Call for Participation

Call for Participation: DISRPT 2023 Shared Task on Discourse Relation Parsing and Treebanking 

In conjunction with ACL 2023 and CODI 2023 workshop

This year, we're organizing DISRPT 2023 as a shared task on discourse processing across formalisms, for a variety of languages and genres. It is the second iteration of a cross-formalism shared task on discourse analysis, with three subtasks this year: 

We will provide training, development and test datasets from all available languages in RST, SDRT, and PDTB, using a uniform format. Because different corpora, languages, and frameworks use different guidelines, the shared task will promote the design of flexible methods for dealing with various guidelines, and will help to push forward the discussion of converging standards for discourse units. For datasets which have treebanks, we will evaluate segmentation in two different scenarios: with and without gold syntax. An automatically parsed version is provided for all corpora without a gold parse.

Shared Task Data and Formats:

Data for the shared task is released via GitHub together with format documentation and tools: 

See here for more information about the previous 2019 and 2021 shared tasks:

Tentative Schedule:

Submission link: TBA


Contact the organizers:

Official website:

​​​​​Google group for participants, please join us on:

Discord group for participants, please join us on: 
