Welcome Back!

8th & 9th Grade Jump Start


Please watch this short introductory video to understand the pre-work for our first meeting. The videos that are part of your pre-work are meant to provide some background information about our network and about improvement science. We look forward to seeing you all!


Agenda for Sept. 17

Aint I a Woman Comp to Essay lesson_QW to Essay revised.pdf

Slides from Sept. 17

These are the slides that Darlene used to take you through the quick write to essay model.


Before we come together on Zoom, please work through the four sections below:

  1. Why Networks for School Improvement?

  • Please watch the two videos and respond to the reflection questions.

  1. What is Continuous Improvement?

  • Please watch the video and respond to the reflection questions.

  1. Putting it Together: What does this Work Look Like in Dallas ISD?

  • Please watch the video and read the two texts and respond to the reflection questions.

  1. Prepare to Engage as a Learner

  • Please read "Ain't I a Woman?" and complete the pre-work section of the task sheet.

You'll be asked to work with and discuss your pre-work during the face-to-face portion of our session, so please have your pre-work prepared before we begin.

  1. Why Networks for School Improvement?

Networks for School Improvement

Please watch both videos from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. After you watched each, please compose a quick write that responds to the following questions:

  1. What did you learn about networks and the work done as part of a network for improvement?

  2. What questions do you have?

2. What is Continuous Improvement?

What is Continuous Improvement?

This video provides a brief overview of continuous improvement, the process we have been engaging in to improve outcomes for our students. After you've watched the video, please compose a quick write in response to the following questions:

  1. What does this video add to your understanding of continuous improvement?

  2. What questions do you have about continuous improvement?

3. Putting it Together: What does the work look like in Dallas ISD?

Networked for Change.pdf
Seeley_IFL Ceremony Speech.pdf

What Does the Work Look Like in Dallas?

Now that you've watched a few videos that provide an overview of Networks for School Improvement and improvemet science, we are going to focus in on the work in Dallas.

Please watch the linked video, the article, "Networked for Change," and the speech given by Darlene Seeley during our first network convening in 2019.

After you have watched the video and read the article and the speech, please compose a quick write in response to the following:

  1. What insights did you gain about the work of our network?

  2. What questions do you have?

4. Prepare to Engage as a Learner

05_Text- Ain't I a Woman.pdf

Ain't I a Woman?

Please read the speech, "Ain't I a Woman?" given by Sojourner Truth and complete the "Before the Session" work on the task sheet.

06_Aint I a Woman Comprehension Task Sheet adapted online_FM

Comprehension TS

Please complete Step 1 of the Task Sheet before we begin the guided portion of our work.

During Session: Guided Learning Work

The documents in this section will be utilized during our face-to-face time on Zoom.

“Ain’t I a Woman?” Comprehension Task

Please click through the link to add a slide for your whole group share.

From Quick Write to Essay_Truth.pdf

Quick Write to Essay Sample Packet

This document follows the model Darlene engaged the group in during our meeting.

Bridge to Practice_2020_09_17.pdf

Bridge to Practice

Calendar Dallas ISDPitt NSI_2020_2021 _rea.pdf

Meeting Calendar

for the 2020-2021 SY