November 19th - 6 & 7

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Pre-Work Video for November 19th

6_7 Agenda_11192020



Please complete each step of the pre-work below. Please be sure that you complete the required pre-work for "After the Hurricane."

Why Comprehension Tasks?

This video was linked as part of the pre-work for our September 24th session. I've linked it here if you did not get a chance to view it or would like to see it again because it is relevant to the work that we are doing today.

Comprehension of "After the Hurricane"

Please complete Step 1 on the linked landing page. The subsequent steps will be completed during our meeting.

This text is from Unit 3 of the DISD 6th grade curriculum.

Please be sure to sign-in

Marterials for Our Guided Work

Please review the Task Analysis Guides for "I Have a Dream" and "Thank You. Ma'm." After you have reviewed each guide, please individually respond to the following questions:

  • What do you notice about the Comprehension tasks for both texts?

  • What makes the Higher-Level Demand questions different from the Lower-Level Demand questions?

  • What do you notice about the questions across the three categories?

Please be prepared to share your thinking with your school team.

03_MLK Tasks_019_1009_FM.pdf

Task Analysis Guide: "I Have A Dream"

TAG TYMa'm_20170531.pdf

Task Analysis Guide: "Thank You, Ma'm"

In your school teams, please use the Google Slides link and work together to create a slide in response to the following questions:

  • How would you describe a high-level comprehension task in your own words?

  • What would it take for you to make a high-level comprehension task work as a first-read within the curriculum?

High-Level Comprehension Tasks

Developing a Comprehension Task

Please use the text and task sheet linked below to create a comprehension task for 7th grade with your school improvement team.

Planning Forward _Comprehension task.pdf

Creating a Comprehension Task

Please work with your school team to move through the steps in the protocol to design a comprehension task.

Allied with Green.pdf

Allied with Green

This text is from Unit 3 week 2 of the DISD 7th grade curriculum. If you know you will not be using "Allied with Green" in Unit 3, please select another text that will support high-level comprehension work.

Planning Resources


General Task Analysis Guide

Template task sheet

Task Sheet Template

You might also reference the task sheet posted at the top of the comprehension task for "After the Hurricane."

SCR Virtual routines.pdf

Student-Centered Routines

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to use a high-level comprehension task during Unit 3 of the curriculum as a Test of Change. For this bridge to practice, we’d like you to adapt the comprehension task sheet for “After the Hurricane” (grade 6) for your class or continue to plan the comprehension task for “Allied with Green” (grade 7).

To complete this bridge to practice, do the following:

  • Continue to work with your improvement team to draft a high-level comprehension task in response to “Allied with Green” or adapt the task sheet for “After the Hurricane” for your students. Use the Planning Forward document to help guide your work.

  • Then, work with your school improvement team to decide how you’ll study the enactment of the task (will you look at student work? Will you use exit slips?).

  • Finally, use your task with students and then come back together with your improvement team to decide next steps (Adapt, Adopt, Abandon!). Remember, the comprehension work should be done during students' first reading of the text.

Please be prepared to share how this work went when we meet together at the end of January.

Team Coordinators, we will be checking in together on December 17th, so please be sure you can talk about how the work is going with this test of change.

If you have questions about this work, please feel free to reach out to Sara or your cluster lead.

Exit Ticket