Practicalities for registered participants

Regular events of the summer school will take place at Tallinn University, MARE building. Address: Uus-Sadama 5, 10120 Tallinn, Estonia. 

Campus map


The university is located near the Tallinn city center, 1-2 bus stops from downtown.

NB! There will be major roadworks in the area between the university and the city center (new tram lines), so consider walking (15 minutes from downtown) or taking buses to nearby stops L. Koidula (Buses: 1, 8, 29, 34, 35, 38, 44, 51, 60, 63) or Uus-Sadama (Reidi tee) (Buses: 5, 8, 20, 20A, 34, 38, 66).  You can buy individual bus tickets with a credit card on the bus or buy period cards from R-kiosks (the green Ühiskaart). To plan your trips, use (usually the most up-to-date) and/or


During the summer school, we will provide coffee breaks and some lunches during the weekend but during business days, please consider the following nearby lunch places:

University cafeterias (Mo-Fri only)

Other nearby eateries/grocery stores

PANEL BEST PRACTICES (for the presentation day on August 1)

Please keep your presentations to 15 minutes so that there is time for discussion. The moderator will introduce you and, during the presentation, remind you when you have 3 minutes left and 0 minutes left. You may use slides from your computer, but make sure you have an HDMI port or a dongle for it. For each panel, the Q&A will commence after all panelists have presented their papers. The moderator will collect 2-3 questions for individual panelists, followed by another round, and so forth.