Урок №2

Модуль 12А

"Teddy's wonderful"

стр 88-97

Учебник стр. 88 №1

Повторяй слова за диктором.

Прослушай, а затем прочитай

Small nose, big nose, brown eyes, blue eyes, green eyes, fair hair, dark hair, red hair, fat cat, slim cat, thin cat, long hair, short hair, tall boy, short boy.


РТ стр.48-49 (по желанию)

сборник стр. 82-86 (2 задания на выбор)

Нарисуй по описанию картинку и отправь педагогу

This is my toy. His name is Fluffy. He is small and his body is pink. He has got a big round head. He has got red hair. He has got three eyes. His eyes are yellow. His mouth is big and oval and his nose is small. He has got two arms and four legs. His arms are long and his legs are short. He can dance and run well. He likes apples and oranges. My monster is very kind and friendly.