November 5th

Pre-Work Video for November 5th

Agenda 11052020



Please complete Step 1 and Step 2 prior to the start of our Zoom meeting at 6:00. When you join us on Zoom, please edit your screen name, so it shows your name and your school. For example: Tequila Butler, Marsh.

Step 1: Test of Change Reflection

Adapt, Adopt, Abandon

Please watch this video to get a sense of what we mean when we say Adapt, Adopt, Abandon with a test of change.

As a school team, please navigate to Google Slides and work together to add a slide that responds to the following question:

  • Thinking about the work you’ve done from the beginning of the school year, what have you adapted, adopted, or abandoned as you’ve worked to use comprehension tasks with your students?

You might consider linking to any relevant documents (such as task sheets) or including images to help illustrate your test of change.

Reflecting on Tests of Change, 6 & 7

Step 2: Preparing to enage in a comprehension task

Individual reading and annotation

Please read the preface and Chapter 1 of Robust Comprehension Instruction with Questioning the Author: 15 Years Smarter.

Read like this:

  • First read the whole text through to get your head into it.

  • While you read, please annotate the text.

To annotate it, mark or underline or circle sentences with your brief comments or summaries of the ideas that seem important to what the text is mainly about. You can decide which ones really matter after you read and go back to review.

After you have finished reading and annotating the text, please compose a quick write in response to the following questions:

  • What you learn about the role of QtA in the comprehension process? Please be sure to cite evidence from the text.

  • What questions do you have about the information being provided?

Keep your annotated text next to you when you write so that you can use evidence from your annotations when you compose your quick write.

Preface_Beck, McKeown, Sandora.pdf


Chp 1_Beck_McKeown_Sandora.pdf

Chapter 1

Please Post Your Quick Write

Please use the Padlet to post your quick write in response to the questions:

  • What you learn about the role of QtA in the comprehension process?

  • What questions do you have about the information being provided?

The full padlet is available here:


Once you have finished your pre-work, please make sure to sign-in.

Materials for Our Guided Work

Please have your quick write an annotated text next to you when you join the session. You will be using these in our discuss of the preface and chapter 1 of our QtA Book, Robust Comprehension Instruction with Questioning the Author: 15 Years Smarter.

QtA Pair Share

Pair/Small Group Share

Please use the Google Slides to post your pair/small group chart. We will be completing a gallery walk to to view everyone's chart.

Student-Centered Routines

In your school teams, please review the two student-centered routines documents linked below. Work to discuss and take some notes on the following quesitons:

  • What do you notice about the student-centered routines in this task?

  • What is required of you as a teacher to put these routines in place?

  • How do the student-centered routines support Questioning the Author?

  • What might the routines do for student learning?

Student Centered Routines.pdf

Student-Centered Routines Overview

SCR Virtual routines.pdf

Student-Centered Routines Adapted for Online Learning.

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to continue the work with your school improvement team on comprehension tasks.

To complete this bridge to practice, do the following:

  • Begin by working with your improvement team to draft a high-level comprehension task in response to a text.

  • Next, work to draft a task sheet that explains the sequence of routines that students should engage in to be successful with the comprehension task. Consider how your instruction might look as well (will your students need a model? How might that look?).

  • Work with your school improvement team to decide how you’ll study the enactment of the task (will you look at student work? Will you use exit slips?).

  • Finally, use your task with students and then come back together with your improvement team to decide next steps (Adapt, Adopt, Abandon!).

Team Coordinators, we will be checking in together in December, so please be sure you can talk about how the work is going with this test of change.

If you have questions about this work, please feel free to reach out to Sara or your cluster lead.

Exit Ticket