Invited Speakers

Afra Alishahi

Afra Alishahi is an Associate Professor at the Department of Cognitive Science and Artificial Intelligence at Tilburg University, Netherlands. Her main research interests are developing computational models for studying the process of human language acquisition, studying the emergence of linguistic structure in grounded models of language learning, and developing tools and techniques for analyzing linguistic representations in neural models of language. She has received a number of research grants including an NWO Aspasia, an NWO Natural Artificial Intelligence and an e-Science Center/NWO grant, and most recently a consortium grant on Interpreting Deep Learning Models for Text and Sound from Dutch National Research Agenda.

Felix Hill

Felix is a Research Scientist at DeepMind where he leads a team focusing on the relationship between natural language and general intelligence. His work combines insights from Cognitive Science, Neuroscience and Linguistics in working towards scientifically and practically useful models of human cognition and behaviour.

Magnus Sahlgren

Magnus Sahlgren, PhD, is Head of Research for Natural Language Understanding at AI Sweden. Sahlgren's research lies at the intersection between computational linguistics, philosophy, and artificial intelligence. He is primarily known for his work on computational models of meaning.