January 21st

Agenda 01212021



Please work with your school team to complete a slide or two about the test of change work happening in your school. Please also share what you have adapted, adopted or abandoned.

Please change your name on Zoom to include your school (ex. IFL - Sara DeMartino)

January 21 Reflection

Google Slides Reflection on Test of Change

Please use this link to create your slide.


Please be sure to sign-in

Resources for our Session Work

During our time together, you will reflect on a success that you've had with a test of change. You'll be asked to share that success with your school team and then work together to begin to develop a plan for using what you've learned to create conditions for future success.

Bright Spot protocol revised_final

Resource: Success Analysis Protocol

Please work through this protocol individually and as a school team.

Sharing Your Success Plan

Please use the linked Google Slides deck to share

  • the list of factors that contributed to your team's successes. What conditions, attitudes, actions, underlying principles, etc. made the successes possible? Any surprises?

  • what are some doable next steps for your test of change work?

IFL Presentation

Crystal Newman's Slides

Bridge to Practice

The purpose of this bridge to practice is for you to continue to use a high-level comprehension task, a quick write to essay task, or an analysis task as a Test of Change.

To complete this bridge to practice, do the following:

  • Continue to work with your improvement team to draft a high-level task in response to the next text that you'll be working with in the curriculum. If you need support working as a team to plan the task, this document might serve as a useful resource. Remember, even if you are planning for an analysis task, you should still begin with comprehension.

  • Then, work with your school improvement team to decide how you’ll study the enactment of the task (will you look at student work? Will you use exit slips?).

  • Finally, use your task with students and then come back together with your improvement team to decide next steps (Adapt, Adopt, Abandon!).

Please be prepared to share how this work went when we meet together at the end of January.

Team Coordinators

We will be checking in together on February 18th. Before that time, please work with your school team to reflect on the success analysis work that you did today and discuss the following questions:

  1. What do you need from your principals to continue to move the improvement work forward?

  2. What do you need from the district to continue to move the improvement work forward?

  3. What do you need from the IFL to continue to move the improvement work forward?

We will discuss these questions in Februrary, so please make sure you have a change to get input and feedback from your school team memebers before we meet. If you have questions about this work, please feel free to reach out to Sara or your cluster lead.

Exit Ticket