Top 3 School Dismissal and Safety Benchmarks At-A-Glance

About the research

SchoolPass conducted a review of dismissal operations at K-12 independent, parochial and charter schools from across the country. In this focused benchmark study – you’ll see the respondent’s aggregate scores matched against best practices of 1) safety, 2) customer service and 3) efficiency.

The results show that schools have significant opportunities to increase the safety, customer service and efficiency dimensions of their dismissal and safety management.

The major takeaways

Only 61% of K-12 school dismissal practices are reported at a best practice level.

K-12 schools have a host of community stakeholders – parents, teachers, staff and students – that participate in and manage dismissal operations. Unfortunately, many schools continue to manually manage dismissal and its associated communications and cannot deliver the performance that the K-12 community deserves.

Some schools are adopting new systems that can vastly improve dismissal safety and customer service, while dramatically increasing efficiency for the whole K-12 community.

#1 Safety

Only 54% of K-12 school dismissal safety practices are reported at a best practice level.

Schools want to provide their K-12 community security, but respondents indicated they are lacking tools to efficiently safeguard their campus perimeter & dismissal operations and adequately prepare for emergencies.

This leaves schools especially vulnerable in today’s environment.


41% of respondents do NOT have, “real-time daily arrival & dismissal instructions for students.”


83% of respondents felt lacking in their awareness of who is coming and going from campus noting that they did NOT have, “surveillance technology that alerted staff to unwanted vehicles entering campus.”


61% of respondents were unsatisfied with the way ‘authorized’ driver information was managed, citing that driver photos and names were NOT, “accessed easily by all staff member who need that information.”


63% of respondents acknowledged that their school did not have, “an emergency attendance system that enables reporting of student, staff and visitor location & well-being in drills or emergencies.”

#2 Customer Service

Only 57% of K-12 school dismissal customer service practices are reported at a best practice level.

A majority of respondents reported that K-12 schools are managing dismissal with manual processes and communications which puts a greater burden on parents, teachers and staff.

In addition, schools lack the documentation and automated systems which increases risks to students and the K-12 community overall.


57% of respondents indicated that they do not have a system to handle parent-directed student schedule changes.


67% of respondents indicated that teachers have to check email, voicemail and texts to see parental dismissal change notifications.


42% of respondents disagreed with the statement, “We have documentation for how all students left school including which adult they left with.”


Only 33% of respondents agreed that, “We manage aftercare check-in and check-out digitally.”

#3 Efficiency

Only 71% of K-12 school dismissal efficiency practices are reported at a best practice level.

A majority of school respondents agreed that carline, afterschool activities and buses are being managed.

But, these manual processes and communications lead to a very high burden for the front office.


78% of respondents agreed that “our front office spends a lot of time processing parent emails, calls & voicemails about attendance and dismissal plans.”

Ready to see how your school stacks up?

We can benchmark you against your peers and let you know where you have opportunities to enhance the safety & efficiency of your dismissal process. Take the review now and receive a customized best practices report card.

Or, contact us directly to speak with a specialist.

About SchoolPass

SchoolPass works with PK-12 schools across the country to deliver student-centered safety – from perimeter security to carline automation & bus management to afterschool activities. SchoolPass enhances school safety and efficiency by screening vehicles and visitors coming on and off your campus, automating dismissal, eliminating front office work, and consolidating real-time schedule changes for carline, buses and afterschool activities. To learn more, visit