Note: I do not yet have a enough "points" to post a comment. So I share a suggestion that would possibly bypass the problem. Xen Convert in general is a more powerful tool then sysinternals disk2vhd that I recommend users try out.

I have a laptop with windows 7 I'm not using at the moment and want to make vhd images for backup purposes so that the laptop can be used by someone else.While disk2vhd is processing the c drive I get an error message saying:



The ssd is a Samsung 850 EVO which is, as far as I know, a self encrypting device. I also use Bitlocker. Could this cause the problem? Should I deactivate Bitlocker? Anyway drive d is also located on the ssd and this drive causes no problems in disk2vhd. So I would expect that Self Encryption and Bitlocker shouldn't be the cause for the error message. Edit: Larryc pointed that Bitlocker has to be deactivated according to the tool instructions. So I deactivated it and decrypted the drives. Unfortunatel the error message will continue to show up at the same level of progress while creating the image for drive c. EndEdit

Actually I was just "looking into the wrong direction". I thought the error message is raised by a problem on the drive disk2vhd is copying, but it was raised by the destination drive where the vhdx files were written.

VHD files are not incremental, so each time you run disk2vhd it will create a copy as large as your existing disk, so you will need to manage the copies as it will use lots of space unless you only keep a couple copies at a time.

This article describes the benefits of Disk2vhd and how to run disk2vhd to convert physical machines into virtual machines. Disk2vhd simplifies virtualization. And converting a physical machine into a virtual machine allows for more efficient work and better data management.

I have created a .vhd file using disk2vhd that contains my system disc (a Windows 7 installation). I would like to create a VM using VMware Player from this image, but I have been unable to do so. Can anyone help me?

A. The latest version of Disk2VHD supports command line switches to automatically prepare a Virtual Hard Disk (vhd) for Virtual PC (-h) and to automatically accept the EULA (-accepteula). For example,disk2vhd c: c:\vhd\vhdfile.vhd -h -accepteula 0 comments Hide comments Comment * Switch to plain text editorMore information about text formats

Wow!!! DayneO, great find and fix. I had the same issue on an old XP box I wanted to Visualized which was driving me crazy. Did exactly what you suggested and bomb it fix the problem....I didn't even have to restart the computer, I started the disk2vhd program and it started to do it's thing.

Thanks a lot

Great article, thank-you for publishing. I have a Windows 10 Pro VHD file I created with disk2vhd. I have created a Virtual Box Machine with this disk file and have followed your instructions. I am unable to mark the BOOT partition as ACTIVE.

Hi there. These instructions made sense and were well laid out. I used disk2vhd to move a Windows 7 Ultimate installation to VirtualBox, which was originally drive D: on the Windows 7 machine. Your instructions seemed to do the trick (except for the /f ALL option seemed to be rejected) as I booted from a Windows 7 ISO. Then when I booted from the virtual HDD, it starts ok and then gives a BSOD. Tried to boot in SAFE mode to remove the drivers but got the BSOD as well. Any tips??

[German]A brief information for readers who occasionally need to transfer a Windows installation to a virtual machine. Microsoft has released the disk2vhd v2.02 tool in the free Sysinternals suite in October 2021. The tool lets you have a Windows installation transferred to a .vhd disk that can then be run with Virtual PC or Hyper-V.

The tool name disk2vhd already outlines the function of the tool: It is used to copy the contents of a logical drive to a virtual disk (.vhd file). These .vhd files can then be loaded into Virtual PC or Hyper-V. The description of disk2vhd states:

Microsoft states that the difference between disk2vhd and other physical to virtual hard disk conversion tools is that the Disk2vhd tool can be run on a system that is online. To do this, Disk2vhd uses Windows' Volume Snapshot feature, introduced in Windows XP, to create consistent point-in-time snapshots of the volumes you want to include in a conversion. You can even make Disk2vhd create the VHDs on local disks, including those that are being converted. However, one should be aware that performance is better if the target VHD is on a different disk than the one being converted.

I've experimented in 2010 and 2011 with disk2vhd, but was facing issues many times during cloning disks to a vhd. I then stopped using the tool. How the situation looks like with the version 2.02 released on October 12, 2021, I can't say. More details about the handling of the tool (it also supports a call via the command prompt) and the restrictions can be found on the Sysinternals page for Disk2vhd.

I ran (because it was still in the back of my mind) the tool disk2vhd.exe within my test bed and got a whole bunch of warning messages like the one shown in the screenshot above. The tool disk2vhd.exe needs various Windows DLL files at runtime, but does not search for them in the Windows folders, but leaves the search to Windows. If a DLL with the same name is found in the folder from which disk2vhd.exe is called, this copy is loaded. Malware just need to drop a a DLL file of the appropriate name in the program directory. Then this DLL gets administrative permissions via the disk2vhd process. Not so optimal if you want to transfer a hard disk to a virtual disk for later virtualization.

A customer asked for help tracking down errors when they tried to use the utility. They were unable to get a snapshot started because it immediately posted a non-descriptive error. With a little sleuth work I found that disk2vhd.exe has quite a bit of trouble as a result of its dependency on the Volume Shadow Copy Service (VSS). Here is how I located and resolved the VSS errors. ff782bc1db

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