Selected Feat: Weirding Way, taken either at character creation, or before class selection.Skills: Bluff 8 Ranks, Diplomacy 8 Ranks, Intimidate 8 Ranks, Sense Motive 8 RanksWaived Requirements: Reduce skill requirements to 4 if specific criteria is met:
Character came to DR from dune universe [Must be Terran human female]
Character came to DR from DR's own future [Must be human, palman, numan, motavian, dezorian female]
Character came from elsewhere [DM permission only with proper background at creation, MUST be Terran human female]
Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +2 Chakra Point Die: 1d8

The ______'s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are:

Autohypnosis (Wis), Bluff (Cha), Diplomacy (Cha), Intimidate (Cha), Knowledge (behavioral sciences, civics, history, philosophy & theology) (Int), Perception (Wis), Linguistics, Sense Motive (Wis).

Class: _____ StuffBlurb
Skill Points at 1st Level: (5 + Intelligence Modifier) x4 Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 5 + Intelligence Modifier
Weapon/Spell/Armor proficiency

1: Adept Ability, Secret Language

2: Bene Gesserit Power

3: Adept Ability

4: Minutiae, Adept Ability

5: Adept Ability

6: Bene Gesserit Power

7: Adept Ability

8: Opportune Strike, Adept Ability

9: Adept Ability

10: Bene Gesserit Power

Secret Language (EX)

The Adept gains a free bonus language, Bene Gesserit Sign Language.

Adept Ability

Charmer (Ex)
The Adept gets a bonus on all Charisma-based skill checks made to influence members of her chosen gender. (Some characters are charming to members of the opposite gender, others to members of the same gender.) The bonus is equal to the character’s Bene Gesserit Adept level.

Evasion (Ex)
If the Adept is exposed to any effect that normally allows a character to attempt a Reflex save for half damage (such as a getting caught in a grenade blast), the Adept suffers no damage if she makes a successful save. Evasion can only be used when wearing light armor or no armor.

Empathic Wierding (Ex)
The Adept has a knack for being sensitive to the feelings of others—without having those feelings or thoughts communicated in any objectively explicit manner. This innate talent provides a bonus on checks involving interaction skills (Bluff, Diplomacy, Handle Animal, Intimidate, Perform, and Sense Motive), provided you spend at least 1 minute observing your target prior to making the skill check. The bonus is equal to the character’s Bene Gesserit Adept levels.

Fast-Talk (Ex)
The Adept has a way with words when attempting to con or deceive. With this ability, she applies her Adept level as a bonus on any Bluff, Diplomacy, or Gamble Checks she makes while attempting to lie, cheat, or otherwise conceal the truth.

Aware (Ex)
The Adept is intuitively aware of her surroundings. She adds her base Will saving throw bonus to Perception checks to avoid surprise.

Defensive Focus (Ex)
The Adept trains, using her knowledge of battle and the expert mentors available, to defend herself well. She gains a permanent +1 dodge bonus to Defense and +1 competence bonus to all saving throws.

Skill Focus (Ex)
Using the Bene Gesserit training to hone her attention, the Adept focuses on one particular skill and gains a permanent, inherent +4 bonus in that skill.
If the Adept took Skill Focus as a previous choice, the extra bonus stacks, or she can choose a new skill.

Sneak Attack (Ex)
Combining training in Bene Gesserit combat arts and attention to anatomy, the Adept is able to make devastating attacks. Any time the Adept’s target would be denied a Dexterity bonus to Defense (whether the target actually has a Dexterity bonus or not), or when the Adept flanks the target, the Adept’s attack deals +1d6 extra points of damage. Should the character score a critical hit with the sneak attack, do not multiply this extra damage.

The Adept can make sneak attacks with ranged weapons, but only up to a range of 30 feet.
If the Adept took sneak attack earlier, or gained the ability to make sneak attacks elsewhere, the extra damage stacks.

Uncanny Dodge (Ex)
The Adept retains her Dexterity bonus to Defense regardless of being caught flat-footed or struck by a hidden attacker.
(She still loses her Dexterity bonus to Defense if she’s immobilized, however.)

Cool Under Pressure (Ex)
The Adept selects a number of skills equal to 3 + her Wisdom modifier. When making a check with one of these skills, the Adept can take 10 even when distracted or under duress [cannot be a Force or Chakra skill]

Exploit Weakness (Ex)
After 1 round of combat, the Adept can designate one opponent and try to find ways to gain an advantage by using brains over brawn. The Adept uses a move action and makes an Intelligence check (DC 15) with a bonus equal to her Adept levels (rounded down). If the check succeeds, for the rest of the combat the Adept uses her Intelligence bonus instead of either her Strength or Dexterity bonus on attack rolls as she finds ways to outthink her opponent and notices weaknesses in her opponent’s fighting style.

Robust (Ex)
The Adept becomes especially robust, gaining a number of Hitpoints equal to her Adept level as soon as she selects this ability. Thereafter, the Adept gains +1 point with each level of Adept she gains. +10 at max level, +15 with Reverend mother prestige class maxxed on top of it.


At 4th level, the Bene Gesserit has trained her senses to notice minute details in body language, speech and posture that others wouldn’t. The Adept gains a bonus equal to half her Bene Gesserit levels, rounded down, to all Perception and Sense Motive checks.

Opportune Strike

At 8th level, the Bene Gesserit’s knowledge of human anatomy and controlled precision combine to allow her attacks to also weaken and hamper her opponents. Once per round, the Bene Gesserit can make an attack of opportunity against an opponent who has just been struck for damage in melee by another character. An opponent damaged by an opportune strike also takes 2 points of Strength damage.

Consumes 5 Chakra.

Taiga notes

Starting Meseta: 1000-might 1250-magic 1500-civilian [This should be likely + 1 zero more on each. to be done when coupons are updated!]

Basic classes use 11 points split among [HP, Energy, skills and proficiencies]

+1 HP [1] +2 HP [2]

1d4 control [0] 1d6 [1] 1d8 [2] 1d10 [3]

4 + Int at level 1 ||| 2 + Int per level after [0] 6 + Int at level 1 ||| 4 + Int per level after [2]

Highly skilled increases [Per level after] up to match Initial and costs [2]


Advanced classes use 7

Skill base is 2 + Int per level. [0]


Prestige is likely less [points] then adv