Charlemange Guide

Charlemagne is a Discord bot/warmind that provides detailed access to Destiny 2 information. She is equipped with stats, clan ranking, and LFG. All of which can be accessed via our Discord, if you just know how to talk to her.

The Basics:

Before you can begin to take advantage of all the help Charlemagne can offer you, it's important that you first introduce yourself to her. This can be done by typing "!register" into the text box of any discord channel and pressing enter.

This will trigger the registration sequence, and you will be prompted to to link your Bungie account with Discord/Charlemagne in much the same way one would link Ishtar Commander or Destiny Item Manager. You do not need to register with Charlemagne. However, doing so adds you to all relevant server leaderboards and is needed in order to have full use of LFG.

The "!" is the command prefix and will be used to initiate all of the commands you'll have at your disposal now. Everyone of these commands will be typed into the Discord text box the same way you did for "!register" and as you've likely seen throughout our Discord server.


!bug - will report a bug

!donate - will prompt you to donate one time or monthly to support Charlemagne development

!timer - ie "!timer 1h annoy nour." Time is displayed in (h)ours, (m)inutes, and (s)econds followed by a message

!collection - will display your percentage completion of emotes, emblems, and exotics

!countdown - shows countdown towards key destiny events including resets and actual events

!faction - displays faction reputation per character

!nightfall - displays weekly nightfall info

!rank - shows clan leaderboard i.e. "!rank5 lev" would show top five lev completions in clan

!status - checks online status of guardian i.e. "!status torsini71" or "!status boobplate"

!time - summary of guardian playtime

!pve - displays summary of pve stats. can add guardian name after to specify

!Lev - will show leviathan and raid lair completions

!Lfg - will call forward available groups; see below for additional details

!help - see below

!pvp - displays summary of pvp stats. can add guardian name after to specify

!IB - iron banner statistics

!trials - trials statistics

!elo - breakdown of elo by gametype

!clan - displays clan stats, engrams, and xp progress for both clan and your characters


As was mentioned before using the command "!help", will send a DM from Charlemagne to yourself providing you with a handy list of commands to aid your use of these resources. "!Help" can also be used in conjunction with another command to provide specific uses of the of the command in question. I.e.: "!help lfg"; "!help pve"; "!help stats"; etc.


This one is going to likely be your bread and butter. Whether it be Nightfall, Raid, Strikes, Crucible, or what have you, this is how we organize our groups.

!LFG create

To create on first go to the channel specific to the task you're searching for and type: !lfg create. From there, follow the prompts, as shown on the below.

You'll have your choice of (R)aid, (C)rucible, (T)rials, and (O)ther. They are selected by pressing the corresponding letter, not typing. Each of the choices will present you with related sub choices. For the sake of example, we'll go with raid.

After pressing "R", you will be presented with a choice of (L)eviathan or Eater of (W)orlds. again chosen by pressing the corresponding button not typing.

Next, you'll type the time into the Discord text box in the format presented to you by Charlemagne. Followed by this, you'll enter the name and description of the activity as prompted. Finally, select the platform by pressing the corresponding system button.


You've created your first group.

!LFG join

To join any group is simple enough. Using the group created above as an example, you would type: !lfg join 14396. Obviously, you wouldn't type "14396" to join all groups. Be sure to replace that number with the join id of the intended group.


Which brings us to our next !lfg command: !lfg. This will allow you to search for active groups, both full and still actively looking. You can filter the requests by (R)aid, (T)rials, (C)rucible, (O)ther, (A)ll, and (N)ow. If no groups are available, Charlemagne will tell you as such and even how to make a group.

Other !LFG commands:

!lfg leave [target join id here] - This will leave the targeted group

!lfg cancel [target join id here] - if you're the creator, this will cancel the targeted group

!lfg alert [target join id here] - This will alert the targeted group with a countdown for the targeted group

!lfg [insert target join id here] - will display targeted group/activity