Social-Emotional Learning

While our school facilities are closed, students will continue their learning through the enrichment resources available on this site. We have provided a list of curated digital tools that you can encourage your students to explore.

Students and parents should be in communication with their classroom teacher. Teachers will be holding Office Hours for immediate help and support. Please check here or your school website for a listing of Office Hours and communication preferences by teacher.

by Edgar Ontiveros (Mr. O) , LMFT

by Edgar Ontiveros (Mr. O) , LMFT

Great playlist of yoga for kids. From a Get Focused playlist to Refocus and Mediation, this site has lots of free videos.

Download the Calm app for free. Handpicked meditations, sleep stories, movement exercises, journals, and music.

A Free Social Emotional Learning Activities page, where you will find free resources – lessons, activities, and printables.

A great walk-thru for mindfulness and stress relief. Also has some great coloring pages and samples.

Transitioning into adulthood can bring big changes and intense challenges. The Jed Foundation (JED) empowers teens and young adults with the skills and support to grow into healthy, thriving adults

Great place for webinars and information about Mindfulness, with webinars, classes and resources for kids, teachers, parents and caregivers. Webinars are constantly scheduled and replayed.

We’re here as a resource for growing healthy minds in children and teens. Explore the sites below for tools and strategies to manage stress and anxiety and for tips on mindfulness.

We know parents are struggling to balance work, child care and self-care while keeping worries — both your children’s and your own — under control. You don’t have to do it alone.

Sabemos que los padres están tratando de equilibrar el trabajo, el cuidado de los hijos y el propio, mientras mantienen las preocupaciones de la familia entera bajo control. Usted no está solo.

Each Mind Matters is millions of individuals and thousands of organizations working to advance mental health. We are California’s Mental Health Movement.

A great Mindfulness and Meditation app offered for free. Download using the button.

Una gran aplicación Mindfulness and Meditation ofrecida de forma gratuita. Descargar usando el botón.